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Page updated: 1 Jan 25

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What Was New (in 2009):

Changes to this site (mostly additions), the most recent listed first

If you're looking for what's new THIS YEAR
you're not on the right page: this is the one you want.

Minor changes, added photographs, corrections of broken links, etc. are not recorded, nor work in progress on unannounced sites.

Pages in Spanish will be reported here for now. Otherwise, pages in languages other than English will be reported here only if no English page exists, or if they are a resource in their own right. Italics indicate original material.

31 Dec 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Location of a Shrine of Vacuna (CJ 18:220‑224)

29 Dec 09


American History Notes/American Railroad History:

The Northern Railroads, April, 1861 (AHR 22:778‑793)

28 Dec 09


American History Notes/American Railroad History:

The United States Military Railroads, 1862‑1865: War Time Operation and Maintenance (JAMHF 2:70‑89)

27 Dec 09


American & Military History: Cullum's Register: Herman Haupt (816)

American History Notes:

Mule Ear Currency (JAMHF 2:55)

26 Dec 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Commendatore Boni: Recent Discoveries on the Palatine Hill, Rome (JRS 3:242‑252) [recent in 1913, at any rate]

25 Dec 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

B. L. Ullman: Cleopatra's Pearls (CJ 52:193‑201)

21 Dec 09


Churches of Umbria:

Churches of S. Venanzo

Achaean League (Encyclopedia Britannica article)

17 Dec 09


Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire (my translations): Rica, Ricinium

16 Dec 09


American History Notes:

S. H. Logan: Mysterious Footprints in a Rock near Clarksville (Ark. Hist. Q. 1:355‑357)

15 Dec 09


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary:

Domus (all the entries on private houses)

Arae Incendii Neronis (Altars of the Fire of Nero)

13 Dec 09


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary: Domus Laterani

12 Dec 09


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary: Castra

11 Dec 09


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary: Templum Deae Suriae

10 Dec 09


Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary: Fornices

3 Dec 09


American History Notes:

F. H. Eckstorm: The Attack on Norridgewock, 1724 (NEQ 7:541‑578)

2 Dec 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Lionel Casson: Speed Under Sail of Ancient Ships (TAPA 82:136‑148)

26 Nov 09


American Railroad History:

Robert Lardin Fulton: Epic of the Overland

18 Nov 09


Gaetano Vestris, Lucia Vestris (brief Encyclopedia Britannica articles)

16 Nov 09


American History Notes:

The Canal and the Railroad from 1861 to 1865 (YR 15:195‑213)

and a topical orientation page,

American Railroad History

11 Nov 09


Luis Galdames: A History of Chile

and a topical orientation page,

History of the Americas

10 Nov 09


American & Military History: Cullum's Register: Joseph A. Haskin (995)

5 Nov 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

A little Guy Fawkes Day item:

E. E. Burriss: The Use and Worship of Fire among the Romans (CW 24:6:43‑45)

1 Nov 09


American & Military History:

John Moody: The Railroad Builders

19 Oct 09


Jean-Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil (brief Encyclopedia Britannica article)

American History Notes:

The Papacy and Spanish-American Independence (HAHR 9:154‑1975)

17 Oct 09


American History Notes:

Antonio de Ulloa (HAHR 15:155‑194)

26 Sep 09


American History Notes:

The Itata Incident (HAHR 5:195‑226)

23 Sep 09



The Dinner of the Seven Sages

19 Sep 09



Consolatio ad Apollonium

18 Sep 09

🇬🇷 🇺🇸


Περὶ σημείων ὑδάτων καὶ πνευμάτων καὶ χειμώνων καὶ εὐδιών / Weather Signs


American History Notes:

The Earliest Known Mesopotamian Traveller in America (CHR 3:446‑447)

Pere Antoine, Supreme Officer of the Holy Inquisition of Cartagena, in Louisiana (CHR 8:59‑63)

16 Sep 09


American & Military History — American Catholic History:

Archbishop John Hughes, American Envoy to France (1861) (CHR 3:336‑339)

15 Sep 09



On Controlling Anger

11 Sep 09


American & Military History:

American Catholic History (homepage of a new section of this site, linking to the following new items:)

Camillus Maes: Life of Charles Nerinckx

— and part of American History Notes:

Fathers Badin and Nerinckx and the Dominicans in Kentucky (CHR 6:15‑45)
and supporting documents (CHR 6:66‑88)

Camillus Maes: Flemish Franciscan Missionaries in North America (CHR 1:13‑16)

Rt. Rev. Camillus P. Maes, D. D. (obituary, CHR 1:125‑127)

H. C. Schuyler: The Apostle of the Abnakis: Father Sebastian Rale, S. J. (1657‑1724) (CHR 1:164‑174)

Raphael N. Hamilton: The Significance of the Frontier to the Historian of the Catholic Church in the United States (CHR 25:160‑178)

Herbert Bolton: The Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish-American Colonies (AHR 23:42‑61)

Isaac Jogues (brief Encyclopedia Britannica article)

4 Sep 09



On Talkativeness

31 Aug 09



On Tranquillity of Mind

29 Aug 09



On Affection for Offspring

27 Aug 09



On Brotherly Love

22 Aug 09



The Epic Cycle (extant fragments)

21 Aug 09


American History Notes:

Leroy T. Patton: Military Education in the United States (J. Higher Ed. 8:425‑434)

20 Aug 09


American History Notes:

The Seizure of the Forts in Louisiana in 1861 (LH 2:401‑409)

6 Aug 09


American History Notes:

Resaca de la Palma (JAMHF 1:101‑107)

5 Aug 09


1911 Britannica: Cithara

2 Aug 09


American & Military History:

History of West Point/American History Notes:

"The System of Instruction at West Point" by Robert P. Keep (1869)

"The Nervous Exhaustion due to West Point Training" by Charles E. Woodruff (1901)

28 Jul 09


American & Military History:

William Godson: History of West Point 1852‑1902

21 Jul 09


American & Military History:

History of West Point (an orientation page)

Roswell Park's A Sketch of the History and Topography of West Point and the Military Academy (1840)

E. D. J. Waugh's West Point, The Story Of The United States Military Academy, Which Rising From The Revolutionary Forces Has Taught American Soldiers The Art Of Victory (1944)

Also, two entries from Cullum's Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy:
Roswell Park (629) Henry Clay, Jr. (630)

9 Jul 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Gordon J. Laing: Roman Milestones and the Capita Viarum (TAPA 39:15‑34)

8 Jul 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Alfred C. Andrews: The Roman Craze for Surmullets (CW 42:12:186‑188)

7 Jul 09


Ferentum and Ferentinum

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

Walton Brooks McDaniel: The Ferentinum of Horace (TAPA 43:67‑72)

3 Jul 09



Gryllus (Dialogue between Odysseus and a Pig)

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

David B. Kaufman: Poisons and Poisoning among the Romans (CP 27:2:156‑167)

30 Jun 09



Is Water or Fire More Useful? (Aquane an ignis utilior)

29 Jun 09



Precepts of Statecraft (Praecepta gerendae reipublicae)

27 Jun 09



On Praising Oneself Inoffensively (De se ipsum citra invidiam laudando)

26 Jun 09



On Envy and Hate (De invidia et odio)

25 Jun 09



On Not Letting Ourselves Be Bullied (De vitioso pudore)

21 Jun 09



On Fate (De fato)

19 Jun 09

🇬🇷 🇺🇸


Συγκρίσεως Ἀριστοφάνους καὶ Μενάνδρου ἐπιτομή / Summary of a Comparison between Aristophanes and Menander (Comparationis Aristophani et Menandri Compendium)

18 Jun 09



Should Old Men Take Part in Affairs of State?
(An seni respublica gerenda sit)

On the Love of Wealth
(De cupiditate)

Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Patrimi et Matrimi

16 Jun 09


Kentucky Scrapbook:

Kona, including

A Brief History of Kona

15 Jun 09



That a Philosopher ought to Converse especially with Men in Power
(Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum)

14 Jun 09

🇬🇷 🇺🇸


Ἐρωτικαί διηγήσεις / Love Stories (Amatoriae narrationes)


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:


12 Jun 09

🇬🇷 🇺🇸


Πρὸς ἡγεμόνα ἀπαίδευτον / To an Uneducated Ruler (Ad principem ineruditum)

Περὶ μοναρχίας καὶ δημοκρατίας καὶ ὀλιγαρχίας / On Monarchy, Democracy, and Oligarchy (De monarchia &c.)

10 Jun 09

🇬🇷 🇺🇸


Πότερον Ἀθηναῖοι κατὰ πόλεμον ἢ κατὰ σοφίαν ἐνδοξότεροι / In What Did the Glory of the Athenians Consist? (de Gloria Atheniensium)


Plutarch: Εἰ διδακτόν ἡ ἀρετή


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

F. G. Allinson: The Original 'Marathon Runner' (CW 24:19:152)

Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Two villages in the comune of Massa Martana: Raggio Zampani

2 Jun 09


Churches of Umbria:

Churches of Terni

Railworkers' Chapel in Terni train station

27 May 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria: S. Pellegrino di Gualdo

Churches of S. Pellegrino

Church of S. Pellegrino (confusingly named: one of several in the town)

Edicola of Our Lady of Montecamara

26 May 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria: Colbassano di Fossato

Churches of Umbria: Churches of Gualdo Tadino (a placeholder page)

24 May 09


American History Notes:

John Sevier's Diary (TMH 5:156‑194, 232‑266, 6:18‑68)

1911 Britannica:

John Sevier

Excerpts from Heiskell's Andrew Jackson and Early Tennessee History (part of Chapter 26)

20 May 09


American History Notes:

Bedford's Tour (1807) down the Cumberland, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers from Nashville to New Orleans (TMH 5:40‑68, 107‑128)

19 May 09


American History Notes:

Why the First Settlers of Tennessee were from Virginia (TMH 5:229‑231)

11 May 09


American History Notes:

Colonel John Montgomery (TMH 5:145‑150)

A Yankee School Master's Reminiscences of Tennessee (TMH 6:279‑283)

10 May 09


American History Notes:

Henderson and Company's Purchase within the Limits of Tennessee (TMH 5:5‑27)

Management of Negroes upon Southern Estates (TMH 5:97‑106)

The North Carolina-Tennessee Boundary Line Survey (1799) (TMH 6:46‑57)

and the index page to Tennessee Historical Magazine articles (for the above and future items).

4 May 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

H. F. Pelham: Claudius and the Quaestura Gallica (CR 10:6‑7)

J. B. Bury: Tacitus, Agricola, C. 24 (JRS 12:57‑59)

2 May 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

F. J. Haverfield: Early British Christianity (EHR 11:417‑430)

30 Apr 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

The church of S. Domenico in Foligno

26 Apr 09


Tacitus: Annals

24 Apr 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

T. Ashby: Vasari Society (Burlington Magazine 42:107)

[a note on certain drawings of the Mausoleum of Augustus]

20 Apr 09


St. Nerses the Armenian and Our Lady (AAVM 35:1‑5, 35‑38)

15 Apr 09


1911 Britannica:


Edward Augustus Freeman

The Antiquary's Shoebox:

J. Bryce: Edward Augustus Freeman (EHR 7:497‑509)

11 Apr 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

Edicola at Colle Alto di Bovara

7 Apr 09


Gazetteer of Italy:

Churches of L'Aquila

31 Mar 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

The church of the Madonna del Campione in Todi

29 Mar 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria:

The church of S. Maria in Camuccia in Todi

28 Mar 09


American History Notes:

Projects for Colonization in the South, 1684‑1732 (MVHR 12:23‑35)

17 Mar 09


American & Military History:

Arthur Preston Whitaker: The Spanish-American Frontier, 1783‑1795

American History Notes:

The Efforts of the Democratic Societies of the West to Open the Navigation of the Mississippi (MVHR 11:376‑389)

4 Mar 09


Gazetteer of Italy: Umbria: Wayside shrine at Borgo Trevi

20 Feb 09

🇬🇷 🇺🇸


Περὶ τοῦ πρώτως Ψυχροῦ / On the Principle of Cold


American History Notes:

Frederick Jackson Turner: Geographic Sectionalism in American History (AAAG 16:85‑93)

16 Feb 09


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Palmus (measurement: palm, span)

14 Feb 09


Einsiedeln Eclogues

11 Feb 09


Calpurnius Siculus: Eclogues

6 Feb 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Neronian Sacra Via (AJA 27:383‑424)

3 Feb 09


The Antiquary's Shoebox:

The Velia: a Study in Historical Topography (TAPA 56:54‑69)

1 Feb 09


Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities:

Janua (door)

14 Jan 09


Easton's Relation of the Causes of King Philip's War

13 Jan 09


E. R. Bevan: The House of Ptolemy

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