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The following lists include most of the works cited in the footnotes (though not, as a rule, articles in journals), and also some which are not cited but have been consulted.a
A.S.S. | Acta Sanctorum. |
B.Z. | Byzantinische Zeitschrift. |
CIG | Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. |
CIL | Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. |
C.J. | Codex Justinianus. |
C. Th. | Codex Theodosianus. |
D. Christ. B. | Dictionary of Christian Biography. |
E.H.R. | English Historical Review. |
F.H.G. | Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum. |
J.H.S. | Journal of Hellenic Studies. |
J.R.S. | Journal of Roman Studies. |
M.G.H. | Monumenta Germaniae Historica. |
P.G. | Migne, Patrologia Graeco-Latina. |
P.L. | Migne, Patrologia Latina. |
P.‑W. | Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. |
R.I.S. | Rerum Italicarum Scriptores. |
S.B. | Sitzungsberichte. |
Viz. Vrem. | Vizantiiski Vremennik. |
Cohen-Feuerdent. Descriptions des monnaies frappées sous l'empire romain. Ed. 2, vol. 8. 1880‑92.
Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. Ed. Boeckh. 4 vols. 1828‑77.
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Ed. Mommsen and others. 1862‑ , in progress.
Dessau. Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. 3 vols. 1892‑1916.
Eckhel. Doctrina Nummorum Veterum. Vol. VIII. 1798.
Gori, A. F. Thesaurus veterum diptychorum consularium et ecclesiasticorum. 3 vols. 1759.
Inscriptiones Graecae (Berlin). 1873‑, in progress.
Lefebvre. Recueil des inscriptions grecques-chrétiennes d'Égypte. 1907.
Rossi, De. Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae. 2 vols. 1857‑88.
Sabatier, J. Description générale des monnaies byzantines. Vol. I. 1862.
p438 Wroth, W. Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. 2 vols. 1908.
Catalogue of the coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths, etc., in the British Museum. 1911.
Acta Conciliorum. See Mansi.
Acta martyrii Arethae. A.S.S. Oct. 24, x.
Acta Sanctorum Bollandiana. 1643‑1894.
Aeneas of Gaza. See Epistolographi Graeci.
Aetheria. See Itinera Hierosol.
Agathias. Historiae. (1) Ed. Niebuhr. 1828. (2). Ed. Dindorf, in hist. Graec. Min. II. 1871.
Agnellus. Liber Pontificalis. (1) Ed. Holder-Egger, in M.G.H., Script. rer. Lang. (2) Ed. Muratori, in R.I.S. I.
Anastasius I. Edict for Libya Pentapolis. Ed. Zachariä von Lingenthal. Monatsberichte d. k. pr. Ak. d. Wiss. p134 sqq. 1879.
Anonymus Byzantius. Περὶ στρατηγικῆς. In Griech. Kriegsschriftsteller, edd. Köchly and Rüstow, II.2. 1855. (Includes the Ἑρμήνεια.)
Anonymus Valesianus. Pars II. (1) Ed. Cessi, in new ed. of Muratori, R.I.S., 1913. (2) Ed. Mommsen, in Chron. Minora, I.
Online: a complete Latin text of both parts, with an English translation (Loeb edition).
Anthologia Graeca. (1) Ed. Dübner. 2 vols. 1864‑72. (2) Ed. Stadtmüller (incomplete). 1896‑
Anthologia Latina. Edd. Bücheler and Riese. 2 parts. 1894‑1906.
Antonius. Vita Symeonis Stylitae. Ed. Lietzmann. 1908. (Along with German tr. of a Syriac life, and Symeon's letters, by Hilgenfeld.)
Apollinaris Sidonius. Opera. Ed. Luetjohann. 1887.
Letters, transl. by O.M. Dalton. 2 vols. 1915.
Aristaenetus. See Epistolographi Graeci.
Augustine, S. Epistulae. Ed. Goldbacher. 4 parts. 1895‑1911.
Confessiones. Ed. Knöll. 1896.
De civitate Dei. Ed. Hoffmann. 2 vols. 1899, 1900.
Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius. Opera. Ed. Peiper. 1883.
Benedict, S. Regula. (1) Ed. Wölfflin, 1895. (2) Ed. Butler, 1911. (Eng. tr. by Gasquet, 1908.)
Blemyomachia. See Eudocia.
Boethius. Philosophiae Consolatio. (1) Ed. Peiper, 1871. (2) Edd. Stewart and Rand, with Eng. tr. (along with the Theological Tractates). 1918.
Callinicus. Vita Hypatii. Edd. Semin. Phil. Bonn. sodales. 1895.
Candidus. Fragmenta. F. H. G. IV.
Carmen de Providentia divina. Printed among Prosper's works. PL 51.
Cassiodorus Senator. Varia. Ed. Mommsen. 1894.
Cedrenus. Historiarum Compendium. Vol. I. Ed. Bekker, 1838.
Choricius. Orationes, declamationes, fragmenta. Ed. Boissonade. 1846.
Duae orationes nuptiales. Ed. Förster. 1891.
Duae in Brumalia Iustiniani et de Lydis Orationes. Ed. Förster. 1891.
Miltiadis Oratio. Ed. Förster. 1891.
In Aratium et Stephanum. Ed. Graux. In Oeuvres de C. Graux, vol. II. 1886.
p439 Chronica Caesaraugustana. Chron. Min. II.
Chronica Gallica. Chron. Min. II.
Chronica Minora saec. iv, v, vi, vii. 3 vols. Ed. Mommsen. 1892‑98.
Chronicon Paschale. 2 vols. ed. Dindorf. 1832.
Claudian. Opera. (1) Ed. Birt. 1892. (2) Ed. Koch. 1893.
Online: complete Latin text and English translation (Loeb edition).
Codex Justinianus. See Corp. Jur. Civ.
Codex Theodosianus. (1) Ed. Gothofredus, 6 vols., 1736‑43. (2) Ed. Haenel, 1837‑44. (3) Edd. Mommsen and Meyer, 2 vols., 1905.
Collectio Avellana. Epp. Imperatorum, Pontificum, aliorum (A.D. 367‑553). 2 parts. Ed. Günther. 1895‑98.
Colluthus. Raptus Helenae. See Tryphiodorus.
Online: a complete text of the 1928 English translation by A. W. Mair.
Constantine. Vita Germani. ASS, July 31, VII.
Constantine Porphyrogennetos. Excerpta Historica. 4 vols. (1. De legationibus. 2. De virtutibus et vitiis. 3. De insidiis. 4. De sententiis.) Edd. Boissevain, De Boor, Büttner-Wobst. 1903‑6.
Consularia Constantinopolitana. Chron. Min. I.
Consularia Italica. Chron. Min. I.
Corippus. Carmina. Ed. Partsch. 1879.
Corpus Juris Antejustiniani. 6 fasc. Ed. Haenel. 1835‑44.
Corpus Juris Civilis. I12. Institutiones, Digesta. Ed. Krüger. 1911. II3. Codex Justinianus. Ed. Krüger. 1884. III. Novellae. Edd. Schöll and Kroll. 1912.
Cosmas (Indicopleustes). Christian Topography. (1) In PG 88. (2) Ed. Winstedt, 1909. (Eng. tr. by M'Crindle, 1897.)
Cyril of Scythopolis. Vita Cyriaci. ASS, Sept. 29, 147 sqq.
Vita Euthymii magni. Ed. Cotelerius, in Monumenta eccl. Graecae, vol. IV 1692.
Vita Sabae. (1) Ed. Pomialovski (with the Slavonic version). 1890. (2) Ed. Cotelerius, in op. cit. vol. III. 1686.
De Theodosio abbate. See Theodore of Petrae.
Damascius. Vita Isidori. (1) Ed. Westermann (in the vol. of the Didot series containing Diogenes Laert.). 1878. (2) Ed. Asmus (with German tr. and commentary). 1911
Διήγησις Περὶ τῆς ἁγίας Σοφίας. See Scriptores Orig. Const.
Dracontius. See Merobaudes.
Edictum Theoderici regis. (1) In Haenel, Corp. Jur. Antejust. (2) In Dahn's Könige der Germanen, IV.45 sqq. The text of the Edictum Athalarici = Cassiodorus, Var. IX.18, is also printed here, 125 sqq.
Ennodius. Opera. ed. Hartel. 1882.
Epistolographi Graeci. Ed. Hercher. (Includes the letters of Aeneas and Procopius of Gaza, of Synesius; and also Aristaenetus.)
Epistulae Merowingici aevi. Ed. Gunlach. 1892.
Ἑρμήνεια (dictionary of tactical terms). See Anonymus Byz.
Eudocia (Augusta). Carmina. Ed. Ludwich. 1897. (Along with Proclus, Claudian's Greek poems, and the Blemyomachia.)
Eugippius. Vita Severini. Ed. Mommsen 1877.
Eunapius. Vitae Sophistarum. 2 vols. Ed. Boissonade. 1822. Historiae Fragmenta. In Constantine, Exc. hist., and F. H. G. IV.
Eustathius of Epiphania. Fragmenta. F. H. G. IV.
Eustratius. Vita Eutychii patriarchae. PG 86
Evagrius. Historia Ecclesiastica. Edd. Bidez and Parmentier. 1898.
Expositio totius mundi et gentium. Ed. Lumbroso. 1899.
p440 Facundus of Hermiane. Opera. PL 67.
Fasti Consulares. Ed. Liebenam. 1909.
Fasti Vindobonenses. Chron. Min. I.
Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum. Vols. IV and V.1. Ed. Müller. 1851‑70.
Georgius (Monachus). Chronicle. Vol. I. Ed. De Boor. 1894.
Gregentius. Homeritarum leges, and Disputatio cum Herbano. pG 86.
Gregory I (Pope). Dialogi, Book ii (Vita Benedicti). PL 66.
Gregory of Tours. Opera. edd. Arndt and Krusch. 1885.
Hesychius of Miletus. Origines Constantinopolis. F. H. G. IV.
Hierocles. Synecdemus. Ed. Burckhardt. 1893.
Himerius. Eclogae; Declamationes. Ed. Wernsdorf. 1790.
Historia Miscella. Muratori, RIS I.
Hydatius. Chronicle. Chron. Minora, II.
Isidore of Seville. Historia Gothorum Wandalorum Sueborum; and Chronica. Chron. Minora, II.
Itinera Hierosolymitana, saec. iiii‑viii. Ed. Geyer. 1898
John of Antioch. Fragments. In Constantine, Exc. Hist., and F. H. G. IV, V.
John Chrysostom. Opera. 13 vols. Ed. Montfaucon. (Editio Parisina altera.) 1834‑39. Montfaucon's text is also reprinted in PG 47‑64.
John of Gaza. Ἔκφρασις τοῦ κοσμικοῦ πίνακος τοῦ ὄντος ἐν τῷ χειμεριῴ Λουτρῷ. Ed. Friedländer. 1912. (Along with Paul Silentiarius.)
John the Lydian. De Magistratibus. Ed. Wünsch. 1903.
De mensibus. Ed. Wünsch. 1898.
De ostentis. Ed. Wachsmuth. 1863.
John Malalas. Chronicle. Ed. Bekker. 1831. Additional fragments of Book xviii, in Constantine, Exc. Hist. III. Fragments, in Mai, Spicilegium Romanum, II (at end of volume). 1839.
John Philoponus. De aeternitate mundi. Ed. Rabe. 1899. De opificio mundi. Ed. Reichardt. 1897.
Jordanes. opera. ed. Mommsen. 1882.
Justinian (Emperor). Ecclesiastical Edicts and Writings. PG 86.
Laterculus regum Wandalorum et Alanorum. Chron. Minora, III.
Leges Visigothorum antiquiores. Ed. Zeumer. 1894.
Leo I (Pope). Epistulae. PL 54.
Leontius of Byzantium. Opera. PG 86. Lex Romana Wisigothorum. Ed. Haenel. 1847.
Libanius. Opera. Ed. Förster. (In progress.) 1903‑ . Epistulae. Ed. Wolf. 1738
Liber Diurnus. (1) Ed. E. de Rozière. 1869. (2) PL 105.
Liber Pontificalis. Vol. I. Ed. Duchesne. 1886.
Liber de promissionibus. PL 51.
Malchus. Fragmenta. In Constantine, Exc. Hist. i, and F. H. G. IV.
Mansi. Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Vols. IV‑IX.
Marcellinus. Chronicle. Chron. Minora, II.
Marcus (diaconus). Vita Porphyrii Gaz. Edd. Soc. Phil. Bonn. sodales. 1895. (Eng. tr. by Hill, 1913.)
Marinus. Vita Procli. Ed. Boissonade. (In the vol. of the Didot series containing Diogenes Laert.) 1878.
p441 Marius of Aventicum. Chronicle. Chron. Minora, II.
Marius Victor. Aletheia. See Poetae Christ. Min.
Maurice (Pseudo-). Strategikon. Ed. Scheffer. 1664.
Maxentius, Johannes. Opera. PG 86.
Menander. Fragmenta. F. H. G. iv, and Constantine, Exc. Hist. I.
Merobaudes. Reliquiae. Ed. Vollmer. 1905 (Along with Dracontius.)
Musaeus. Hero and Leander. Ed. Ludwich. 1912.
Narratio de Impp. domus Valentinianae et Theodosianae. Chron. Min. I. Nestoriana. ed. Loofs. 1905.
Nicephorus Uranus. Vita S. Simeonis iunioris. PG 86.
Nicetas of Remesiana. Opera. Ed. Burns, in Life and Works of N. 1905.
Nonnosus. Fragmenta. F. H. G. IV.
Nonnus. Dionysiaca. (1) Ed. Ludwich. 2 vols. 1909‑11. (2) Ed. Köchly. 2 vols. 1857‑58.b
Paraphrasis S. Evangelii Joannei. Ed. Scheindler. 1881.
Notitia dignitatum. (1) Ed. Seeck, 1876. (2) Ed. Böcking, with commentary. 5 vols. and Index. 1839‑53.
Notitia Galliarum. (1) Ed. Seeck, with Not. dig. (2) In Chron. Minora, I.
Notitia provinciarum et civitatum Africae. See Victor Vitensis.
Notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae. Ed. Seeck, with Not. dig.
Olympiodorus. Fragmenta. F. H. G. IV.
Orientius. Carmina. Ed. Ellis. See Poet. Christ. Min.
Orosius. Historiae adv. Paganos. Ed. Zangemeister. 1889.
Palladius. Dialogus de Vita Chrysostomi. See John Chrysostom.
Historia Lausiaca. 2 vols. Ed. Butler. 1898‑1904. (Eng. tr. by Lowther Clarke, 1920).
Papyri. B.G.U. Ägyptische Urkunden aus den k. Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden, iii, 190; iv, 1912.
Pap. Brit. Mus. Greek Papyris in the British Museum, III. Edd. Kenyon and Bell. 1907.
Pap. Cairo. Catalogue généralº des antiquités égyptiennes. Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine. Ed. J. Maspéro. i, 1911; ii, 1913.
Pap. Leiden. Papyri graeci musei ant. publ. Lugduni-Batavi. Ed. C. Leemans. 1906.
Pap. Oxyrhyncus. The Oxyrhyncus Papyri. Edd. Grenfell and Hunt. i, 1898; viii, 1911; x, 1914; xiv, 1920; xv, 1922. Wessely. Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats. 2 parts. 1904‑8.
Passiones vitaeque sanctorum aevi Merovingici. Ed. Krusch. 1896.
Πάτρια Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. See Scr. Orig. Const.
Paulinus of Nola. Opera. (1) 2 vols. Ed. Hartel. 1894. (2) PL 61.
Paulinus of Pella. Eucharisticos. Ed. Brandes. See Poet. Christ. Min.
Paulus Helladicus. Epistula. Ed. Lundström. Anecd. Byz. e codd. Upsaliensibus. 1902.
Paulus (Silentiarius). Ἔκφρασις τοῦ ναοῦ τῆς ἁγίας Σοφίας. (1) Ed. Friedländer. See John of Gaza. (2) Ed. Bekker. 1837. (3) pg 86.
Pelagius I. (Pope). Epistulae. PL 69.
Peter (patricius). Fragments of his Περὶ πολιτικῆς καταστάσεως, in Constantine Porph., De cer., q.v.
Philostorgius. Historia Ecclesiastica. Ed. Bidez. 1913.
Online: a complete text of the 1855 English translation by Walford.
Photius. Bibliotheca. Ed. Bekker. 1824. (Eng. tr. by Freese, vol. I, 1920.)
Poetae Christiani Minores. Including Paulinus of Petricordia, Orientius, Paulinus of Pella, Marius Victor, and Proba. Edd. Petschenig and others. 1888.
p442 Polemius Silvius. Laterculus (A.D. 449). Chron. Min. I.
Online: complete Latin text.
Possidius. Vita Augustini. PL 32.
Priscian (grammaticus). Panegyric on Anastasius I. In Dexippi etc. Historiae. Edd. Bekker and Niebuhr. 1829.
Priscus. Fragmenta. In Constantine, Exc. Hist., and F. H. G. IV.
Proba. Cento. Ed. Schenkl. See Poet. Chr. Min.
Proclus. Carmina. See Eudocia.
Procopius of Caesarea. Opera. (1) 3 vols. Ed. Haury. 1905‑13. (2) 6 vols. (with Eng. tr.). Ed. Dewing. 1914‑ (in progress).
La Guerra Gotica. 3 vols. Ed. Comparetti (with Ital. tr.). 1895‑98. Anecdota. Ed. Orelli. 1827.
Procopius of Gaza. Epistulae. See Epist. Graeci.
Prosper. Opera. PL 51. Chronicle. Chron. Minora, I.
Prudentius. Carmina. Ed. Dressel. 1860. (Eng. tr. by Morison, 1887‑1889).
Rufinus. Historia Ecclesiastica. PL 21.
Rutilius Namatianus. De reditu suo. Ed. Müller. 1870.
Salvian. Opera. Ed. Pauly. 1883.
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum. (1) 2 parts. Ed. Preger. 1901‑7. (2) In Banduri, Imperium Orientale. Vol. I. 1711.
Sirmondianae, Constitutiones. At the end of Codex Theodosianus. Ed. Mommsen, vol. I.
Socrates. Historia Ecclesiastica. (1) Ed. Valesius. Oxford reprint. 1844. (2) PG 67.
Sozomen. Historia Ecclesiastica. PG 67.
Suidas. Lexicon. Edd. Gaisford, Bernhardy. 2 vols. 1853.
Sulpicius Severus. Ed. Halm. 1866.
Symmachus. Opera. Ed. Seeck. 1883.
Synesius. Opera. PG 66. Epistulae. See Epist. Graeci.
Theodore (bishop of Petrae). Vita Theodosii abbatis. Ed. Usener. 1890. (With Cyril's Memoir of Theodosius.)
Theodore Lector. Historia Ecclesiastica (fragments). PG 86.
Theodoret. Historia Ecclesiastica. Ed. Parmentier. 1911. Opera. 5 vols. PG 80‑84.
Theodosius of Melitene. Chronographia. Ed. Tafel. 1859.
Theophanes. Chronographia (with Latin version of Anastasius). 2 vols. Ed. De Boor. 1883.
Tryphiodorus. Ἅλωσις Ὀλλίου. (With Colluthus.) Ed. Weinberger. 1896.
Vegetius. Epitoma rei militaris. Ed. Lang. 1885.
Victor Tonnennensis. Chronicle. In Chron. Minora, II.
Victor Vitensis. Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae. Ed. Halm. 1879 (With an ecclesiastical Notitia provinciarum et civitatum Africae in reign of Huneric.)
Vita Aniani. In Passione vitaequeº sanct. aevi Mer., q.v.
Vita Caesarii Arelatensis. PL 67.
Vita Danielis (Stylitae). Ed. Delehaye. Analecta Boll. 32. 1913.
Vita Gregentii. Extracts. Ed. A. Vasil'ev. Viz. Vrem. XIV.23 sqq. 1907.
p443 Vita Marcelli (archimandritae). In Surius, De probatis Sanctorum historiis, vi, Dec. 29, p1020 sqq.
Vita Melaniae iunioris. Ed. Rampolla. 1905.
Vita Olympiadis. Analecta Boll. XV. 1896.
Zonaras. Epitome historiarum. (1) Libri XIII.‑XVIII. Ed. Büttner-Wobst. 1897. (2) Ed. Dindorf vol. III. 1870
Zosimus. Historia nova. Ed. Mendelssohn. 1887.
Agapius. Universal History. Arabic text with French tr. Ed. Vasil'ev. 1909.
Chronica Minora (Syriac). 3 parts with Latin tr. Edd. Guidi, Brooks, and Chabot. 1903.
Chronicon Edessenum. Ed. Guidi. Chron. Min., q.v.
Collection des historiens de l'Arménie. Ed. Langlois. 2 vols. 1867‑69.
Elisha Vartabed. History of Armenia. In Coll. des hist. de l'Arménie, vol. II.
Jacobus Sarugensis. Epistle to the Himyarite Christians (Syriac). Ed. Guidi (with Ital. tr.). Atti della r. Accad. dei Lincei, VII. 1881‑82.
John of Beith-Aphthonia. Vita Severi (Syriac). Ed. Kugener (with French tr.). 1904.
John of Ephesus. Ecclesiastical History (Syriac).
Part 2 (fragments). Some published by Nau in Revue de l'Orient chrétien, II.455 sqq., 1897, and others in Comm. de B. or.; see below.
Part 3. (1) English version by Payne Smith, 1860. (2) German version by Schönfelder, 1862.
Commentarii de Beatis orientalibus. Latin tr. by Van Douwen and Land. 1889.
John of Nikiu. Chronicle (Ethiopian). (1) Ed. Zotenberg (with French tr.). 1883. (2) English version by Charles. 1916.
Joshua Stylites. Chronicle (Syriac). Ed. Wright (with English tr.). 1882.
Lazarus of Pharbi. Coll. des hist. de l'Arménie, vol. II.
Michael Syrus. Chronicle (Syriac), vol. II. Ed. Chabot (with French tr.). 1901.
Moses of Chorene. History of Armenia. (1) French tr. Coll. des hist. de l'Arménie, vol. II. (2) Russian tr. by Emin. 1893 (Moscow).
Nestorius. Le Livre d'Héraclide de Damas. Tr. Nau. 1910.
Fragments of a Sermon. (1) In Loofs, Nestoriana. 1905. (2) PG 66.
Tabari. Chronicle (Arabic). German tr. of a portion, by Nöldeke (Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sassaniden). 1879.
Zacharias of Mitylene. Chronicle (Syriac). (1) English tr. by Hamilton and Brooks. 1899. (2) German tr. by Ahrens and Krüger. 1899.
Zacharias Scholasticus. Vita Severi (Syriac). Ed. Kugener (with French tr.). 1903.
Bardenhewer, O. Patrologie. Ed. 3. 1910.
Cabrol, F. Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. 1907‑ .
Clinton, H. Fynes. Fasti Romani. 2 vols. 1845‑50.
Daremberg and Saglio. Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines.
Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. Edd. Smith and Cheetham. 2 vols. 1875‑80.
Dictionary of Christian Biography. Edd. Smith and Wace. 4 vols. 1877‑87.
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Ed. Smith. 2 vols. 1873.
Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca Graeca. Ed.4 Harles. 12 vols. and Index.
Friedländer, L. Roman Life and Manners (Eng. tr.). 4 vols. 1909‑13.
Hauck. Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. Ed. 3. 1896‑1909.
Le Quien, M. Oriens Christianus. 3 vols. 1740.
Mas-Latrie, Comte de. Trésor de chronologie, d'histoire et de géographie. 1889.
Pauly. Realencyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Ed. Wissowa. 1894– (in progress).
Potthast, A. Bibliotheca historica medii aevi. ed. 2 2 vols. 1896.
Ruggiero, E. de. Dizionario epigrafico di antichità romane. Vols. I‑ . 1895‑ .
Suicerus, J. C. Thesaurus ecclesiasticus e patribus Graecis. Ed. 2. 2 vols. 1728.
Bussell, F. W. Constitutional Hist. of the Roman Empire (from 81 A.D. to 1081 A.D.). 2 vols. 1910.
Cambridge Medieval History. Vols. I. and II. edd. Gwatkin and Whitney. 1911‑13.
Dahn, F. Die Könige der Germanen. 12 vols. 1861‑1909.
Finlay, G. History of Greece. Vol. I. 1876.
Gibbon, E. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Vols. II. and IV. Ed. Bury. 1909.
Gieseler, C. L. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Ed. 4. Vol. I. 1844.
p445 Harnack, A. History of Dogma (Eng. tr.). Vol. IV. 1898.
Hefele, C. J. Conciliengeschichte. Ed. 2. Vol. II. 1875.
Hodgkin, T. Italy and her Invaders. Vols. I‑IV. Ed. 2. 1892‑96. Vol. V. 1895.
Kulakovski, J. Istoriia Vizantii. Vols. I and II. 1910‑12.
Lebeau, Ch. Histoire du Bas-Empire. Vols. V‑IX. Ed. Saint-Martin. 1826‑28.
Paparrigopulos, K. Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ ἔθνους. Vols. II, III. Ed. 2. 1886.
Ranke, L. von. Weltgeschichte. Vol. IV. 1883.
Rawlinson, G. The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy. 1876.
Seeck, O. Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt. Vols. I‑VI. 1895‑ .
Tillemont, L. S. de Le Nain de. Histoire des Empereurs. Vols. V, VI. 1732‑39 (Venice).
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles. Vols. X‑XVI. 1732 (Venice).
Uspenski, Th. J. Istoriia Vizantiiskoi. Vol. I. 1912.
Young, G. F. East and West through Fifteen Centuries. Vol. II. 1916.
Adonts, N. Armeniia v epokhu Iustiniana. 1908.
Asdourian, P. Die politischen Beziehungen zwischen Armenien und Rom (190 B.C.‑A.D. 428). 1911.
Audollent. Carthage romaine 146 B.C.‑A.D. 698. 1901‑4.
Babut, E. Ch. Le Concile de Turin. 1904.
Baynes, N. Rome and Armenia in the Fourth Century. E.H.R. XXV. Oct. 1910.
Besse, J. M. Les Moines d'Orient antérieurs au concile de Chalcédoine (451). 1900.
Bethune-Baker, J. Nestorius and his Teaching. 1908.
Binding, C. Das burgundisch-romanische Königreich (443‑532). Vol. I. 1868.
Blasel, C. Die Wanderzüge der Langobarden. 1909.
Brockhoff, W. Studien zur Geschichte der Stadt Ephesos (4th to 15th cent.) 1905.
Brooks, E. W. The Emperor Zenon and the Isaurians. E.H.R. VIII. April 1893.
Cagnat, R. L'Armée romaine d'Afrique. 1913.
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a Links with no comment and no typographical differentiation are to the identical edition. Links in this format are to an edition or translation other than the one listed by Bury.
b The 3‑volume Loeb Classical Library's complete Greek text of the Dionysiaca, based on Ludwich's edition, is online with an English translation at Archive.Org:
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