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Wayside Shrines of Umbria

[image ALT: A thin trilobated Latin cross, of wood, in a small plastered niche, with a vase of flowers beneath it. It is a detail of a wayside shrine in Pilone di Bevagna, Umbria (central Italy).]

3/3/07 — 3 edicole

[image ALT: By the side of a one-lane road, barely seen framing the photo to our left, and slightly shaded by a small tree, a stuccoed brick building, the size of a very small pantry, about two and a half meters high and roofed with a symmetrical tile roof, the sides sloping at about 10 degrees. Behind it a flat field, fallow for the moment. The stucco is spalling here and there. It is completely open on one side, and thus forms a sort of wide door, only partly blocked by an elegant stone balustrade about 45 cm high, with two colonnettes on either side, and the space between the sides allowing access to the interior of the hut, in which an altar is ranged against the back wall, spread with a fresh cotton or linen cloth. In the wall above the altar table is a painting of the Virgin and Child. It is an 18c roadside shrine, or madonnina, a few hundred meters from Cannara, Umbria (central Italy).]

2/18/13 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: The head of a veiled, crowned and haloed woman. She is the Virgin Mary, and it is a detail of a roadside shrine, or madonnina, in Castagnola, Umbria (central Italy).]

7/31/05 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A small tile-roofed stone building, not quite the size of a garage, consisting of a tiny room closed off my a grillwork gate and preceded by a somewhat larger arched porch. The peak of the roof is surmounted by a plain metal cross. It is a Marian shrine in Cortigno, Umbria (central Italy).]

9/1/00 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A niche, about 30 cm square, made by recessing thin bricks into a roughly stuccoed wall. The back wall of the niche is a majolica relief carving of a woman wearing a long mantle and holding it open for a number of smaller human figures who huddle under it. On the ledge in front of it, a small clay pot with a few fresh flowers. It is a wayside shrine of the Madonna della Misericordia in Costacciaro, Umbria (central Italy).]

11/19/98 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: An oval painting of the Virgin Mary, framed in an easily opened glass case, in which two vases of fresh flowers are also seen. The case is flanked by two brick pilasters. It is a detail of a madonnina at Fiamenga, Umbria (central Italy).]
2/22/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A more or less square plaque of Derutaware majolica, depicting the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus. It is about 40 cm on a side, in a frame imitating the rocks of a grotto. It is a detail of a madonnina at Foligno, Umbria (central Italy).]
2/22/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: The head of a veiled, crowned and haloed woman. She is the Virgin Mary, and it is a detail of a roadside shrine, or madonnina, in Castagnola, Umbria (central Italy).]
Giano dell' Umbria

2/17/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A shallow niche in the shape of a circular arch, in a brick and stucco wall; it contains a colorful square plaque, and on the narrow shelf in front of it we see a small vase with fresh flowers. It is a madonnina at Gioiello, Umbria (central Italy).]
2/22/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A stone or concrete shrine (it is in fact concrete) in the form of a domed tempietto, about 3 meters tall and a meter and a half wide, partly obscured in an olive grove. It is a memorial shrine to Ancilla Antonini near Gualdo Cattaneo, Umbria (central Italy).]
Gualdo Cattaneo

2/17/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A more or less square plaque of ceramic, depicting the Virgin Mary, crowned, holding the Baby Jesus. It is about 40 cm on a side, inset in a roughly stuccoed wall. It is a madonnina at Gualdo Tadino, Umbria (central Italy).]
Gualdo Tadino
2/22/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A detail of a bronze bas-relief sculpture representing a haloed man embra­cing a wolf. It is part of a monument to St. Francis and the Wolf in Gubbio, Umbria (central Italy).]

7/31/05 — 1 edicolaº

[image ALT: In an olive grove, a sort of cairn of piled stones, about 75 cm high, supporting a wooden house not quite a meter tall, with a two-sloped roof and open sides, in which a statue of the Virgin Mary. It is a wayside shrine or madonnina in a field N of Missiano, Umbria (central Italy).]

10/2/00 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A more or less square plaque of Derutaware majolica, depicting the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus. It is about 30 cm on a side, slightly recessed in a brick frame, set into a wall of mixed brick and stone masonry. It is a detail of a madonnina at Montecastello di Vibio, Umbria (central Italy).]
Montecastello di Vibio
9/26/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A more or less square plaque of Derutaware majolica, depicting the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus. It is about 30 cm on a side, slightly recessed in a brick frame, set into a stone wall of mixed brick and stone masonry. It is a madonnina at Montecastrilli, Umbria (central Italy).]
9/5/16 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A free-standing plastered structure, about 2 meters tall and 1 meter wide, against a backdrop of olive groves. It contains an arched recess, about 50 cm wide and 80 cm tall, the back wall of which is painted, and it is protected by a small symmetrically sloping tiled roof. It is a madonnina, or wayside shrine to the Virgin Mary, near Montefalco, Umbria (central Italy).]

2/20/07 — 3 edicole

[image ALT: A cubical stone building, about 2 meters on a side, on a two-tiered base of stone masonry nearly doubling the height of the whole. It sits on a street corner, attached to adjacent buildings, and thus presents only two sides, each consisting of an arch occupying most of the side's width. It is the Edicola in Norcia, Umbria (central Italy).]

6/13/99 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A modern statue of the Virgin Mary, standing atop a column; it is encased in a glass or Plexiglas shelter and is situated in a small garden plot. It is a partial view of a madonnina at Otricoli, Umbria (central Italy).]
2/17/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: The upper part of a stuccoed structure 1.5 meters wide, capped by a pediment, just below which a small stone plaque bearing the date 1480. It is a detail of a wayside shrine in Montecorona, Umbria (central Italy).]
Palazzo Rosa

5/29/23 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A modern shrine, a little over one meter on a side, of brick with a tile image of St. Francis preaching to the birds, with a projecting sloping tiled roof to keep off the rain. The shrine is in a beautiful small enclosure with a young oak to the left and three young cypresses to the right. It is a frontal view of the Franciscan shrine at Pian d'Arca near Cannara, Umbria (central Italy).]
Pian d'Arca

12/29/06 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A niche in a large vertical plastered wall, containing a plaster statue of a robed woman standing on a stylized crescent moon: the niche is glassed in and the glass further dovered by wrought iron grillwork; it is flanked by a pair of very thin columns supporting a pediment. To the right, a majolica plaque on the wall, with an inscription given below on this page. It is a shrine to the Virgin Mary in Pierantonio, Umbria (central Italy).]

7/30/05 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A stone sculpture, about 30 cm tall, of the bust of a woman, with her arms crossed in an attitude of prayer. It is a madonnina, or wayside shrine to the Virgin Mary, in Poggio Lavarino, Umbria (central Italy).]
Poggio Lavarino

2/23/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A free-standing house-shaped structure about 1 meter tall, consisting of an arched niche and a symmetrical sloping tile roof; the sides of the structure slope about 10° in towards the top. The niche protects a small rectangular tile depiction of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus. A lamp hangs above it from the vault of the niche, and two others one on either side of the plaque. On the narrow ledge forming the bottom of the niche, two votive lamps and two vases of fresh flowers. It is a wayside shrine at Raggio, near Massa Martana, Umbria (central Italy).]

2/23/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A painting of a robed woman, crowned with a large crown. It is a close‑up view of a madonnina, or wayside shrine depicting the Virgin Mary, in S. Giovanni del Pantano, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Giovanni del Pantano

11/15/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A painting of a robed woman, crowned with a large crown. It is a close‑up view of a madonnina, or wayside shrine depicting the Virgin Mary, in S. Martino in Campo, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Martino in Campo

3/20/07 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A close‑up view of a tile plaque depicting a woman wearing a tall crown and holding a naked baby in a rather awkward position, meant for us to see him clearly. It is a detail of a wayside shrine in S. Pellegrino di Gualdo, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Pellegrino di Gualdo

5/27/09 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: A shallow niche, shaped like a square with a pointed gable, in an ivy-covered wall; it contains a colorful square plaque, and on the narrow shelf in front of it we see a small vase with fresh roses. It is a wayside shrine in Torregentile, Umbria (central Italy).]
5/24/12 — 1 edicola

[image ALT: The upper part of a diminutive plastered building with a deep semicircular arched recess and a pitched roof. It is an edicola, or wayside shrine, in Trevi, Umbria (central Italy).]

3/25/16 — 9 edicole

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Site updated: 30 May 23
