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This webpage reproduces the illustrations in an article in
The Art Bulletin
Vol. 41, No. 1 (Mar. 1959), pp39‑57.

This page has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
If you find a mistake though,
please let me know!

The article,

Theodosius or Justinian?
A Renaissance Drawing of a
Byzantine Rider


Phyllis Williams Lehmann

is transcribed on its own separate page.

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1. Drawing of Imperial Rider.
Budapest University Library, MS. 35, fol. 144v

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2. View of Constantinople, detail
(From Buondelmonti, Liber insularum archipelagi).
Venice, Bibl. Marciana, MS. Lat. Cl. X, 123, fol. 22r

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3. View of Constantinople
(From Buondelmonti, Liber insularum archipelagi).
Athens, Gennadius Library, MS. 71, fol. 36v

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4. View of Constantinople, detail
(From Hartmann Schedel, Liber chronicarum, fol. CCLVII r

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5. Simplified Version of Fig. 1,
as published by P. A. Dethier in 1864
(From A. D. Mordtmann, Esquisse . . ., p471)

6. Corrected Drawing after Fig. 1, published by P. A. Dethier in 1869

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7. Detail of Fig. 1

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8. Replica of Lost Gold Medallion of Justinian
London, British Museum

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9. Reverse of Bronze Coin of Theodosius I from the Mint of Antioch
New York, American Numismatic Society

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10. Reverse of Bronze Coin of Theodosius I from the Mint of Cyzicus
London, British Museum

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11. Gold Medallion of Theodosius I
Mounted as Pendant of a Byzantine Pectoral
Washington, Freer Gallery

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12. Tomb of Frederick III.
Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral

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13. Portrait of Frederick III.
Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral

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14. View of Constantinople
(From Buondelmonti, Liber insularum archipelagi).
Venice, Bibl. Marciana, MS. Lat. Cl. XIV, 45, p123

15. View of Constantinople
(From Buondelmonti, Liber insularum archipelagi).
Marburg, Westdeutsche Bibliothek, MS. Hamilton 108, fol. 70

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16. Device from Dedicatory Page.
Marburg, Westdeutsche Bibliothek, MS. Hamilton 108, fol. 1r

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17. Bembo's Eulogy of Antonio Venier.
Marburg, Westdeutsche Bibliothek, MS. Hamilton 108, fol. 1r

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Page updated: 2 Jun 20
