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Analysis of the Cynegetica:
Bk. I.1‑46 Prooemium; 47‑80 Triple division of the hunting of wild creatures — Fowling, Hunting, Fishing; 81‑90 Physical qualities of Hunter; 91‑109 The Hunter's equipment; 110‑146 Seasons of Hunting; 147‑157 The Hunter's weapons; 158‑367 Horses; 368‑538 Dogs.
Bk. II.1‑42 The Inventors of Hunting; 43‑175 Bulls; 176‑292 Deer; 293‑295 Broad-horn; 296‑299 Iorcus; 300‑314 Antelope; 315‑325 Gazelle; 326‑444 Wild Goats and Sheep; 445‑488 Oryx; 489‑550 Elephant; 551‑569 Rhinoceros; 570‑585 Panther, Cat, Dormouse; 586‑597 Squirrel; 598‑604 Hedgehog and Spiny Mouse; 605‑611 Ape; 612‑628 Blind Rat.
Bk. III.1‑6 Prooemium; 7‑62 Lion; 63‑83 Leopard; 84‑106 Lynx; 107‑138 Digression on the affection of animals for their young; 139‑182 Bear; 183‑250 Wild Ass; 251‑261 Wild Horse; 262‑339 Wolf and Hyena; 340‑363 Tiger; 364‑390 Wild Boar; 391‑406 Porcupine; 407‑448 Ichneumon, Crocodile, and Asp; 449‑460 Fox; 461‑471 Giraffe; 482‑503 Ostrich; 504‑525 Hare.
Bk. IV.1‑76 Prooemium; general precepts on Hunting; 77‑211 Lion Hunting; 212‑229 Hunting of Thos and Leopard; 230‑353 Leopards and Dionysus; 354‑424 Bear Hunting; 425‑438 Hare Hunting; 439‑447 Gazelle Hunting; 448‑453 Fox Hunting.
Analysis of the Halieutica:
Bk. I.1‑79 Prooemium; comparison of Hunting, Fishing, and Fowling; 79‑92 Depth of the Sea, etc. p. lxxv93‑445 Habitat and Habit of various Fishes; 446‑512 the Mating of various Fishes; 513‑553 Mating of Eels, Turtles, Poulpes; 554‑579 Mating of Muraena; 580‑583 Mating of Dolphin; 584‑637 Fish-breeding in general; 638‑645 Molluscs, Selachians, etc.; 646‑685 Dolphin; 686‑701 Seal; 702‑733 Love of offspring among animals; 734‑741 Dog-fish; 742‑746 Angel-shark; 747‑755 Glaucus; 756‑761 Tunny; 762‑797 Oysters and Aphya.
Bk. II.1‑42 Prooemium; 43‑55 Fishes prey one on the other; 56‑85 the Torpedo; 86‑119 the Fishing Frog; 120‑27 Cuttle-fish; 128‑140 Prawn; 141‑161 Ox-ray (Cephalopterus Giorna); 167‑180 Crab and Oyster; 181‑185 Star-fish and Oyster; 186‑198 Pinna and Pinnoteres; 199‑224 Uranoscopus scaber; 225‑231 Sea-urchins; 232‑252 Poulpe (Octopus); 253‑421 Spiny Lobster, Muraena, Poulpe; 422‑500 Venomous Fishes — Scolopendra, Iulis, Poulpe, Cuttle-fish, Goby, Scorpion, Sea-swallow, Weever, Squalus centrina, Sting-ray; 501‑532 Parasites of Tunny and Dog-fish; 533‑552 Dolphin; 553‑627 Dolphin and Amia (Bonito); 628‑641 Dolphin; 642‑663 Grey Mullet (κεστρεύς); 664‑688 Epilogue.
Bk. III.1‑28 Prooemium; 29‑49 Attributes of the Fisherman; 50‑71 Seasons for Fishing; 72‑91 Instruments of Fisherman; 92‑97 Wiles of Fish; 98‑116 Grey Mullet (κεστρεύς); 117‑120 Muraena; 121‑125 Basse; 126‑127 Mormyrus; 128‑131 Basse; 132‑137 Orcynus (largest size of Tunny); 138‑143 Ox-ray, Sea-sheep, Skate, Hake (?); 144‑148 Bonito and Fox-shark; 149‑155 Torpedo; 156‑165 Cuttle-fish; 166‑168 Squid; 169‑204 Baits for various Fish; 205‑337 Anthias; 338‑370 Cantharus or Black Sea-bream; 371‑413 Admos; 414‑431 Saupe; 432‑442 Red p. lxxviMullet; 443‑481 Melanurus; 482‑528 Grey Mullet (κεστρεύς); 529‑575 Sword-fish; 576‑619 Mackerel, Tunny, Needle-fish, Dentex; 620‑648 Tunny.
Bk. IV.1‑10 Fishes captured through love of their kind; 11‑39 Address to Love (Eros); 40‑126 Parrot-wrasse; 127‑146 Grey Mullet (κέφαλος); 147‑171 Cuttle-fish; 172‑241 Merle-wrasse and Thrush-wrasse; 242‑263 Dog-fishes; 264‑307 Poulpes; 308‑403 Sargues; 404‑436 Hippurus; 437‑438 Pilot-fish; 439‑449 Squid; 450‑467 Eel; 468‑503 Aphya; 504‑592 Pelamyds; 593‑65 Divers catch Sargue; 616‑634 Divers catch Sciaena; 635‑646 Weel, Hook, Net, Trident, Burning the water 647‑693 Poisoning the water.
Bk. V.1‑4 Prooemium; 46‑357 Sea-monsters; Whale-guide (67‑108); Whale-hunting (109 ff.); 358‑364 Lamia (Lamna); 365‑375 Dog-fishes; 376‑391 Seal; 392‑415 Turtles; 416‑558 Dolphin, Legends of; 589‑597 Testaceans; 598‑611 Purple-shells; 612‑674 Sponge-fishers; 675‑680 Epilogue.
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