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Bastardo (PG):
Church of S. Francesco

[image ALT: missingALT. It is a view of the church of S. Francesco in Bastardo, Umbria (central Italy).]

Well proportioned, this 19c or early‑20c brick church looks much larger than it is, from the front at least.

This is not the parish church of Bastardo, which is a rather large place with several thousand inhabitants; rather, S. Francesco sits all by its lonesome at the edge of a road heading out of town towards Bevagna or Ponte di Ferro, and most of the locals I quizzed about it just called it the chiesetta, or 'little church'.

[image ALT: A low rather nondescript building by the side of a small road, with a tall thin belfry. It is a view of the church of S. Francesco in Bastardo, Umbria (central Italy).]
[image ALT: missingALT. It is a view of the church of S. Francesco in Bastardo, Umbria (central Italy).]
Two very different views provide a better sense of the church's true size.

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[image ALT: Valid HTML 4.01.]

Page updated: 21 Aug 04
