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Churches of Umbria

[A small two‑story rustic rectangular church of old flint-like stone on a windswept ridge. It is the church of S. Arnaldo near Figareto, in Umbria (central Italy).]

Near Figareto (comune of Todi): S. Arnaldo

This orientation page links, directly or indirectly, to several hundred churches thruout the region. If this just has the effect of making you feel lost — for example, if you're planning a first trip to Umbria and are wondering what to see — you should see my "Top 30": the Essential Churches of Umbria.

[An arcaded church against a backdrop of mountains. It is the 14th‑century church of la Madonna Bianca at Ancarano near Norcia in eastern Umbria (central Italy).]
Ancarano: la Madonna Bianca

[A wall painting depicting a naked baby on a small heap of straw on the ground, with to our right, an old man, looking very tired, seated on a chest and leaning on a staff; to our left, a young woman, kneeling, in a long mantle, with behind her three shepherds, also kneeling. In the background, à straggling procession of half a dozen horses and people on foot, winding their way thru an idealized rural landscape; and above, four flying angels singing from sheet music. It is a fresco of the Nativity in the church of S. Maria Assunta, at Arrone in eastern Umbria (central Italy), and serves as the icon for my subsite on the churches of Arrone.]

3/28/14 — 6 churches: 2 pages, 7 photos

[The hub of a 12‑spoke stone wheel, in the center of which a kneeling angel. It is the central rose of the three on the façade of the cathedral church of S. Rufino in Assisi, Umbria (central Italy).]

2/22/07 — 14 churches: 8 pages, 26 photos

[A carving of an angel holding a book in one hand and with the other, thrusting a lance thru the mouth of a dragon. It is a detail of the Romanesque door of S. Michele in Bevagna, Umbria (central Italy).]

1/20/07 — 15 churches: 7 pages, 33 photos

[The large and elaborate 16‑column Gothic tracery rose on the upper story of the façade of the church of Lugnano in Teverina; it is flanked by two thin bifora windows.]
Lugnano in Teverina

3/6/07 — 4 churches: 1 page, 6 photos

[The very large and elaborate Gothic tracery rose of the cathedral of Orvieto.]

12/25/02 — 1 church: 12 pages, 12 photos

[A low round building of mixed brick and stone, with a Gothic-arched door, and an equally low inset octagonal story with three round-arched windows on this side, the cupola surmounted by a small lantern with a cross; to the rear on the left side, hidden in a group of cypresses, a two‑story square belfry: the church is set in a park. It is a view of the church of S. Angelo in Perugia, Umbria (central Italy).]

11/16/07 — 22 churches: 4 pages, 27 photos

[Stone carving of what appears to be a woman wrestling with a lion: it is in fact Samson with his long hair!]
Pieve S. Gregorio

5/31/03 — 1 church: 1 page, 3 photos

[A compound of medieval stone buildings in a narrow wooded valley. It is the abbey of S. Emiliano in Congiuntoli, near Perticano in Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Emiliano in Congiuntoli

1 page, 1 (different) photo

[A compound of medieval stone buildings in a narrow wooded valley. It is the abbey of S. Eutizio, near Preci in Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Eutizio di Preci

11/4/01 — 1 church: 1 page, 1 photo

[The elegant stone façade of a Romanesque church, with a pediment and a rose. It is the church of S. Felice di Narco in Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Felice di Narco

5/13/02 — 1 church: 1 page, 1 photo

[A compound of buildings in a wooded valley: you can identify a 5‑story square belfry and a cloister. It is the abbey of S. Pietro in Valle, near Ferentillo, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Pietro in Valle

[The austere façade, including a few bits of broken stone sculpture, of an isolated stone church with a small open belfry.]

2/21/07 — 24 churches: 26 pages, 83 photos


2/21/07 — 15 churches: 12 pages, 60 photos

[The apse of the cathedral of Todi: a rounded structure of small stone masonry with blind elegant arcading and a couple dozen corbels carved with grotesque figures, monster, birds, etc.]

3/31/09 — 18 churches: 4 pages, 27 photos


9/4/16 — 11 churches:
9 pages, 31 photos


1/19/07 — 3 churches:
2 pages, 10 photos

[The elaborately carved Gothic lunette over the entrance door to the church of S. Agostino in Amelia, Umbria (central Italy).]

2/16/07 — 6 churches:
3 pages, 12 photos



Bastia Umbra

[A modern stone church. It is the church of the Madonna del Ponte in Bettona, Umbria (central Italy).]

2/13/04 — 1 church:
1 page, 1 photo

[Apse of a stone church with cruciform window]
Calvi dell' Umbria

[Apse of a stone church with cruciform window]
Campello sul Clitunno

[A wheat field with a tall block of buildings behind it, out of which two belfries protrude. It is a view of Cannara, Umbria (central Italy).]

7/30/05 — 9 churches:
5 pages, 21 photos

[A small room with a plastered low ogival-vaulted ceiling. The main object in which is a stone table with a lace cloth — an altar; the wall behind it is not plastered, and the fabric of the building can be seen: heavily mortared irregular stone masonry. A few small paintings hang on the wall, for example a book-sized reproduction of the icon of the Trinity by Rublev. It is the main space in the church of S. Procolo at Avendita di Cascia, Umbria (central Italy).]

4/6/08 — 2 churches:
2 pages, 3 photos

[A detail of some particularly vivid medieval high-relief sculpture on the archivolt of a small door, depicting a stylized lion cub with a grapevine issuing from its mouth, in which he also entwines his tail. Inscribed 'Catulus leoni', the carving is on the façade of the church of Pieve S. Gregorio near Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]

12/25/05 — 4 churches:
3 pages, 8 photos

[The tiled cupola of a church belfry. It is a detail of a church at Castelviscardo, in Umbria (central Italy).]

Cerreto di Spoleto

6/9/05 — 10 churches:
10 pages, 38 photos


[A fresco of a pelican wounding herself with her beak — several drops of blood can be seen — to feed her brood of three. It is a small detail of a fresco in the oratorio of S. Bartolomeo in Città della Pieve, Umbria (central Italy).]
Città della Pieve

1/3/07 — 8 churches:
4 pages, 18 photos

Città di Castello

1/23/07 — 15 churches:
6 pages, 39 photos

[A woman in a long mantle, seated, holding a baby on her right knee; she is flanked by two angels. It is the central portion of a fresco of the Madonna and Child in the church of the Madonna di Buon Consiglio in Collepepe, Umbria (central Italy).]

1/24/07 — 5 churches:
1 page, 6 photos


1/20/07 — 3 churches:
2 pages, 6 photos



7/6/23 — 4 churches:
2 pages, 4 photos

[The ceramic pediment of a door. It is a detail of a church at Fabro, in Umbria (central Italy).]

[A large room vaulted with three successive ogival arches, ending in three cul-de‑four niches, of which the central one is taller and contains a small altar table. It is a general view of the interior of the church of S. Maria Vecchia in Ficulle, Umbria (central Italy).]

1/19/07 — 5 churches:
7 pages, 24 photos

[A grinning lion crouching in some acanthus leaves. It is a detail of the sculpture on the front door of the church of S. Domenico in Foligno (Umbria).]

28 May 23 — 22 churches:
11 pages, 46 photos

[MissingALT (Umbria).]
Fossato di Vico

6/3/09 — 8 churches:
2 pages, 11 photos

[MissingALT (Umbria).]
Giano dell' Umbria

8/21/04 — 10 churches:
17 pages, 74 photos

[The upper part of a large church with two towers. It is a detail of a church at Giove, in Umbria (central Italy).]

[A stone sculpture depicting the Paschal Lamb in the usual manner: a lamb carrying a cross-tipped staff. Beneath it, a one-line inscription in uncial letters, the text of which is given and translated in this webpage. It is a fragment of medieval sculpture on the façade of the church of SS. Antonio e Antonino in Gualdo Cattaneo, Umbria (central Italy).]
Gualdo Cattaneo

7/17/11 — 9 churches:
8 pages, 23 photos

Gualdo Tadino

5/27/09 — 8 churches:
3 pages, 9 photos

[A large stone church with an octagonal tower]

2/22/07 — 7 churches:
3 pages, 11 photos


9/1/05 — 3 churches:
2 pages, 5 photos


1/20/07 — 3 churches:
1 page, 4 photos

[A large stone church with an octagonal tower]
Massa Martana

3/6/11 — 10 churches:
8 pages, 46 photos

Monte­castello di Vibio

1/21/07 — 4 churches:
3 pages, 10 photos


7/5/05 — 1 church:
1 page, 1 photo

[A painting of a group of seven angels in stylized dramatic postures against a blank background. It is a small detail of a fresco of the Coronation of the Virgin in the church of S. Agostino in Montefalco, Umbria (central Italy).]

7/14/11 — 11 churches:
4 pages, 25 photos

[A small gilt wood or plaster statue of a cherub in a long robe playing a flute. It is an angel musician in the church of the Madonna delle Grazie in Montegabbione, Umbria (central Italy).]

1/24/07 — 2 churches:
1 page, 3 photos

[MissingALT. It is the interior of the church of S. Antonio in Monteleone d'Orvieto, Umbria (central Italy).]
Monte­leone d'Orvieto

2/22/24 — 4 churches:
2 pages, 5 photos

[MissingALT in Monteleone di Spoleto, Umbria (central Italy).]
Monte­leone di Spoleto

12/6/07 — 7 churches:
3 pages, 18 photos

Monte S. Maria Tiberina

1/20/07 — 2 churches:
1 page, 3 photos

[An ornate composite stone capital of the Renaissance period. It is a detail of the cloister of S. Francesco in Montone, Umbria (central Italy).]

10/11/10 — 6 churches:
2 pages, 8 photos

[The head of an angel carved in stone, in low relief. It is a detail of the pulpit of the cathedral of Narni, Umbria (central Italy).]

5/14/05 — 4 churches:
1 page, 5 photos


4/6/08 — 18 churches:
5 pages, 27 photos


4/4/08 — 3 churches:
5 pages, 24 photos






1/21/07 — 4 churches:
1 page, 5 photos



7/18/04 — 2 churches:
3 pages, 9 photos


6/6/05 — 3 churches:
2 pages, 7 photos


1/20/07 — 2 churches:
1 page, 3 photos


S. Anatolia di Narco

San Gemini

2/24/07 — 6 churches:
1 page, 7 photos

[Fresco of a haloed saint holding a flaming Communion host; the saint's face has been almost surgically removed, and only bare plaster remains.]
S. Simeone di Stroncone

5/31/00 — 1 church:
2 pages, 7 photos

S. Vito al Trasimeno

San Venanzo

12/21/09 — 3 churches:
4 pages, 10 photos

Scheggia e Pascelupo

11/4/10 — 4 churches:
2 pages, 8 photos


3/2/08 — 3 churches:
2 pages, 4 photos


11/3/10 — 1 church:
1 page, 1 photo


6/2/09 — 10 churches:
5 pages, 25 photos


7/6/23 — 4 churches:
1 page, 5 photos


12/25/06 — 21 churches:
28 pages, 65 photos

Tuoro sul Trasimeno


9/5/16 — 16 churches:
12 pages, 75 photos


7/30/04 — 4 churches:
10 pages, 27 photos

Wayside Shrines

[Against a backdrop of meadow and rocky hill, a stone house, about one meter wide and one and a half meters tall, on a proportionate stone base; in front of it, a vase of flowers and several planters of herbs. It is a roadside shrine, or madonnina, at the entrance to the hamlet of Castagnola, Umbria (central Italy).]
Edicole of Umbria

40 edicole in 19 pages

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Site updated: 22 Feb 24
