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Page updated: 1 Jan 25

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What Was New (in 2002):

Changes to this site (mostly additions), the most recent listed first

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you're not on the right page: this is the one you want.

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Pages in Spanish will be reported here for now. Otherwise, pages in languages other than English will be reported here only if no English page exists, or if they are a resource in their own right. Italics mark original material.

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31 Dec 02

🇬🇧 John Ward's The Roman Era in Britain: Chapter 6: Religions

30 Dec 02

🇬🇧 John Ward's The Roman Era in Britain: Chapter 8: Sepulchral Remains

28 Dec 02

🇺🇸 Plutarch, Parallel Lives: Julius Caesar

25 Dec 02


Churches of Rome:

S. Barbara de' Librai (2 pages: orientation page, triptych)
Gazetteer of Umbria: The Maitani reliefs on the Duomo of Orvieto

(11 reliefs and an orientation page, a still incomplete selection)

24 Dec 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities —

Bracae Funda Hospitium (Roman hospitality)

23 Dec 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities —

3 articles on military dress: Balteus Paludamentum Sagum

22 Dec 02


A collection of material mostly falling under several new cascading index pages:

American & Military History: an index page
    West Point Fifty Years Ago (i.e., in 1829: a pamphlet published in 1879)

Douglas MacArthur's "Duty, Honor, Country" speech  (1962)

   Roman Military History: an index page
       Three chapters of The Roman Era in Britain, by John Ward:

Chapter 2: Roads, Bridges, Fords, and Milestones

Chapter 3: Military Remains

Chapter 5: Public Buildings and Baths

       Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Ancient Warfare: an index page

20 Dec 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities —

3 articles on shields: Clipeus Parma Scutum

15 Dec 02


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

index page to all the fora (including several minor fora as well) • Macellum
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Forum

4 Dec 02

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Umbria: Accessibility of main towns (walkability, train stations, etc.)

13 Nov 02

🇺🇸 Douglas S. Freeman: Biography of R. E. Lee: Volume III, complete.

21 Oct 02

🇺🇸 Douglas S. Freeman: Biography of R. E. Lee: Volume II, complete.

11 Sep 02

🇺🇸 Douglas S. Freeman: Biography of R. E. Lee: homepage and Volume I, complete.

10 Sep 02


al‑Idrisi: Fourth Climate (Spain)

and the Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne is now completely proofread and online.

13 Aug 02

🇺🇸 Souvenirs of the Marquise de Créquy:
Benjamin Franklin Eats Some Eggs
    The page already existed in French, now translated.

12 Aug 02

🇫🇷 al‑Idrisi: Third Climate (North Africa)

6 Aug 02

🇫🇷 al‑Idrisi: First Climate (roughly: equatorial Africa)

King's Handbook to the Cathedrals of England:

homepage from which,
       Oxford Christ Church Cathedral
       Norwich Cathedral
(2 chapters each).

27 Jun 02

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: a small orientation page to the city of Grosseto

4 Jun 02


Frontinus: The Strategemata

The complete Latin text and English translation by Charles E. Bennett, published by Loeb, 1925.

27 May 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Retis (various kinds of nets)

10 May 02

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Hadrianeum

9 May 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Our Italian student translators from Udine

17 Apr 02


Taccuino Fotografico dell' Umbria:

pagina di orientamento per il comune di Penna in Teverina

La pagina già esisteva in inglese, ora tradotta.

13 Apr 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Falx (sickle and similar implements) • Fasces

11 Apr 02

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Umbria: mosaic in the Roman bath of Bevagna

7 Apr 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Salii (Salian Priests) • Saltatio (dance)

6 Apr 02

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Sambuca

26 Mar 02

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Tympanum

19 Mar 02

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: The Mills on the Tiber

14 Mar 02

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Temple of Ops

6 Mar 02


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

sepulcra index page (with several minor tombs as well)

Meta Romuli Sepulcrum Bibuli Sepulcrum Romuli Sepulcrum Scipionum

4 Mar 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Basilica (a type of building) • Basilica (a Byzantine codification of Roman law) • Quaestor

3 Mar 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Antlia (shadoofs, water wheels, etc.) • Fucus (facial cosmetics)

2 Mar 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities — sports articles:

Athletae Cestus Pancratium Pugilatus (boxing)

1 Mar 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Dentifricium (tooth powder) • Desultor (equestrian acrobat) • Diploma Fasti

27 Feb 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, a miscellany of brief articles:

Alimentarii Annona Apotheca Arcera Bona Caduca Ceroma

25 Feb 02


Churches of Rome:

S. Maria Maggiore: orientation page, the Anisson monument, links page

S. Bartolomeo all' Isola: orientation page
Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Temple of Juno Lucina

20 Feb 02

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Meta Sudans
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Duumviri

10 Feb 02

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: 2 shrines of Semo Sancus

8 Feb 02

🇺🇸 Churches of Rome: S. Bartolomeo all' Isola — 2 pages
Bridges in the City of Rome (an index page)

28 Jan 02

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Curia Pompei

25 Jan 02


Latin Inscriptions:

an inscription from Formiae and its "solution" page.

11 Jan 02

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Fenus (loans and interest) • Chirographum

7 Jan 02

🇺🇸 Loeb edition introductory material to Frontinus: The Life and Works The Manuscripts

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Capitoline Hill Emporium Viminal Hill


Taccuino Fotografico dell' Umbria:

pagina di orientamento per il comune di Castelviscardo

La pagina già esisteva in inglese, ora tradotta.

6 Jan 02

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:
   some financial subjects — Mensores Negotiatores Negotiorum Gestorum Actio

Taccuino Fotografico dell' Umbria:

pagina di orientamento per il comune di Bastia Umbra

La pagina già esisteva in inglese, ora tradotta.

5 Jan 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Mensa (the table) • Mensarii (government bankers)

4 Jan 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Medicina Medicus (the doctor or practitioner)

2 Jan 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Culter (knife) • Marsupium (purse) • Mausoleum

W. R. Lethaby (1908): The Tomb of Mausolus

1 Jan 02


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Divinatio Histrio (actor) • Illustres Immunitas Incitega (amphora-stand) • Incus (anvil) • Insigne Macellum Machinae Magister Malleus (hammer) • Manica Sceptrum Securis (axe)

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Page updated: 1 Jan 25
