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Page updated: 1 Jan 25

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What Was New (in 2004):

Changes to this site (mostly additions), the most recent listed first

If you're looking for what's new THIS YEAR
you're not on the right page: this is the one you want.

Minor changes, added photographs, corrections of broken links, etc. are not recorded, nor work in progress on unannounced sites.

Pages in Spanish will be reported here for now. Otherwise, pages in languages other than English will be reported here only if no English page exists, or if they are a resource in their own right. Italics mark original material.

31 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: The two Gallieni (Latin English)

29 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Firmus, Saturninus, Proculus, and Bonosus (Latin English)

28 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Carus, Carinus and Numerian (Latin English)

26 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria: S. Martino in Manciano

25 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Maximus and Balbinus (Latin English)

24 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Macrinus (Latin English)

22 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Clodius Albinus (Latin English)

21 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

The 14 Augustan Regions

20 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

Bona Dea Subsaxana Remoria

17 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

Tigillum Sororium Tropaea Marii

16 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Oppius Mons

15 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Avidius Cassius (Latin English)

14 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: The two Valerians (Latin English)

13 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Didius Julianus (Latin English)

12 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Aedes Lunae

11 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Lucius Verus (Latin English)

10 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Antoninus Pius (Latin English)

9 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Pescennius Niger (Latin English)

8 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Pertinax (Latin English)

7 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Athenaeum

6 Dec 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

Thermae Decianae Thermae Suranae Thermae (smaller entries and index)

5 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta:

Diadumenianus (Latin English)

Hadrian (Latin English)

3 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: Ælius (Latin English)

2 Dec 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta: The three Gordians (Latin English)

30 Nov 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Historia Augusta:

Caracalla (Latin English)

Geta (Latin English)

The Two Maximini (Latin English)

and the Historia Augusta homepage.

25 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Amphora Nomen (Roman names) • Vinum

22 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Hora Parasols in Antiquity

21 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Entasis Incest Rex (the Roman kings)

20 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Clavus Latus and Clavus Angustus Clitellae (saddlebags) • The Graeco-Roman Lyre

19 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


18 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

Temple of the Bald Venus Temple of Vespasian

17 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Zona (support belt)

15 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Nobiles Nota (shorthand)

14 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


13 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Asiarchae Astragalus Athenaeum

7 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

A Roman road (maybe) at Pietralunga

5 Nov 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Matigge and the church of S. Niccolò

31 Oct 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:


30 Oct 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Cavallara Roman bridge

21 Oct 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Marche:

Treia: orientation page

10 Oct 04

🇺🇸 1911 Britannica: Ticinum

29 Sep 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Cato, de Agricultura:

complete Latin text, with English translation

(+ introduction and summary of the manuscript history)

22 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

As Cotyla Denarius Libra (unit of weight) • Libra (scales) • Litra Moneta Sestertius Uncia

20 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Roman Britain:

"Objects Illustrative of Roman Professions and Trades, Discovered in the Excavations at Wroxeter" (1863) by Thomas Wright
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Cippus Cornu

19 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

The Title of Augustus • The Title of Caesar Caupo Cautio Certi/Incerti Actio Cetra Chronologia Crates

12 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Domus (the Roman house) Cudo Frenum Lorica

9 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Satura Scalae Secespita

8 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Sagitta

7 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


6 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Sacrilegium Scamnum

5 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Sibyllini Libri

4 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Pugio Serra Sextarius Sica Speculum Sportula Stipendiarii Talio

3 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Navalia Sortes

2 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Caryatids Inauguratio Legatum Siparium

1 Sep 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Acetabulum Legatus Liber, Libertas

31 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Laciniae Laterna Nebris Redhibitoria Actio

30 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Monile Phalera Torques

29 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Apsis Donatio Mortis Causa Urna Viaticum Villicus

28 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Catchall page for all articles starting with the letter L, which includes some minor entries.

Limbus Ludi Ludi Honorarii Mortarium Rhyton Tribulus

27 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Lanx Ludi Apollinares

26 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Lautumiae

25 Aug 04

🇺🇸 American & Military History:

The Great Baltimore Riot of 1812 (a contemporaneous pamphlet)
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Catchall pages for all articles starting with the letters M and R, with some minor entries;

Also, the article Rutrum

24 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Catchall page for all articles starting with the letter N, which includes some minor entries.

23 Aug 04


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Aes Argentum Aurum

22 Aug 04


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Metallum Ordo Orichalcum

21 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Churches of Giano dell' Umbria (10 pages, 74 photos)

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Daily Life index page

Olla Opsonium

20 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Catchall page for all articles starting with the letter O, which includes some minor entries.

19 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


18 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


17 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


16 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Decimatio Domicilium Ducenarii

15 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Bonorum Cessio Diadem

14 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Acta Alea Amussis Arra

13 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

2 different legal procedures by the same name:
Intercessio (assumption of debt) • Intercessio (stay of proceedings by a magistrate)

12 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Acerra (incense box) • Alabastrum (perfume bottle) • Amulets Assertor Turibulum (censer)

11 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Catena (jewelry chain) • Subligaculum (loincloth, underwear)

10 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Torculum (oil or wine press)

9 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Tintinnabulum (bells)

8 Aug 04

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4 Aug 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Churches of Perugia (placeholder page, 18 photos)

30 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Churches of Valfabbrica (10 pages, 27 photos)

28 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Churches of Bevagna (7 pages, 31 new photos)

26 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Churches of Acquasparta (5 new pages, 17 new photos)

23 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Marche: Pollenza: inscription of L. Hostilius Tullius

22 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Marche: Macerata city (placeholder page, 1 photo)

12 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Ponte di Cerreto (9 pages, 32 photos)

10 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Lazio: Churches of Leonessa (about 15 pages, 60 photos)

2 Jul 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Tumultus (state of emergency)

26 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy:

Umbria: Cannaiola di Trevi

Tuscany: Anghiari: orientation page
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Beards and Shaving in Antiquity

25 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Tuscany:

Arezzo: orientation page

22 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Marche:

Pollenza: orientation page

21 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

S. Michele, in Cannaiola di Trevi

20 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy, mostly orientation pages:



       inscription of M. Volumnus Tenax


19 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Italy: Rovigo: orientation page
1911 Britannica:


Faenza Rovigo

Thomas Hodgkin Philemon Holland

18 Jun 04

🇺🇸 Diary — my 2004 stay in Italy, just ended, illustrated with over 250 large photos.

Feb. 24 — Preparations and departure flight.

Feb. 25 — Arrival at the airport in Rome; the train trip to Umbertide.

Feb. 26 — My home base, the town of Umbertide.

Feb. 27 — Train trip to Trevi; brief visit of a church at Ponte S. Giovanni.

Feb. 28 — Trevi: a performance of something like Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

Feb. 29 — A walk near Umbertide, to Borgo Pulciano and Morávola.

Mar. 1 — A walk to Migianella de' Marchesi.

Mar. 3 — Walks to the abbey of Montecorona and to Niccone and Montemigiano, all near Umbertide.

Mar. 4 — Brief entry: the start of a trip to Rome.

Mar. 5 — An excursion to Rome.

Mar. 7 — A walk from Magione to Corciano.

Mar. 8 — A day trip to Città di Castello.

Mar. 10 — A walk to Torgiano and Deruta, in Umbria; an excursion to Sansepolcro, in Tuscany.

Mar. 11 — A daytrip to Perugia.

Mar. 12 — Brief entry: a walk to Monte S. Maria Tiberina.

Mar. 13 — A walk from Sansecondo to Monte S. Maria Tiberina then Città di Castello, and a walk to Monte­castello di Vibio.

Mar. 14 — The beginning of a 2‑day walk and excursion to Pietralunga.

Mar. 16 — Excursion to Pietralunga, continued; a daytrip to Perugia.

Mar. 18 — A walk to some villages near Umbertide: Romeggio, Polgeto, Borgo S. Giuliana, Eremo di Montecorona; a daytrip to Foligno.

Mar. 20 — Day 1 of a walk from Tuoro sul Trasimeno to Lisciano Niccone then Umbertide.

Mar. 21 — Day 2 of the same walk.

Mar. 23 — A daytrip to Assisi; the beginning of several days' excursion to Macerata and its area, in the Marche.

Mar. 24 — Excursion to Macerata, Treia and surroundings, continued.

Mar. 25 — Excursion to Treia and surroundings, continued.

Mar. 26 — The end of this excursion to the area around Macerata, with a walk from Treia to Pollenza and Sforzacosta; a brief visit to Perugia.

Mar. 27 — A side trip to a small area of Romagna: the salt flats of Cervia, the towns of Cesenatico, Savignano sul Rubicone and Sant' Arcangelo di Romagna.

Mar. 29 — A daytrip to Brisighella and Faenza, in Emilia-Romagna.

Mar. 31 — A walk from Pierantonio to Umbertide, searching for an Etruscan tomb near S. Giovanni del Pantano.

Apr. 8 — Brief entry: battling a flu; visit to Spello.

Apr. 11 — Good Friday observances in Umbertide, a small possibly Etruscan building near Umbertide, and an Easter lunch in Trevi.

Apr. 13 — An excursion to Arezzo and Anghiari, in Tuscany.

Apr. 14 — A driving tour of the northern tip of Umbria and nearby parts of Tuscany, especially Caprese Michelangelo and Colle Plinio.

Apr. 16 — A brief visit to Monterchi, in Tuscany; a car trip to Fossato di Vico; Valfabbrica.

Apr. 18 — A pair of bus rides thru Umbria, some meals in Città della Pieve.

Apr. 19 — A circular walk from Città della Pieve to Piegaro, Monte­gabbione, and Monte­leone di Orvieto.

Apr. 22 — Brief entry, nothing much.

Apr. 23 — Day 1 of a walk from Massa Martana to Trevi: S. Pietro sopra le Acque, Viepri, Montecchio, Bastardo.

Apr. 24, Part 1 — Day 2: Bastardo, Collesecco, Marcellano, S. Terenziano, Barattano, Torri.

Apr. 24, Part 2 — Days 3‑4: Bastardo, Giano dell' Umbria (and S. Felice), Castagnola, Monte­falco, Cannaiola.

Apr. 27 — A walk from Montecastelli to Sansecondo via Canoscio, and a visit to Trevi.

Apr. 30, Part 1 — A walk from Orvieto to Porano and back; the Etruscan tombs of Hescanas and Settecamini.

Apr. 30, Part 2 — A 2‑day circular walk thru Sala, Ficulle, Fabro, S. Pietro Aquaeortus and Allerona.

May 1 — A daytrip to Otricoli and Ocriculum and the Madonna dei Bagni; a daytrip to Todi.

May 3 — A 2‑day walk from Marsciano to Bastardo to S. Maria degli Angeli, the train station of Assisi.

May 4 — A visit of the Vatican Necropolis under St. Peter's in Rome.

May 7 — A visit to Trevi; walking around Acquasparta and S. Faustino.

May 9 — A drive from Umbertide to Leonessa, the long way: some Roman remains including the Tempietto del Clitunno, S. Brizio, the church of S. Salvatore in Spoleto, the church of S. Giovanni Battista in Arrone.

May 10 — A detailed visit of Leonessa; Day 1 of a walk in the Valnerina: from Leonessa to Monte­leone di Spoleto.

May 12 — Days 2 and 3: a detailed visit of Monte­leone di Spoleto; Poggiodomo, the Madonna della Stella, Ponte, and Cerreto.

May 15 — A visit to the American Academy in Rome; a Romanesque itinerary thru Umbria: Limigiano, S. Angelo Sconcolo, Pieve S. Gregorio, Trevi, Bovara, the church of S. Salvatore in Spoleto.

May 16 — A walk from Marsciano to S. Venanzo and back, an automobile excursion in the hinter­land of Trevi, and another to Mercatello, Pierle, Preggio and S. Bartolomeo de' Fossi.

May 17 — A train trip to Rovigo in Emilia-Romagna.

May 19 — A detailed visit of Chioggia and Sottomarina in the Veneto.

May 23 — Treia and surroundings, in the Marche.

May 24 — Visiting Treia, continued, and a walk from Urbisaglia to Treia.

May 25 — A visit to Fabriano in the Marche, a farewell lunch in Città di Castello.

23 Feb 04

🇺🇸 Quintilian — Institutio Oratoria
Appian — Civil Wars
Celsus — De Medicina
(The above items are only partly proofread, but I was preparing to go offline until May 25: there was no point hoarding the information pending perfection.)

21 Feb 04

🇺🇸 Plutarch, Moralia: On the Fortune or Virtue of Alexander

20 Feb 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian:

Epithalamium Palladio et Celerinae (Epithalamium of Palladius and Celerina)

13 Feb 04

🇺🇸 Gazetteer of Umbria: Triponzo (and the celebrated Roman inscription) • Passaggio di Bettona

11 Feb 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: The Roman Province

5 Feb 04

🇻🇦 Velleius Paterculus: Historia Romana

21 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian: De Sexto Consulatu Honorii Augusti (On the Sixth Consulship of Honorius)

19 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian:

de Magnete (The Magnet)

de Crystallo (The Crystal)

18 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian:

Panegyricus Flavio Manlio Theodoro consuli

(Panegyric on the Consulship of Flavius Manlius Theodorus)

17 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian:

de Nuptiis Honorii Augusti Fescennina Epithalamium

(Fescennina Epithalamium for the Wedding of the Emperor Honorius)

16 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian: De Consulatu Stilichonis (On the Consulship of Stilicho); see orientation page.

13 Jan 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Crotalum (castanets, sort of) • Cymbalum Odeum (concert hall)

12 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian:

Panegyricus dictus Probino et Olybrio consulibus

(Panegyric on the Consulship of Probinus and Olybrius)

10 Jan 04

🇻🇦🇺🇸 Claudian: In Rufinum (Against Rufinus); see orientation page.

9 Jan 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Rex Sacrificulus (Rex Sacrorum)

7 Jan 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Pera (wallet, handbag)

4 Jan 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Beneficium
Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Aurelian Walls Temple of Mercury

3 Jan 04

🇺🇸 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Vindicatio

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Page updated: 1 Jan 25
