Vol. II
I. English (and Latin)
Abandanes h105
Abaritana 255
Abasgians 43; h114
sqq., 313
Abdeli h5
Abgar of Edessa h12, 109
Ablabius h223
Aborras, r. 93, 94
Abram, viceroy of Yemen h326
Abram, father of Nonnosus h326
Abundantius 117, 118
Abydos h355
Abyssinians, trade of h318, 321; Christian missionaries in 33; relations to Himyarites, 322
sqq.; embassies of Justinian to 325, 326
Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople, quarrel with Basiliscus 391, 403; excommunicated by Rome 404; name erased from diptychs h373
Acacius, governor of Fourth Armenia h92, 345
bear-keeper h27
Acatiri 284, 285
Accentual rules, in prose h430; in verse 432
Acherontia h244, 246, 260, 271
Achilles Tatius, date of h434
Acqualagna h196, 263, 289
Acris 449
Actresses h28, 29
Adaeratio 49 53 cp. 253
Adamantius 417, 418
Ad Aquas h132
Addac 203
Ad Decimum, battle of h132
Addua, r., battle of 424
Adige, r. h262
Adiutor 32
Adlectio, to the Senate 19
Ad matricem 269
Adolius h107
Ad Padum h263
Adscriptitii 48
Adulis h322, 325
Adultery h410
Aedesius, philosopher 375
Aegidius 331, 333, 346
Aemilia, province h200, 201; devastated 203
Aeneas of Gaza h430
Aerikon, tax h350
Aesculapius, cult of 373
Aesis h289
Aetheria, abbess h318
Aetherius h69, 353
Aetius, hostage with the Goths 180; appeal of Britain to 201; supports John the tyrant 224; family, and character 241; defends Gaul 242
mag. equit. 242;
mag. utr. mil., deposed 248; first
ib.; vanquishes Boniface,
mag. utr. mil. again
ib.; Patrician
ib.; activity in Gaul 249
sq.; second
consulship 250; dislike of Placidia after 243, 250; celebrated by Merobaudes 251; third
consulship 256; repels Huns in Gaul 292
sqq.; 295; murdered 299; importance of his death 300
Africa, threatened by Alaric 184; by Wallia 202; Vandal conquest of 244
sqq., 254
sqq.; first division between Empire and Vandals 249; second division 255; Justinian's reorganisation of the provinces h139
sq.; fortification system 148
sqq.; Roman trade with eastern Africa 318
Africa, proconsul of 27
Agapetus, Pope h168, 172, 377
Agathias, chronological difficulties in h117; on the Franks 275; allusion to Spain 287
sq.; style, and poetry 430
Agentes in rebus 30
Agila, king h286
mag. mil. 279
Agnatio h404
Agrigentum 327
Agrippa, Pr. Pr. of Gaul 208
Aidoing 417
Aigan h83
Aila h318
Aizan h322
Akephaloi 403
Akoimetoi (monks) 385, 437
Alae 35
Alamanni 99; aggression of 187; aid Constantine III 193; defeated by Franks and settled in Pannonia 461; invade Italy h275
sqq.; nature worship 278
Alans, in Pannonia 100; Huns subjugate 101; invade Gaul 187; invade Spain 192; in Lusitania 203; conquered by Visigoths 204; join the Vandals
ib.; settlement at Valence 292; in Attila's army 293; repelled by Ricimer 332; in the Caucasus h313, 315
Alaric I, chosen king of Visigoths 109; ravages Thrace 110; invades Greece 111
sq., 119
mag. mil. 120; invades Italy 160
sqq.; family of 162, 185; threatens Italy 169
sqq.; in Noricum 170; second invasion of Italy 174
sqq.; first siege of Rome 175
sqq.; negotiations with Honorius 178
sqq.; second siege of Rome 180; sets up Attalus 180; threatens Ravenna 181; interview with Honorius 183; third siege and capture of Rome 183
sq.; death 184; date of birth 205
Alaric II 346, 461, 462
Alathar, magmil in Thrace 449
Albanum h191
Albinus junior, Faustus h153