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Bill Thayer

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This page has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
If you find a mistake though, please let me know!

Tacitus: Annals

 p419  Maps

Thayer's Note: These are among the maps appended to Vols. II‑V of the Loeb edition of Tacitus. Those not reproduced here are not referred to in the text, and/or are less good than what can easily be found elsewhere online.

[A map of the ancient city of Jerusalem in Roman times.]

Vol. III: Map of Ancient Jerusalem

A larger, fully readable version (392K) opens in a separate window.

[A map of Germany in Roman times, showing the ranges of many tribes and a few Roman cities.]

Vol. III: Map of Germania in Roman Times

A larger, fully readable version (716K) opens in a separate window.

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Page updated: 24 Apr 09
