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Churches of Mendrisio

[image ALT: A small wall-painting of a haloed woman holding a baby standing on her lap, against a curtained backdrop. The painting is protected by a sort of window of six panes, and a pot of flowers sits on a ledge in front of it. It is a 13c fresco of the Madonna and Child in the church of S. Maria in Mendrisio (Ticino canton, Switzerland).]
A 13c fresco of the Madonna and Child in the church of S. Maria.

[image ALT: A painting of a woman holding a baby; she is talking to a young woman on her right, and an old man with a long beard looks on from her left. It is a fresco of the Madonna and Child in the church of the Madonna delle Grazie in Mendrisio (Ticino canton, Switzerland).]
Madonna delle Grazie

[image ALT: A baroque tower, in several stepped stories, the lowest of which includes a clock; it is surmounted by a small cupola. It is the upper part of the church of SS. Cosma e Damiano in Mendrisio (Ticino canton, Switzerland).]
SS. Cosma e Damiano

[image ALT: An elaborate stuccoed and painted Baroque ceiling in the church of S. Maria in Mendrisio (Ticino canton, Switzerland).]
S. Maria

[image ALT: A rectangular building of rustic stone masonry, about 25 meters long. At the right end, it has two stories and is surmounted by a small single-arch open belfry of the type known as a \'campanile a vela\. At the left end, a small open lean-to shedlike structure, but also of stone, is attached. It is set in a flat scenery of snow, a few trees for the most part denuded, and dense fog rolling in from behind it. It is a view of the church of S. Martino in Mendrisio, Ticino canton, Switzerland.]
S. Martino

1 page, 3 photos

[image ALT: A rectangular church on the side of a snow-covered hill, with a prominent square baroque-steepled belfry. It is a church in Mendrisio (Ticino canton, Switzerland). I have not been able to identify it.]
This sampler shows apparently about half the churches in Mendrisio and its surrounding territory. I visited the town, pretty much by accident and for no more than about two hours, unprepared and without a guidebook; many years ago, before I owned a good camera. This is therefore about the best page I can give you: for good information, see Mendrisio's official site in the navigation bar at the foot of this page.

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Site updated: 1 Jun 17
