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Page updated: 1 Jan 23
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What Was New (in 2007):

Changes to this site (mostly additions), the most recent listed first

If you're looking for what's new THIS YEAR
you're not on the right page: this is the one you want.

Minor changes, added photographs, corrections of broken links, etc. are not recorded, nor work in progress on unannounced sites.

Pages in Spanish will be reported here for now. Otherwise, pages in languages other than English will be reported here only if no English page exists, or if they are a resource in their own right. Italics indicate original material.

31 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 16

30 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 2 3 28 29

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Homeric Heroes and Fish: (CJ 12:328‑330)

Homeric Heroes and Fish (second note): (CJ 18:242‑243)

29 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 1

Allen's Star Names:

Custos Messium Pyxis Quadrans Reticulum Sextans Solarium Tarandus Triangulum Australe Triangulum Minor Vulpecula

25 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 6

Allen's Star Names:

Psalterium Georgii Robur Carolinum Sceptrum Brandenburgicum Scutum Sobiescianum Taurus Poniatovii Telescopium Herschelii

24 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 5: A Libyan Myth

Allen's Star Names:

Felis Frederici Honores Globus Aerostaticus Nubeculae Magellani

23 Dec 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina.

Historia Augusta: Tyranni Triginta

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 8

Allen's Star Names:

Machina Electrica Microscopium Noctua Norma et Regula Officina Typographica

21 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 10

20 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

Description of a singular Phenomenon seen at Baton Rouge, by William Dunbar, Esq. communicated by Thomas Jefferson (UFO report from 1800)

19 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Loeb edition Introduction

17 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Lepus

16 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Lacerta •  Leo Minor

15 Dec 07

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom:

Discourse 67

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Discourses 63 and 74

14 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 7

13 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 27

(and a Dio Chrysostom homepage)

11 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

John Drury: Old Illinois Houses

8 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Cepheus •  Chamaeleon •  Circinus •  Columba Noae

7 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Cetus

6 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Church of S. Nicola (Monte­leone di Spoleto)

5 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Church of S. Giovanni Battista (Monte­gabbione di Spoleto)

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Calcar

4 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Canes Venatici

3 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Boötes

2 Dec 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Caelum (Scalptorium) •  Camelopardalis

1 Dec 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

ps‑Sallust: Letter to Caesar

30 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Argo Navis

29 Nov 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Historia Augusta:

Marcus Aurelius (Latin •  English)

26 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

Herbert E. Bolton: The Spanish Borderlands

18 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Coma Berenices

17 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

Henry Jones Ford: Washington and His Colleagues

15 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

S. Giovanni del Pantano (and the Etruscan tomb at Faggeto)

13 Nov 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Varro: de Re Rustica

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Hanno's Gorillas (N&Q 23:361‑362)

American History Notes:

The Policy of France toward the Mississippi Valley in the Period of Washington and Adams (AHR 10:249‑279)

10 Nov 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Suetonius: de Rhetoribus (Latin) • On Rhetoricians (English)

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

The Origin of Genet's Projected Attack on Louisiana and the Floridas (AHR 3:650‑671)

8 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

Solon J. Buck: Illinois in 1818

2 Nov 07

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

The Defeat of the Secessionists in Kentucky in 1861 — JNH 1:377‑391

24 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Digitale

23 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Equuleus •  Equuleus Pictoris

22 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Unpublished Latin Inscriptions (AJA 12:39‑46)

16 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Corona Borealis

15 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Corona Australis

14 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: The Solar Zodiac

13 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: The Constellations (general introduction)

12 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Pantheon

11 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

1911 Britannica: John of Damascus

Allen's Star Names: Lupus •  Lynx

10 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Tenney Frank: Livy and Festus on the Tribus Pupinia (AJP 51:70‑71)

Allen's Star Names: Hercules •  Indus •  Pavo

9 Oct 07

Lien à une page en français.

Le Renard et le Bouc dans le désert du Mexique

8 Oct 07

[Link to a page in English]

1911 Britannica:

Itius Portus

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

T. Rice Holmes, "Last Words on Portus Itius" (CR 23:77‑81)

F. J. Haverfield, Two Reviews (EHR 18:332‑336)

T. Rice Holmes, "An Explanation" (CR 26:70)

F. J. Haverfield, "Portus Itius" (CR 27:258‑260)

T. Rice Holmes, "F. H. on Portus Itius" (CR 28:45‑47)

F. J. Haverfield, "Portus Itius" (CR 28:82‑84)

T. Rice Holmes, "Portus Itius" (CR 28:193‑196)

"Portus Itius", a little note by E. E. Genner (CR 32:70)

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Fordicidia

1 Oct 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina.

Ampelius: Liber Memorialis

30 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names:
Horologium •  Hydrus •  Mons Maenalus •  Mons Mensae •  Musca Australis •  Musca Borealis •  Nubecula Major •  Nubecula Minor •  Octans •  Piscis Volans •  Tucana

29 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Cerberus •  Monoceros

28 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Noctua •  Sextans •  Turdus

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Wife of Caius Gracchus and Her Dowry (CP 8:354‑356)

27 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Canis Minor •  Hydra

26 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Corvus •  Crater

25 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Fornax •  Grus •  Phoenix

24 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Ara •  Triangulum

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

J. C. Rolfe: The So‑Called Callium Provincia (AJP 36:323‑331)

American Scrapbook:

Churches of My Neighborhood (in Chicago; a placeholder page)

23 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Ammian: Book 31

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Callis

22 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

John N. Hough: Caesar's Camp on the Aisne (CJ 36:337‑345)

21 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Eleusinia •  Isthmia

20 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Boreasmi •  Brasideia •  Brauronia •  Cabeiria •  Carneia •  Carya •  Chalceia •  Chalcioicia •  Charistia •  Chelidonia •  Chitonia •  Chloeia •  Chthonia •  Daedala •  Dioscuria

19 Sep 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Paulinus of Pella: Eucharisticon/Thanksgiving

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Daphnephoria

[image ALT: a blank space] [Collegamento ad una pagina in Italiano]

Umbertide: Voci della Memoria

18 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Halotia

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Actia •  Aeginetan Festival •  Aeora •  Agroteras Thusia •  Alaea •  Alcathoea •  Aleaia •  Aloa •  Ambrosia •  Amphiaraia •  Anagogia •  Anakeia •  Androgeonia •  Anaxagoreia •  Antigoneia •  Antinoeia •  Aphrodisia •  Ariadneia •  Artemisia •  Asclepieia •  Cotyttia •  Diipoleia

17 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Diocleia •  Ellotia •  Erotia

16 Sep 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Nemesianus (?): Fragments on Bird-Catching

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Callisteia (beauty contests) • Heraea •  Hestiasis (liturgical banquets) • Inoa

15 Sep 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Nemesianus: Eclogues

14 Sep 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Nemesianus: Cynegetica

13 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Arrhephoria •  Bendideia •  Delia •  Ephesia •  Hydriaphoria •  Leonideia •  Lernaea •  Lycaea •  Panegyris •  Panionia •  Panathenaea

12 Sep 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Laus Pisonis

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Roman Silver in Northumberland (JRS 4:1‑12)

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Menelaeia •  Metageitnia •  Museia •  Mysia •  Nemea (the Nemean Games) • Pandia

American and Military History:

Mace's Primary History: §§ 3‑12

American Scrapbook:

Churches of Nashville, TN (placeholder page)

9 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy:

Emilia-Romagna (orientation page)


8 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Panellenia •  Poseidonia •  Prometheia •  Protrygaea •  Pythia (the Pythian Games)

7 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Strabo: Book IX

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Eisiteria •  Hermaea •  Pyanepsia •  Synoikia •  Thalysia •  Tithenidia

6 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Eleutheria

5 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Strabo: Book VIII

2 Sep 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Serta (Garlands in ancient Rome)

Gazetteer of Italy: Emilia-Romagna: Santarcangelo di Romagna

31 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

Ammian: Book 30

Allen's Star Names: Antinoüs •  Antlia

30 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

Ammian: Book 29

Allen's Star Names: Andromeda

29 Aug 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Rutilius Namatianus: de Reditu Suo

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Rutilius Claudius Namatianus (Phoenix 1 Suppl.:36‑41)

26 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

A Sketch of the Early History of Southwestern Virginia — WMQ 2d ser. 17:501‑513

24 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

Caelum Antiquum • Astronomy and Astrology in Antiquity
a long overdue orientation page to various items thruout my site

23 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

Stephen A. Douglas' Efforts For Peace — JSH 1:261‑275

Work on the Cumberland Road — MVHR 2:120‑122

22 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 28

American History Notes (the homepage for an occasional collection of articles from American history journals):

Journal of the First Kentucky Convention (a source document)

Two opposing points of view on Bloody Kansas:

Walter L. Fleming: The Buford Expedition to Kansas

W. H. Isely: The Sharps Rifle Episode in Kansas History

20 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 27

19 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Church of the Resurrection (EHR 7:417‑436, 669‑684)

Allen's Star Names: Delphinus •  Dorado

17 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Pompey's Three Triumphs (CP 19:277‑279)

Allen's Star Names: Apus •  Aquila •  Pisces

16 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

On the Stele of the Forum (CP 14:87‑88)

Allen's Star Names: Aquarius

15 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Pollice Verso (AJP 13:213‑225)

14 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Temple above Pompey's Theater — CJ 39:360‑366 (1944)

Allen's Star Names: Capricornus

13 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Sagittarius

12 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Eternal Triangle, First Century B.C.— CJ 28:574‑578 (1933)

11 Aug 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Claudian, Carmina Minora:

30 (Laus Serenae) Latin •  English

31 (Letter to Serena): Latin •  English

[With these, Claudian is complete.]

10 Aug 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Claudian, Carmina Minora:

30 (There was an old Man of Verona): Latin •  English

23 (Apology to Alethius): Latin •  English

51 (Archimedes' Sphere): Latin •  English

Carmina Minima, so to speak — the little squibs: Latin •  English

9 Aug 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Claudian, Carmina Minora:

17 (On the Piety of Two Brothers): Latin •  English

40‑41 (Letters to Olybrius and to Probinus): Latin •  English

50 (against a man named James): Latin •  English

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Scorpio

8 Aug 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Cassiopeia •  Eridanus •  Perseus

7 Aug 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Claudian, Carmina Minora:

26 (Aponus): Latin •  English

28 (The Nile): Latin •  English

32 (The Savior): Latin •  English

poems on animals: Latin •  English

three somewhat kinky poems about ornaments for horses:
Latin •  English

26 Jul 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]


de Raptu Proserpinae (The Rape of Proserpine)

25 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 26

24 Jul 07

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]


In Hadrianum et Deprecatio (Epigram and Apology)

Gigantomachia (The Battle of the Giants)

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Three Notes on Roman Britain — CR 21:105‑106 (1907)

18 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]

Precatio Terrae • Precatio Omnium Herbarum

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations)

Taurii Ludi

16 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Laterculus of Polemius Silvius: IV (Quae sint Romae)

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Notitia Dignitatum — JRS 10:131‑154 (1920)

14 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

A Review of Stevenson's Ptolemy — ISIS 22:533‑539 (1935)

12 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

A Note on the Emperor Olybrius — EHR 1:507‑509 (1886)

10 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 25

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations)


and, overdue, the homepage for my excerpts

9 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

A Note on the Compitalia (CP 27:3:268‑273)

Angiportum, Platea, and Vicus (CP 32:44‑58)

2 Jul 07

[Link to a page in English]

Fletcher's Guide to Oxford

Allen's Star Names: Libra

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Manilius, Augustus, Tiberius, Capricornus, and Libra (CQ 7:109‑114)

28 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 22

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations)


26 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 21

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations)

Milliarium •  Vitula

24 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 20

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Justa Grata Honoria (JRS 9:1‑13)

23 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

"Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned" (CJ 42:211‑217)

Allen's Star Names: Lyra

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire:

Fidicula (my translation)

22 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

J. C. Rolfe on Suetonius, Nero, 33.1 (AJP 54:362‑367)

21 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 19

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Origin of the Province of Kommagene (JHS 33:356‑359)

Allen's Star Names: Auriga

20 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 18

19 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 17

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Burning of Rome under Nero (AJA 13:45‑48)

Conflagrations in Ancient Rome (CJ 27:270‑288)

18 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 16

Index of Officials

16 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Book 15

14 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Sayings of Spartans (Apophthegmata Laconica)

Sayings of Spartan Women (Lacaenarum Apophthegmata)

12 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Marks of Quantity in the Monumentum Antiochenum (AJP 48:1‑9)

10 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Use of Devices for Indicating Vowel Length in Latin (PAPhS 61:80‑98)

9 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]


Roman History: orientation page

Book 14 •  Book 23 •  Book 24

8 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Virgo

6 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Aeaceia •  Delphinia •  Demetria •  Dictynnia

5 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Leo


J. C. Rolfe's Introduction to Ammianus Marcellinus

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

C. U. Clark's review of Rolfe's Ammianus Marcellinus (CP 33:124‑126)

St. Peter in Ammianus? (HTR 47:319‑321)

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Agrionia •  Amarynthia •  Apollonia •  Diasia

2 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Cancer

1 Jun 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Church of SS. Cosma e Damiano in Rome (AJA 31:1‑18)

The Birth-Place of Propertius (CR 4:393‑396)


Brown's Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians, and Babylonians (AJT 4:152 and 5:124‑125)

Urbini's La Patria di Properzio (CR 4:162‑163)

Töbelmann's Bogen von Malborghetto and Hülsen's Römische Antikengärten (JRS 10:201‑202)

Allen's Star Names: Gemini

30 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Alexander in Egypt and Some Consequences (JEA 2:53‑60)

Allen's Star Names: Taurus

29 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Agis •  Cleomenes •  Agis and Cleomenes compared with the Gracchi

26 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Demetrius and The Comparison of Demetrius and Antony

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Arthur Lincoln Frothingham (obituary, AJA 27:381‑382)

1911 Britannica:


22 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:


21 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Eumenes and The Comparison of Eumenes and Sertorius

20 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Demosthenes and The Comparison of Demosthenes and Cicero

19 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Aries

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Lampadephoria •  Laphria

18 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Pelopidas and The Comparison of Pelopidas and Marcellus

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Oschophoria •  Theophania •  Theseia •  Thesmophoria

16 May 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

ps‑Sallust: Speech to Caesar

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Agesilaus and The Comparison of Agesilaus and Pompey

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Byzantine Gold Mosaic (AJA 38:81‑82)

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


15 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Spontaneous Generation in Antiquity (TAPA 51:101‑115)

14 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names (R. H. Allen, Star Names, their Lore and Meaning): Orion

12 May 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

ps‑Cicero: Invective against Sallust

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Roman Trier (CJ 29:3‑12)

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Lysander and The Comparison of Lysander and Sulla

11 May 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

ps‑Sallust: Invective against Cicero

10 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Alcibiades and The Comparison of Alcibiades and Coriolanus

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Eclipse of Pericles
(an exchange of correspondence in The Observatory, 1884)

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Agraulia •  Anthesphoria •  Apaturia •  Elaphebolia •  Gymnopaedia •  Hyacinthia •  Plynteria

9 May 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Adonia •  Amphidromia •  Boedromia •  Munychia •  Thargelia

7 May 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Pericles and The Comparison of Pericles and Fabius Maximus

Nicias and The Comparison of Nicias and Crassus

4 May 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Cimon and The Comparison of Cimon and Lucullus

3 May 07

[Link to a page in English] Royal Memoirs on the French Revolution
(Madame Royale's Memoir on the Flight to Varennes, Monsieur's Memoir on his Flight to Coblenz, and Madame Royale's Memoir on the Imprisonment of the Royal Family in the Temple)

29 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Aristides and The Comparison of Aristides and Cato

28 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:


27 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Solon and The Comparison of Solon and Publicola

25 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Lycurgus and The Comparison of Lycurgus and Numa

24 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English]


Customs of the Ancient Spartans (Instituta Laconica)

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Chronology of Sallust's Jugurtha — CJ 6:290‑295 (1911)

23 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives:

Theseus and The Comparison of Theseus and Romulus

The Comparison of Dion and Brutus

The Comparison of Timoleon and Aemilius

22 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Notes on Ancient Grafting — TAPA 64:66‑76 (1933)

21 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Marble and Ceramic Decorations of the Roman Campanili — Burlington Magazine 11/52:209‑212 (1907)

20 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Lupercalia in the Fifth Century — CP 26:60‑69 (1931)

19 Apr 07

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Sallust: Jugurthine War

18 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives: Aratus

10 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives: Artaxerxes •  Dion

7 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

two articles by Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr.:

The Military Studies of George Washington — AHR 29:675‑680 (1924)

The Ancient Military Writers — CJ 28:657‑669 (1933)

5 Apr 07

[Link to a page in English] Biographical Sketch of Pope Alexander VII (by Alexis-François Artaud de Montor)

31 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English] Plutarch, Parallel Lives: Timoleon

29 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

A Child Portrait of Drusus Junior on the Ara Pacis — AJA 26:307‑315 (1922)

25 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Roman Church Mosaics of the First Nine Centuries — AJA 10:251‑281 (1906)

24 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

On "Falces Praeacutae", Caes. B. G. III.14.5 — CJ 6:133‑135 (1910)

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:


20 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

S. Martino in Campo

17 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Etruscan Horseshoes from Corneto — AJA 6:398‑403 (1902)

16 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Letters on the Blocks of the Servian Wall — AJP 45:68‑69 (1924)

6 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Lugnano in Teverina

3 Mar 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Wayside Shrines of Bevagna (several of them)

24 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of San Gemini

23 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:


Poggio Lavarino


22 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Tuscany:

Wayside Shrines of Pitigliano

21 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria: Wayside shrines:

at Via di Camiano in Monte­falco

at Fonte del Poggiolo

and the usual upstream cascade of index pages forming the skeleton of a new chunk of site:

Wayside Shrines of Monte­falco

Wayside Shrines of Umbria

19 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English] Churches of Mendrisio (Switzerland)

17 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy:

An Eighteenth-Century Madonnina near Giano dell' Umbria

Churches of Tuscany: Churches of Arezzo

Churches of Umbria: Churches of Amelia

16 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Churches of Umbria:

Notes on the restoration of the church of S. Nicolò in Spoleto

13 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Tuscany:

Churches of Sansepolcro

7 Feb 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Marche: Wayside shrine at Lucrezia di Cartoceto

and an orientation page to go with it and previous edicole pages:

Wayside Shrines of Italy

26 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Symbolic Animals of Perugia and Spoleto — Burlington Magazine 32/181:156‑160 (1918)

25 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Churches of Umbria:

Churches of Monte­leone d'Orvieto

24 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Churches of Umbria:

Churches of Collazzone

Churches of Monte­gabbione

22 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Churches of Umbria:

Churches of Assisi

21 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Churches of Umbria:

Churches of Pietralunga

20 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

19 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Arrone (for now: a placeholder page)

17 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Monte­leone di Spoleto (for now: a placeholder page)

8 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

7 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Monte­falco (a placeholder page for now, but including:)

S. Lucia

6 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

5 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Allerona: S. Maria della Stella

3 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

2 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Universitas

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria: Marcellano

1 Jan 07

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Agonothetae •  Gymnasium

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Page updated: 1 Jan 23
