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mail: Bill Thayer 
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Churches of Todi

[image ALT: A square building, about twice as tall as its side, with a central dome occupying almost the entire square; beneath the dome, a nearly cubical space with four semicircular domed apses, only two of which can be seen, of course. We see it from above, at an angle of about 15 degrees, the lower part somewhat obscured by pine trees; behind it a wide landscape of mostly plowed fields, with a low transverse mostly forested ridge in the midground, and the fields behind it gradually rising to distant mountains. It is the church of S. Maria della Consolazione, in Todi (Umbria).]
S. Maria della Consolazione

[image ALT: missingALT.]
Duomo S. Maria Annunziata

[image ALT: missingALT. It is the church of S. Benedetto, in Todi (Umbria).]
S. Fortunato

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of S. Eligio, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Eligio

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of S. Giuseppe, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Giuseppe

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of S. Ilario, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Ilario

[image ALT: The upper part of the door to the church of the Madonna del Campione, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy). It is of stone, in the style of the sixteenth century, and is crowned by a simple broken pediment, the central item of which is a square block of stone carved with a sun-and-IHS symbol. The whole is surmounted by a Latin cross on three stylized round-topped mountains, these latter of the type very commonly seen thruout Italy.]
Madonna del Campione

1 page, 4 photos

[image ALT: A wooden statue of the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus, rather hieratically seated on her arm. It is the Madonna known as the Sedes Sapientiae in the church of S. Maria in Camuccia, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Maria in Camuccia

2 pages, 7 photos

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of S. Prassede, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Prassede

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of S. Silvestro, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Silvestro

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of SS. Annunziata, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
SS. Annunziata

[image ALT: missingALT. It is zzz of the church of SS. Crocifisso, in Todi, Umbria (central Italy).]
SS. Crocifisso

Outlying Churches

[image ALT: The painted head of an angel. It is part of a 16c fresco representing St. Michael in the church of Cecanibbi, Umbria (central Italy).]

[image ALT: A small two-story rustic rectangular church of old flint-like stone on a windswept ridge]

[image ALT: apse of a stone church with cruciform window]

[image ALT: missingALT]

[image ALT: missingALT]
Pian S. Martino

[image ALT: missingALT]

You should not get the idea this sampler shows all, or even most, of the churches in Todi and the surrounding territory of the comune: they must number at least eight times as many, well over a hundred. The most important churches missing in my sampler, usually because I haven't seen them myself: S. Nicolò de Criptis, built in the cavea of Todi's Roman amphitheater; and out of town, S. Damiano (about 8 km NE), the pilgrim shrine of Colvalenza (13 km SE), S. Valentino de Arcis (3 km S), and S. Sisto (5 km SW).

More to the point, a page of pretty pictures, despite what one sees out there, doesn't make a website, and this orientation page is therefore just a placeholder: the gentle reader can expect to see the above links gradually replaced by links to full pages with actual information (and more photos, of course).

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Site updated: 30 Oct 17
