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Castelritaldi (Perugia province)

A town of central Umbria: 42°49.5N, 12°40.3E. Altitude: 297 m. Population in 2003: 3100.

[A view of the lower part of the street front of a medieval stone building, for the most part occupied by a covered arcade of three arches of slightly different sizes; towards the right, the building merges into an arched towered gate. It is a very partial view of the church of S. Marina in Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]

The loggia of the church of S. Marina serves as a scenic backdrop for this old well.

Castel Ritaldi (as with most names of this type, the placename is correctly spelled in either one word or two) is a small town, a prosperous agricultural center rather than a tourist destination, in the northern part of the Spoleto district of central Umbria, about 13 km north of Spoleto, 8 km west of Campello, 8 km southwest of Trevi and 9 km southeast of Monte­falco.

[A detail of some particularly vivid medieval high-relief sculpture on the archivolt of a small door, depicting a stylized lion cub with a grapevine issuing from its mouth, in which he also entwines his tail. Inscribed 'Catulus leoni', the carving is on the façade of the church of Pieve S. Gregorio near Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]

The churches of Castelritaldi are interesting: the parish church of S. Marina, with paintings by Umbrian artists, among whom Tiberio d'Assisi; S. Nicola, with an attractive late‑15c door and frescoes of the school of Lo Spagna; the odd fortresslike early‑16c brick sanctuary of the Madonna at La Bruna but most especially, a short way out of town to the north, the magnificent Romanesque carving of Pieve S. Gregorio. For now, my subsite is only a bit more than a sampler — but I have a good set of photos, of the Pieve in particular, and expect to expand it.

[ 12/25/05: 3 pages, 8 photos ]


Like most of the comuni in Italy, Castelritaldi includes in its territory some smaller towns and hamlets, of a few hundred inhabitants if that, with a certain administrative identity of their own: as elsewhere in Italy, these are referred to as the frazioni of the comune (singular: frazione, literally a "fraction"): a complete list of them follows. I've only been to La Bruna myself, as part of a long walk in the area: any other links will be offsite.

Castel S. Giovanni • Colle del Marchese • La Bruna (not to be confused with another town by the same name in the comune of Perugia) • Mercatello • Torregrosso

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