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Page updated: 1 Jan 23
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What Was New (in 2008):

Changes to this site (mostly additions), the most recent listed first

If you're looking for what's new THIS YEAR
you're not on the right page: this is the one you want.

Minor changes, added photographs, corrections of broken links, etc. are not recorded, nor work in progress on unannounced sites.

Pages in Spanish will be reported here for now. Otherwise, pages in languages other than English will be reported here only if no English page exists, or if they are a resource in their own right. Italics indicate original material.

31 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Ellis & Morris: King Philip's War

30 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Tacitus: Histories

15 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Notes on the Development of Early Roman Religion (CW 11:13:97‑102)

10 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Introduction to Vol. XI of the Loeb edition

9 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Books 31 and 32

7 Dec 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Περὶ Σαρκοφαγίας / On Eating Meat

6 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 30

5 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Books 28 and 29

4 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Books 24 and 25

3 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 23

2 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 22

1 Dec 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 21

30 Nov 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 20

28 Nov 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 19

20 Nov 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: Book 18

12 Nov 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Πότερον τὰ τῆς ψυχῆς ἢ τὰ τοῦ σώματος πάθη χείρονα / Which are Worse: Diseases of the Soul or of the Body?

11 Nov 08

[Link to a page in English]

Diodorus Siculus: The Library of History

(Books 1‑17, 26‑27)

10 Nov 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Εἰ αὐτάρκης ἢ κακία πρὸς κακοδαιμονίαν / Is Vice Enough to Make You Unhappy?

3 Nov 08

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


2 Nov 08

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

The Poems of Florus

29 Oct 08

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Florus' Epitome

18 Oct 08

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


14 Oct 08

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Calcar (a very brief article on spurs)

12 Oct 08

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Scheggia and Pascelupo (a placeholder page)

9 Oct 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Περὶ φυγῆς / On Exile

7 Oct 08

Clicca hic ad Latinam paginam legendam. [Link to a page in English]

Aetna (the Latin poem)

4 Oct 08

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


11 Sep 08

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

John Fiske: The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America (Vol. I)

25 Aug 08

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

George Rogers Clark: The Conquest of the Illinois

and a pair of related orientation pages:

History of Illinois

History of Indiana

17 Aug 08

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

Josephus Daniels: Life of Woodrow Wilson, 1856‑1924

American History Notes:

review of two Wilson biographies (by Joseph Schafer in MVHR 11:414‑419)

1 Aug 08

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

Dwight Lowell Dumond: The Secession Movement, 1860‑1861

American History Notes:

review of Dumond's Secession Movement and Southern Editorials on Secession (by Frank Maloy Anderson in AHR 37:772‑773)

review of Dumond's Secession Movement and Southern Editorials on Secession (by J. G. de Rouilhac Hamilton in MVHR 19:430‑432)

18 Jul 08

[Link to a page in English]

1911 Britannica:

Aristomenes Dicuil Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor

17 Jul 08

[Link to a page in English]

1911 Britannica:

Theodor Mommsen

16 Jul 08

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]


de Grammaticis (Latin) • On Grammarians (English)

de Poetis/On Poets (Latin, English)

Vita Passieni Crispi (Latin) • Life of Passienus Crispus (English)

Vita Plinii Secundi (Latin) • Life of Pliny the Elder (English)

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]


Advice about Keeping Well (De tuenda sanitate)

1911 Britannica:

Iconoclasts Idrisi Illyria

15 Jul 08

[Link to a page in English]

1911 Britannica:

Iconium William Mitchell Ramsey

14 Jul 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Περὶ δεισιδαιμονίας / On Superstition

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Judicati Actio

1911 Britannica:

Abae Percy & Ernest Gardner

12 Jul 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Image of Moloch (JBL 16:161‑165)

1911 Britannica: Pasquale Villari

5 Jul 08

[Link to a page in English]

Rhetorica ad Herennium

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

An Attack on the Hellespont in 84 B.C. (CR 29:136‑137)

30 Jun 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Περὶ πολυφιλίας / On Having Many Friends

26 Jun 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Περὶ τύχης / On Fortune

25 Jun 08

[Link to a page in Greek] [Link to a page in English]


Περὶ ἀρετῆς καὶ κακίας / On Virtue and Vice

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]


Plutarch: Consolation to His Wife (Consolatio ad uxorem)

24 Jun 08

[Link to a page in English]

Plutarch: Advice to Bride and Groom (Coniugalia praecepta)

23 Jun 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Πλούταρχος· Λακαινῶν Ἀποφθέγματα

22 Jun 08

[Link to a page in English]


Can Virtue be Taught? (An virtus doceri possit)

On Listening to Lectures (De auditu)

21 Jun 08

[Link to a page in English]


The Education of Children (De liberis educandis)

10 Jun 08

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

A Ku Klux Document (MVHR 1:575‑578)

27 May 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Military Dust (CJ 47:285‑288)

22 May 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Morituri Te Salutamus (TAPA 70:46‑50)

11 May 08

[Link to a page in English]

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Caracalla

6 May 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Simonides on the Fallen of Thermopylae — CP 28:277‑281

3 May 08

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

Notes on Connecticut as a Slave State (JNH 2:79‑82)

24 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

Nora K. Chadwick: Celtic Britain

American History Notes:

The County of Illinois (AHR 4:623‑635)

20 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

Military History:

F. Marion Crawford: The Rulers of the South
(a history of Sicily and southern Italy)

19 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Abacti Magistratus

18 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Tyrants of Britain, Gaul, and Spain (EHR 1:53‑85)

14 Apr 08

[Collegamento ad una pagina in Italiano]

Laudi della Compagnia dei Disciplinati di S. Maria Nuova e di S. Croce a Fratta (testo completo)

7 Apr 08

[Collegamento ad una pagina in Italiano]

Passione di Cristo, 1496 (dalle Laudi della Compagnia dei Disciplinati di S. Maria Nuova e di S. Croce a Fratta)

6 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Cascia (a very slight placeholder page)

4 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Otricoli now including the church of

S. Maria Assunta

3 Apr 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Life of Justinian by Theophilus (EHR 2:657‑686)

1 Apr 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ν′

28 Mar 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος οβ′

27 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Marche: Church of the Guardian Angel at Calcinelli di Saltara

26 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

F. J. Haverfield: English Topographical Notes (EHR 10:710‑712)

25 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

F. J. Haverfield: The Last Days of Silchester (EHR 19:625‑631)

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ογ′

23 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

the catchall pages for all remaining small entries starting with B L

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος θ′

22 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Balnea Ludi

Allen's Star Names: Telescopium Ursa Major

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγοι κγ′ κϝ′

21 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος να′

20 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

the catchall page for all remaining small entries starting with T

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος νθ′

19 Mar 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος οα′

16 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: The Galaxy

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ε′

14 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Sagitta

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ιϝ′

13 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

The Tiber Tribunal Praetoris

Allen's Star Names: Serpens

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος κβ′

12 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Tabula Valeria

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Tabula Valeria (AJP 19:406‑412)

The Tabula Valeria and the Tabula Sestia (CP 3:278‑284)

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος κζ′

11 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

the catchall page for all remaining small entries starting with R

Allen's Star Names: Ursa Minor

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος λθ′

10 Mar 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ξε′

8 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Temple of Jupiter Ultor Temple of Jupiter Victor Temples and shrines of Jupiter (index page and smaller shrines) • Temples of Veiovis

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος οθ′

2 Mar 08

[Link to a page in English]

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Churches of Scheggino

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Tabernae circa Forum

and the catchall page for all remaining small entries starting with Q

Allen's Star Names: Canis Major

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος κδ′

22 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Temple of Hercules Invictus



and the catchall page for all remaining small entries starting with H

Allen's Star Names: The Lunar Mansions

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος νδ′

21 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Introduction

20 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Temple of Hercules Custos

Allen's Star Names: Draco

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος νη′

19 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Cicero: Laelius de Amicitia

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ξγ′

18 Feb 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ξθ′

17 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Cicero: Cato Maior de Senectute

15 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Cicero: de Divinatione (and a Cicero orientation page)

12 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Roman Ideas of Deity (JRS 6:170‑184)

11 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:


10 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Juno Sospita

8 Feb 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ο′

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Centaurus

7 Feb 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ξη′

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Crux

6 Feb 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος οϝ′

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Pegasus

5 Feb 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος μβ′

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Cygnus

4 Feb 08

[Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος ιθ′

[Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Ophiuchus

3 Feb 08

Legamen ad paginam in lingua Latina. [Link to a page in English]

Historia Augusta: Aurelian

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in Greek]

Δίων Χρυσόστομος· Λόγος οε′

[image ALT: a blank space] [Link to a page in English]

Allen's Star Names: Piscis Australis

2 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 34

1 Feb 08

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

Two reviews of Bourne's Spain in America:

of the original 1904 publication (PSQ 20:329‑333)

of the 1962 reissue (AAFH/TAM 19:333‑334)

31 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 33

30 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 32

American & Military History:

a pair of orientation pages that will see increasing use:

The Colonial Period The Frontier Period

28 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 31

26 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

American History Notes:

James Wilkinson as Advisor to Emperor Iturbide (HAHR 1:163‑180)

23 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

American & Military History:

Edward G. Bourne: Spain in America

21 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 35

19 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom:

Discourses 9 38

Fragments Letters

18 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 37 72

17 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 48 73

16 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 36 39 50 51 52

15 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 4 66 68 69 70 71

14 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 13 65

13 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 47

12 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 46 53 54 55 56 58 59 60

11 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 12 42 43 44 45

10 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 40 41

9 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 14 15

7 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 25 26 30 79 80

6 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 20 21 22 23 24

5 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 18 19

4 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 11

3 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourse 49

2 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 57 61 62

1 Jan 08

[Link to a page in English]

Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 17 64 75 76 77‑78

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Page updated: 1 Jan 23
