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The Church of SS. Filippo e Giacomo

in Montecastello di Vibio

[image ALT: A small piazza with an extensive view over farmland and distant hills; on the left, half the photo is taken up by the façade of a large 2‑story stone church with brick or terracotta copings, with three doors and a somewhat too large semicircular window above the central one; the whole capped by a small triangular pediment. It is a view of the church of SS. Filippo e Giacomo in Montecastello di Vibio, Umbria (central Italy).]

For a much better picture of the view from here, see my diary.

The pair of inscriptions over the side doors will tell us the story of this 19c church:

[image ALT: An inscription on a stone plaque, edged with terracotta, on the façade of the church of SS. Filippo e Giacomo in Montecastello di Vibio, Umbria (central Italy). The text inscription is given and translated on this webpage.]

Pio XI Pontifici Maximo, Victorio Emmanuele Italorum Rege, Petro Gasparrio S. R. E. Card. a Publicis Negotiis, Benito Mussolinio Duce, quod longum aerumnosumque dissidium inter Sedem Apostolicam et Regnum tandem compositum esset incolae perillustris terrae Montis Castri Vibii tertio ineunte saeculo a manifestatione imaginis Beatissimae V. Mariae a Portentis nuncupatae ex auctoritate consensuque Aloysii Zaffarami episcopi nostri extraordinariis solemnibus indictis templi frontem reficiendam exornandamque curarunt ut pietatis suae erga coelorum dominam tantae faustitatis auspicem posteris monumentum extaret A.D. MDCCCCXXXII Fascigerorum X.

When Pius XI was Supreme Pontiff, Vittorio Emanuele King of the Italians, Pietro Gasparri Cardinal for Public Affairs, and Benito Mussolini Duce, a long and unhappy dissension between the Apostolic See and the Kingdom having been resolved, the inhabitants of this celebrated territory of Montecastello di Vibio, at the beginning of the third century since the manifestation of the image of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary called "a Portentis", by the authority and with the consent of Luigi Zaffarami ourº bishop, took care to restore and adorn the façade of this church, with the most extraordinary solemnity, in order that there should abide a monument to their devotion to the Queen of Heaven, who vouchsafes so many blessings · A.D. 1932, in Year 10 of the Bearers of the Fasces.

[image ALT: An inscription on a stone plaque, edged with terracotta, on the façade of the church of SS. Filippo e Giacomo in Montecastello di Vibio, Umbria (central Italy). The text inscription is given and translated on this webpage.]

Quod faustum fortunatumque sit. Aedem piarum sodalitatum aere et vel plurimum Pii IX pontificis maximi erectam quam Nicolaus Rossius episcopus Tudertinorum rite expiatam imagine prodigiali Beatae Mariae Virginis a Portentis ex agro Vinello secundum cleri populique universi vota solemni pompa huc illata Philippo et Jacobo Apostolis tutelaribus dedicaverat VIII Idus Aprilis MDCCCLI Senatus PopulusQue Montis Castelli nova fronte exornarunt cuius rei memoriam marmori consignandam censuerunt A.D. MDCCCCXXXII Fascigerorum X.

Blessings and Felicity. This church having been built in the reign of Pius IX Supreme Pontiff with the funds of pious associations and others, and consecrated in due form by Nicola Rossi, Bishop of the people of Todi, and the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "a Portentis" having been brought to it from the district of Vinello in accordance with the unanimous desire of the clergy and people, he dedicated it [the church] to patron saints Apostles Philip and James on April 6, 1851. The Senate and People of Montecastello have adorned it with a new façade, and deemed it worthy of consigning the memory of these events to marble · A.D. 1932, in Year 10 of the Bearers of the Fasces.

[image ALT: A round-arched stone niche flanked on either side by a statue of a man striking a classical pose. It is a close-up of the central niche over the main altar in the Church of SS. Filippo e Giacomo in Montecastello di Vibio, Umbria (central Italy).]

[ 1 page, 4 photos ]

The interior of the church frames the Vinello image in neoclassical style.

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Page updated: 2 Nov 21
