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1. Editio princeps. Greek Text of Hal. and Cyn., with Lat. verse rendering of Hal. by Laurentius Lippius, Ald., Venice, 1517.
2. Oppiani de Venatione libri IV, Parisiis apud Vascosanum, 1549.
3. Oppiani Anazarbei de Piscatu libri V, de Venatione libri IV, Parisiis, 1555, apud Turnebum.
4. Oppiani Poetae Cilicis de Venatione lib. IV, de p. lxxviiPiscatu lib. V, cum interpretatione latina, comment. et indice rerum . . . studio et opera Conradi Rittershusii, Lugduni Bat., 1597.
5. Poet. graec. veteres carm. heroici scriptores qui exstant omnes, apposita est e regione latina interpretatio . . . cura et recensione Iac. Lectii, Aureliae Allobrog., 1606.
6. Opp. Poet. Cilicis de Ven. lib. IV et de Pisc. lib. V, cum paraphr. gr. librorum de Aucupio, gr. et lat., cur. J. G. Schneider, Argentorati, 1776.
7. Opp. Poem de Ven. et Pisc. cum interpr. lat. et schol. . . . tom. I. Cynegetica . . . recens. Iac. Nic. Belin de Ballu, Argent., 1786.
8. Opp. Cyn. et Hal. . . . emend. J. G. Schneider . . . Accedunt versiones lat. metrica et prosaica, plurima anecdota et ind. graecitatis, Lipsiae 1813 [the Lat. metrical version of the Cyn. is by David Peifer (1555); there is no metrical version of the Hal., no prose version of either poem, no anecd., no index graecitatis].
9. Opp. et Nicandr. quae supersunt . . . gr. et lat. ed. F. S. Lehrs in Poet. bucolici et didactici, Didot, Paris., 1846.
10. Oppians des jüngeren Gedicht von der Jagd . . . I. Buch, metrisch übers. u. mit erklärenden Bemerk. versehen von M. Miller, Programm, Amberg, 1885; II. Buch (1‑377), München, 1891; IV.º Buch, Programm, Amberg, 1886.
11. Opp. Cyn. (Oppien d'Apamée La Chasse), éd. crit. par P. Boudreaux, Libr. H. Champion, Paris, 1908.
Translations: Halieutica, English verse, by Diaper and Jones, Oxford, 1722. Cynegetica in French, Limes, Paris, 1817. Both poems in Italian, Salvini, Florence, 1728.
Scholia et Paraphrases in Nicandrum et Oppianum ed. Bussemaker, Didot, Paris, 1849. Cf. O. Tüselmann, p. lxxviiiZur handschrift. Überlief. v. Oppians Kyn., Progr., Ilfeld, 1890, and Abh. d. Königl. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Philol.-hist. Klasse, N. Folge, IV.1, 1900; A. Ludwich, Aristarchs homerische Textkritik, II.597 ff.
Bodinus, J., Opp. de Ven. lib. IV. I. Bodino . . . interpret. . . . accessit commentarius, Lutetiae, 1555.
Brodaei, J., Annotationes in Opp. Cyn. libr. IV, Basileae, 1552.
Headlam, W., Various Conjectures, Journ. of Philol. XXIII (1895).
Schmidt, O., De elocutione Oppiani Apameensis, Leipzig, 1866.
A. = Aristotle, History of Animals. Other works of Aristotle are quoted by A. with abbreviations for particular works as e.g. A. P. A. = Aristotle, De Partibus Animalium, A. De Gen. = Arist. De Generatione, and so on.
Ael. = Aelian, De Natura Animalium. If the Varia Historia is referred to, V. H. is added.
Antig. = Antigonus of Carystus (3rd cent. B.C.), Hist. Paradox. Synagoge.
Arr. C., Tact. = Arrianus of Nicomedia (c. A.D. 100), Cynegetica, Tactica.
Ath. (Athen.) = Athenaeus (c. A.D. 200), Deipnosophistae.
E. M. = Etymologicum Magnum (12th cent. A.D.).
Dion. P. = Dionysius Periegetes (2nd cent. A.D.).
Geop. = Geoponica (Cassianus Bassus), 10th cent. A.D.
Gratt. = Grattius, Cynegetica.
Marc. S. = Marcellus of Side in Pamphylia (2nd cent. A.D.), author of Iatrica (101 lines extant).
Nemes. = Nemesianus (3rd cent. A.D.), Cynegetica.
p. lxxix Phil. = Manuel Philes, De Animalium Proprietate.
Plin. = Pliny's Natural History.
Poll. = Julius Pollux (Πολυδεύκης) of Naucratis (2nd cent. A.D.), Ὀνομαστικόν.
Solin. = C. Iulius Solinus (3rd cent. A.D.), Collectanea rerum memorabilium.
Varr. = Varro, De Re Rustica.
Xen. C. = Xenophon, Cynegeticus.
A. and W. = Aubert and Wimmer, Aristotles Thierkunde, Leipzig, 1868.
Apost. = Apostolides, La Pêche en Grèce2, Athens, 1907.
Badham = C. D. Badham, Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle, London, 1854.
Bik. = Bikélas [i.e. Vicelas], La Faune de Grèce, Paris, 1879.
Bussemaker = U. C. Bussemaker, Index Animalium in edition of Scholia to Nicander and Oppian, Paris, 1849.
Cuvier = Cuvier et Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, Paris, 1828‑1849.
Day = F. Day, British Fishes, 1889.
Erh. = Erhard, Fauna der Cykladen, Leipzig, 1858.
Forbes = Edw. Forbes, Natural History of the European Seas, 1859.
Gesner = Konrad von Gesner, Historia Animalium, 1551‑8.
Günther = Günther Introduction to the Study of Fishes, 1880.
Lindermayer = A. Lindermayer, Die Vögel Griechenlands, Passau, 1860.
Mommsen = August Mommsen, Griechische Jahreszeiten, Hft. III, Schleswig, 1875.
McIntosh = W. C. McIntosh, British Marine Food Fishes, 1897.
Mühle = H. von der Mühle, Beiträge zur Ornithologie Griechenlands, Leipzig, 1844.
p. lxxx Radcliffe = W. Radcliffe, Fishing from the Earliest Times, London, 1921.
Ridg. = Sir W. Ridgway, Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse [Cambridge Biological Series], Cambridge University Press, 1905.
St. John, N. H. = C. St. John, Natural History and Sport in Moray, Edin., 1863.
St. John, Wild Sports = C. St. John, Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands, Lond., 1846.
Sundevall = C. I. Sundevall, Thierarten des Aristoteles, Stockholm, 1863.
Thompson, Glossary = D'Arcy W. Thompson, A Glossary of Greek Birds, Oxford, 1895.
Tristram = H. B. Tristram, The Natural History of the Bible, London, 1880.
Turner = Turner on Birds (1544), ed. Evans, Cambridge, 1903.
A = Venetus 479, XI century (Cyn. only). B = Parisinus 2736, XV cent. (Cyn. only). C = Parisinus 2860, XV cent. (Cyn. only). D = Neapolitanus II.F.17, XV cent. (Cyn. and Hal.). E = Laurentianus 31.27, XVI cent. (Cyn. only). F = Parisinus Suppl. Gr. 109, XVI cent. (Cyn. only). G = Parisinus 2723, XIV cent. (Cyn. only). H = Venetus 468, XIII cent. (Hal. and Cyn., the latter incomplete). I = Matritensis 4558, XV cent. (Hal. and Cyn.). K = Laurentianus 32.16, XIII cent. (Hal. and Cyn.). L = Vindobonensis 135, XV cent. (Hal. and Cyn.). M = Laurentianus 31.3, XIII cent. (Hal. and Cyn.). N = Venetus 480, XV cent. (Hal. and Cyn.). O = Laurentianus 86.21, XV cent. (Hal. and Cyn.). P = Parisinus 2737, A.D. 1554 (Cyn. only). Q = Salmanticensis 1‑1‑18, copied 1326 (Hal. and Cyn.). R = Vaticanus 118, XV (Hal. and Cyn.). |
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