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Todi e dintorni
Guida turistica a colori con pianta della città del territorio
Text and photographs by Carlo Grassetti

[image ALT: The cover of a tall book, thinly oblong in shape; it features a lush landscape of tilled fields and trees, leading to a hill on the horizon, on which can be made out a small town with at least one church belfry. It is a view of the countryside S of Todi, Umbria (central Italy), as presented on 'Todi e dintorni', a local guide to the area. A brief review of this book is the subject of this webpage.]

Cover: Todi from the south.
The spire is that of S. Fortunato.

This conveniently portable Italian-language guide is thorough, reliable and profusely illustrated with over 200 informative and well chosen photographs.

It opens with an 80‑page section on the city of Todi. A second section of suggested itineraries provides detailed coverage of the towns and villages listed below: the sights in the towns and in the countryside between them, but also a wealth of information on local history, placename origins, biographical and anecdotal material on local painters and historical figures, and occasional details on the restoration of churches and castelli.

The history and landscape of the area also get a few pages, a consolidated 10‑page advertising section both useful and rather more attractive than ads often are, and a list of useful phone numbers appears with the index. Last but definitely not least, the guide comes with a small regional map insert, accurate if more useful to drivers than to hikers; on the back of which a rather good general street map of Todi. Mind you, it would have been better for the map to be bound into the volume rather loose.

In 2 months of hiking the smallest country roads in the area, I found this book invaluable, as may be judged by frequent references to it in my diary.

Carlo Grassetti Editore, Todi 1992

© 1992 Carlo Grassetti Editore

216pp; 12 cm × 21.5 cm (4¾″ by 8½″)

A list of the places with entries in Todi e Dintorni follows. The links, though, are to my own pages and not to the entry; formal webpages are in boldface, and the other links are to my diary.

Asproli Cacciano Camerata Campi Canonica Casemasce Cecanibbi Chioano Colvalenza (Collevalenza) Cordigliano Duesanti Dunarobba Figareto (Ficareto) Fiore Fratta Todina Frontignano Ilci Izzalini Loreto Lorgnano Massa Martana Monte­castello di Vibio Monte­molino Monte­nero Monticello Pantalla Pesciano Petroro Pian di Porto Pian di San Martino Pontecuti Ponterio (Ponte Rio) Porchiano Quadro Ripaioli Romazzano Rosceto San Damiano Santa Illuminata (an isolated church) San Terenziano Sismano Titignano Torrececcona Torregentile Torreluca Vasciano Villa San Faustino

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Page updated: 12 Sep 16
