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This webpage reproduces
An anonymous pamphlet

printed in Baltimore, Md.
on September 1, 1812.

The text is in the public domain.


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Prince George's Co.

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.



At a meeting of the citizens of Georgetown, convened at the Union Tavern, on the 7th of August, for the purpose of expressing their sense of the outrage recently committed in Baltimore, and declaring to the world their testimony to the virtues and worth of the late General Lingan — William Marbury, Esq being called to the chair, and George French, Esq. appointed secretary — the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: —

WHEREAS the Patriots who established the government, under which it is our happy lot to live, devoted their exertions and shed their blood, in order to protect the lives, liberties, and properties of their countrymen, equally against unbridled licentiousness and individual violence — And whereas, under our inestimable government, deriving its power more from reason than force, outrages have been committed against the lives, liberties, and properties of the citizens, which the civil power has been found too timid or unwilling to punish: It has become the duty, as it is the right of the people, to express their opinions, and let their determination be known, so that practices big with danger to every thing man holds dear in life, may be arrested in their progress, with whomsoever they may originate, or by whomsoever they may be promoted — And whereas we consider the freedom of speech, and of the press (at once the peculiar privilege of freemen, and the best support of freedom) as  p66  dreadfully endangered by the lawless violence of a Mob, as by the force of a despotic power —

Therefore Resolved — That we view with the utmost detestation and horror, the conduct of the Mob in Baltimore, which has at different times, violently destroyed the property of our fellow-citizens, and then inhumanly murdered those who dared to make that opposition to their cannibal fury, which the laws of nature and society concur in approving.

Resolved — That we reflect with wonder and delight at the firmness and bravery of ALEXANDER CONTEE HANSON, and his little band of heroick supporters, in a recent encounter with wretches, who, with more than savage ferocity, attacked his life, destroyed his property, and butchered those who clung to him in the hour of danger.

Resolved — That the blood of our friend inhumanly spilt on this memorable occasion, ought to be avenged by the legal punishment of the offending criminals.

Resolved — That in testimony of our deep sorrow for the death of General LINGAN; a sorrow doubly aggravated by the horrible circumstances of his massacre — we, the assembled citizens of Georgetown, who remember, with a melancholy satisfaction, his endearing virtues while he was our fellow-townsman, will for the space of thirty days, wear the accustomed badge of mourning.

Resolved — That a subscription shall be immediately opened for the erection of a monument to the memory of the departed General.

 p67  Resolved — That when the civil power formed for the protection of social rights, either through lukewarmness or timidity, suffers those rights to be invaded or destroyed, their protection devolves on the virtuous and brave of society, whose duty it is to rally round the law, and enforce its execution.

Resolved — That the attempt to destroy the liberty of the press by the Mob of Baltimore, in pulling down the house, and destroying the press of the "Federal Republican," with the attending circumstances, far exceed in atrocity and violence, the cruel murder by the despot of France of the German printer Palm for the free expression of opinion; and ought to meet with unqualified detestation from every friend to freedom.

Resolved — That although we confide too much in the good sense of our fellow-citizens to apprehend any similar horrors in this quarter, yet being conscious that a state of preparation for danger is the only security in times of peril like the present, should any such outrages be attempted within our reach, we pledge our lives and sacred honour to each other, and to society, that we will cheerfully and immediately obey the call of the civil power; but should that be too slow to redress the wrong, we as faithfully pledge ourselves to rally round the laws, and support and defend with our lives, the injured rights of our fellow-citizens, and the essential principles of our beloved republican government.

Resolved — That Francis S. Key, Esq. be solicited to deliver an oration on the death of our  p68  beloved friend and fellow citizen James Lingan.

Resolved — That a committee consisting of three persons, be appointed to carry the preceding resolutions into effect, and that the following gentlemen compose the committee aforesaid — Thomas Peter, John I. Stull and George Johnson.

Resolved — That these resolutions be published in the Spirit of '76.

WM. MARBURY, Chairman.


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Page updated: 25 Aug 04
