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S. Angelo Sconcolo:
An Elegant Example of Romanesque in Rural Umbria

[image ALT: The back of a small stone building, taken up mostly by a low cylindrical mass divided into three vertical sections by engaged columns connected by arcading. The building sits on the top of a mound about two or three meters high. It is a view of the apse of the church of S. Angelo Sconcolo in Collesecco, Umbria (central Italy).]

Blind arcading marks the apse of S. Angelo.

[image ALT: A small house-like stone building with a gently sloping roof, a chimney and a 3‑arched window. The building is surrounded by trees and brambles. It is the church of S. Angelo Sconcolo in Collesecco, Umbria (central Italy).]

[ 1 page, 5 photos ]

From the outside, Sant' Angelo doesn't look much like a church, at least not from most angles, including from the nearby road: if you're whizzing by it in a car, you'll only see another farmhouse. But there are always rewards for the careful visitor; this is one of those places where it pays to get out of that car.

[image ALT: The somewhat decrepit plastered interior of a small building with an arch in the background and large wine casks in the foreground. It is a view of the church of S. Angelo Sconcolo in Collesecco, Umbria (central Italy).]

[ 1 page, 1 photo ]

The interior of the church is not in the best of shape; I hope that eventually it will be restored.

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Site updated: 8 Jan 07
