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mail: Bill Thayer 
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The Madonnella di Ponte Spiano

[image ALT: missingALT. It is the church of The Madonnella di Ponte Spiano in Sigillo, Umbria (central Italy).]

We're standing about 50 m west of the Ponte Spiano, a Roman bridge on the northern outskirts of Sigillo, at the foot of Mt. Cucco — caves, hang-gliding, and tremendous views of northeastern Umbria and the western Marche — the first slopes of which you see here, to the E of us. Behind the chapel, the valley of the Chiascio, narrowing northward back to its source: one of the prettiest little pockets of Umbria — another photo — yet for some reason barely visited; the inhabitants have the valley all to themselves.

And sure enough, attracted though I am to small things, this tiny chapel wouldn't have made it into my photo collection if it hadn't been for the setting. The chapel itself was "rebuilt" in 1971; the interior is quite bare, but must surely once have housed a painting of the Madonna, else whence the name? (Se sei della zona e/o hai delle informazioni sulla chiesetta, scrivimi per favore!)

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Page updated: 3 Nov 10
