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An article from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica, now in the public domain.
Any color photos are mine, © William P. Thayer.

Vol. XI

Fulginiae, (mod. Foligno), an ancient town of Umbria, Italy, on the later line of the Via Flaminia, 15 m. S of Nuceria. It appears to have been of comparatively late origin, inasmuch as it had no city walls, but, in imperial times especially, owing to its position on the new line of the Via Flaminia, it must have increased in importance as being the point of departure of roads to Perusia and to Picenum over the pass of Plestia. It appears to have had an amphitheatre, and three bridges over the Topino are attributed to the Roman period. Three miles to the N lies the independent community of Forum Flaminii, the site of which is marked by the church of S. Giovanni Profiamma, at or near which the newer line of the Via Flaminia rejoined the older. It was no doubt founded by the builder of the road, C. Flaminius, consul in 220 B.C. (See Foligno and Flaminia, Via.)

[T. As.]

Thayer's Note:

a Fulginiae: This is the usual form, supported by the usual reading Fulginiates for the inhabitants in Pliny, N. H. 3. Less frequently seen: Fulginium — which can be supported by the fact that the modern Italian name for the town is Foligno rather than *Foligna: I suspect it's a later form.

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Page updated: 18 Nov 17
