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Citerna (Perugia province)

A town of northern Umbria: 43°29.8N, 12°7E. Altitude: 480 m. 2003 population: 3200.

[image ALT: A somewhat ruined brick and stone fortress, not much larger than a house, under some pine trees. It is the rocca of Citerna, Umbria (central Italy).]

The Rocca of Citerna, at the top of the attractive pine-shaded town.

Citerna is a peaceful village at the western edge of Umbria, about 1 km from the Tuscan border, between Città di Castello (15 km by road) and Arezzo (27 km). It is about 8 km SE of Anghiari and 12 km SW of S. Giustino.

According to the guidebooks, the town's main sight is the early 14c church of S. Francesco, radically altered in the Renaissance style in 1508. It contains several fairly important paintings of that later period, mostly by Nicolò Pomarancio and Raffaellino del Colle, as well as a Madonna attributed to Luca Signorelli; but also an early medieval painted wooden crucifix of uncertain date.

The church of S. Michele Arcangelo contains a Crucifixion also by Pomarancio.

In fact, Citerna is much more than one or two of its churches, and the guidebooks do not by any means do the place justice. A proper website will therefore eventually appear here, since I've been to Citerna and walked some of the roads around it, including the interesting and hospitable town of Pistrino, which is part of the comune. In the meanwhile, you should find the Aug. 19 and 21, 2000 entries of my diary useful; see also the websites linked in the navigation bar at the bottom of this page.


Most of the comuni in Umbria include in their territories some smaller towns and hamlets, usually of a few hundred inhabitants if that, with a certain administrative identity of their own: as elsewhere in Italy, these are referred to as the frazioni of the comune (singular: frazione, literally a "fraction")

In the case of Citerna, there are only two, of which Pistrino is actually larger than the capoluogo or principal town: that I know of, this only occurs twice in the 92 comuni of Umbria. At any rate, I spent some time in Pistrino, liked it, photographed it, and have a larger site on it than on many full comuni; Fighille on the other hand I haven't been to yet: any link will be offsite.

Fighille • Pistrino

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Page updated: 4 Dec 17
