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This webpage reproduces
miscellaneous small texts by
Dio Chrysostom
as published in the Loeb Classical Library, 1951

The text is in the public domain.

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and I believe it to be free of errors.
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(Vol. V) Dio Chrysostom

 p345  We are indebted for the following brief fragments to the anthologies of Stobaeus (c. A.D. 450) and Maximus the Confessor (A.D. 580‑662). Stobaeus names as his sources two works nowhere else listed under the name of Dio, namely, Sayings and Domestic Affairs; Maximus does not tell us the titles of the works from which he drew his quotations. It is manifest that our manuscripts of Dio have preserved for us only a portion of Dio's writings, and the Sayings were probably a compilation made by an admirer of Dio, who drew upon works now lost. At all events, both Stobaeus and Maximus bear witness to the enduring fame and influence of our author.

 p347  Fragments


1 A Spartan woman, when her son had been lamed on the field of battle and was chafing on that account, remarked, "Grieve not, my child, for at every step you will be reminded of your own valour."

2 "Reproof," Diogenes was wont to say, "is another's blessing."

3 One of the youths who were disciples of Diogenes, when questioned by him, remained silent. But Diogenes remarked, "Do you not believe that it is to be expected of the same man that he should know, not only what he should say and when, but also what he should refrain from saying and before whom?"

 p349  Domestic Affairs

1 We shall begin with that which especially benefits a household; and that would be reproof of slander, for slander is the most painful of all evils and the most insidious.

2 Therefore one ought to act the master with moderation and permit any who so desire to relax at times. For intervals of relaxation are preparatory for labours — both bow and lyre and men as well are at their best through relaxation.

3 But wifely piety is love of husband.

4 But laughter which is continuous and boisterous is worse than anger; therefore it abounds especially among courtesans and the more foolish of children. As for myself, I hold that a face is adorned by tears more than by laughter. For with tears as a rule there is associated some profitable lesson, but with laughter licence. Moreover, by tears no one gives encouragement to a licentious person, whereas by laughter one fosters his expectations.

 p351  5 For great humiliation is the engendering of self-control.

6 For while the begetting of offspring is an act of necessity, their rearing is an act of love.


1 Surely it is shocking to importune the gods and yet be unwilling ourselves to do the things which by the gods' decree are in our power.

2 Expectation of dangers exempts from dangers him who expects them, since his affairs are made secure beforehand by reason of his anticipation of the difficulties.

3 For though wickedness, when incipient, might possibly be checked by repression, when chronic and established as a thing to which we have grown accustomed, it cannot, they say, be checked through penalties.

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Page updated: 7 Apr 12
