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Page updated: 25 Jun 99
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Index of Photographs: Series 98A — Rolls 60‑110

(for Rolls 0‑59, click here)

In the second column,

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NOTE 3/98:
98A72.1 IB zzz
98A72.2 IA zzz
98A72.3 IB zzz
98A72.4 IB zzz
98A72.5 IB zzz
98A72.6 IB zzz
98A72.7 IB zzz
98A72.8 IB zzz
98A72.9 IB zzz
98A72.10 IB zzz
98A72.11 IB zzz
98A72.12 IB zzz
98A72.13 IB zzz
98A72.14 IB zzz
98A72.15 IB zzz
98A72.16 IB zzz
98A72.17 IB zzz
98A72.18 IB zzz
98A72.19 IB zzz
98A72.20 IB zzz
98A72.21 IB zzz
98A72.22 IB zzz
98A72.23 IB zzz
98A72.24 IB zzz
98A72.25 IB zzz
98A72.26 IB zzz
98A72.27 IB zzz
98A72.28 IB zzz
98A72.29 IB zzz
98A72.30 IB zzz
98A72.32 IB zzz
98A72.33 IB zzz
98A72.34 IB zzz
98A72.35 IB zzz
98A72.36 IB zzz
98A72.37 IB zzz
97A106.1 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: S. Pietro a Pettine: exterior: S side
97A106.2 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: S. Pietro a Pettine: exterior: façade
97A106.3 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: S. Pietro a Pettine: exterior: façade
97A106.4 IC Trevi /Trebiae/: church: S. Pietro a Pettine: exterior: N side: Roman inscription (very doubtful reading)
[. . .]O[. . .]
[. . .?] PRIMA [. . .?]     or     [. . .?] PR·IMP [. . .?]
[. . .] IV [. . .]
97A106.5 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: S. Pietro a Pettine: exterior: N side (partial)
98A106.6 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: S. Pietro a Pettine: exterior: general view
98A106.7 IB Trevi: banner of the Associazione fra i Trevani residenti a Roma
98A106.8 IB Trevi: banner of the Associazione Pro-Trevi
98A106.9 IB Trevi: banner of the Associazione fra i Trevani residenti a Roma: detail: Wolfie and twins
98A106.10 IB Trevi: S. Michele: general view from town
98A106.11 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall, detail showing mortaring (see also 98A106.24 below, a better shot but not as close-up)
98A106.12 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall
98A106.13 IB Trevi: blacksmith's shop: door with test brands
98A106.14 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: city wall, via del Orticario: detail, showing large blocks of red "breccione" indicating the presence of a Roman gate
98A106.15 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: portion of Roman wall now inside private house
98A106.16 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall
98A106.17 IB Trevi: palazzo Valenti, partial view from above (accidental shot: next one is better)
98A106.18 IB Trevi: palazzo Valenti, partial view from above (see also previous)
98A106.19 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall
98A106.20 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall
98A106.21 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall
98A106.22 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall and small gate
98A106.23 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall and small gate
98A106.24 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall, detail showing mortaring (see also 98A106.11 above, less good but closer view)
98A106.25 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: small Roman gate
98A106.26 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: small Roman gate
98A106.27 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall
98A106.28 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall: detail: sewer outlet
98A106.29 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall and small gate
98A106.30 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall and small gate
98A106.31 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall (almost identical with next)
98A106.32 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: Roman wall (almost identical with previous)
98A106.33 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: medieval gate showing some Roman blocks (for a different portion: see next)
98A106.34 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: medieval gate showing some Roman blocks (for a different portion: see previous)
98A106.35 IB Trevi: medieval house door at 8, via zzz
98A106.36 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: cathedral of S. Emiliano: door jamb, detail: reused fragment of Roman inscription (see next, a better photo)
98A106.37 IB Trevi /Trebiae/: church: cathedral of S. Emiliano: door jamb, detail: reused fragment of Roman inscription (see also previous, less good photo)
IIII·VIR AED [. . .]

Quick summary of rolls not indexed yet

60: Orvieto: Etruscan necropolis: Crocifisso di Tufo (Etruscan inscriptions); church: S. Giovenale

61: Orvieto: church: S. Giovenale

62: Orvieto

63: Orvieto

64: Orvieto: church: cathedral; S. Lorenzo Nuovo; Pitigliano

65: Pitigliano

66: Pitigliano: "via cava" Frantenuti

67: Pitigliano: "via cava" della Madonna delle Grazie, paleochristian tempietto

68: Pitigliano: paleochristian tempietto, "via cava" S. Giuseppe

69: Pitigliano "via cava" del Gradone

70: Rome: Aurelian Walls between Porta Salaria and Porta Pinciana

71: Bovara, Trevi

72: Trevi

73: Chiusi /Clusium/: museum, town, Etruscan tombs

74: Chiusi /Clusium/: museum, town, Etruscan tombs

75: Chiusi /Clusium/: museum; Spello: via dei Mulini

76: Ostia

77: Ostia: Campus Magnae Matris

78: Ostia

79: San Gemini

80: San Gemini

81: Carsulae

82: Carsulae

83: Amelia /Ameria/

84: Amelia /Ameria/

85: Amelia /Ameria/

86: Amelia /Ameria/; Ancona

87: Ancona

88: Ancona

89: Ancona; Norcia

90: Norcia

91: Norcia; Rome: Porta Ostiensis area

92: Rome: Porta Ostiensis area, S. M. in Cosmedin

93: Rome: church: S. M. in Cosmedin; Arcus Argentarius; Bettona /Vettona/

94: Bettona /Vettona/; Ostia

95: Ostia

96: Ostia

97: Ostia

98: Ostia, including the Roman synagogue

99: walk: Nocera Umbra to Gualdo Tadino

100: walk: Gualdo Tadino to Fossato di Vico /Helvillum/? /Suillum/?

101: Fossato di Vico /Helvillum/? /Suillum/?; Rome: Trajan's Column, Aurelian Column

102: Rome: Aurelian Column, S. Giorgio in Velabro

103: Rome: church: S. Giorgio in Velabro; Capitoline Museums

104: Rome: Capitoline Museums

105: Rome

106: missing roll

107: Trevi /Trebiae/ and surroundings; Assisi /Asisium/

108: Assisi /Asisium/; Ostia

109: Ostia

110: /Portus/; near Spello /Hispellum/: aqueduct (14c): Ponte Parasacco

111: near Spello /Hispellum/: aqueduct (14c): Ponte Parasacco

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25 Jun 99
