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Tadinum or Tadinae (Gualdo Tadino), h264
Taxation, in fourth and fifth centuries, 46 sqq., 60, 253; reforms of Anastasius, 441 sqq.; tax rolls, 48; under Justinian, h349 sqq.; see Custom Duties
Tazena, h323
Teïas, at Verona, h262; recalled by Totila, 263; at Busta Gallorum, 267; elected king, 270; marches to Campania, 271 sq.; defeat and death, 272 sqq.
Temples, pagan, destruction of, 367, 370; Emperors interfere to preserve, 371,, h371; see under Constantinople, and Rome
Thebais, provinces of, 37, 237, h338, 343
Theodahad, son of amalafrida, h161; character, ib.; proclaimed king, 163; procures murder of Amalasuntha, 164 sqq.; letters to Justinian and Theodora, 168; seeks to avoid war, 172 sqq.; deposition and death, 177 sq.; coins, 171
Theodebert, king, h171; realm of, 202; sends Burgundian army into Italy, 203 sqq.; letters to Justinian, 203, 257; invades Italy, 207 sq.; embassy to Witigis, 210; occupies part of northern Italy, 257; his plans, ib.; coins, iv, 333; occupies Rastia, 275
Theoderic I (Visigoth), 185; elected king, 205; aggressions of, 242; besieges Narbonne, 250; defeated, 251; daughters, 256; quarrel with Gaiseric, 256, 291; co-operates with Aetius against Huns, 292; death, 293
Theoderic II (Visigoth), 242; accession, 327; war with Suevians ib.; death, 337
Theoderic Strabo (son of Triarius), 320 sq.; supports and then quarrels with Basiliscus, 392; origin, 412; relations with Leo I, 413; mag. mil. praes., ib.; operations in Balkan peninsula under Zeno, 413 sqq.; death, 421
Theoderic, Ostrogoth, son of Theodemir, helps Zeno against Illus, 398; birth, 411; education, 412; occupies Singidunum, ib.; succeeds his father, ib.; mag. mil. praes. and Patrician, 413; opposes Strabo, 414 sq.; makes peace with Strabo, 415; ravages Thrace, 416; in Macedonia ib.; at Heraclea and Dyrrhachium, 417; interview with Adamantius, 418 sqq.; slays Recitach, 421; ravages Thessaly ib.; mag. mil. ib.; marches on Constantinople ib.; conquest of Italy, 422‑428; organises massacre of Odovacar's garrisons, 425; kills Odovacar,º, 426; rule in Italy, 453 sqq.; coins, 454; Edict, 455; mag. mil. as well as rex, 456; the title rex, 457 sq.; religious tolerance, 459; campaign against Gepids, 460; matrimonial alliances, 461 sq.; Gallic campaign, 462; ruler of Spain ib.; breach with Burgundy, 463; friction with Anastasius, 463 sq.; arbitrates between rival Popes, 464; change of policy in regard to the Senate, 466; illiteracy, 467; buildings at Ravenna, 467 sq.; prosperity of Italy under, him, 468 sq.; designates Eutharic as, his successor, h151 sq.; executes Boethius and Symmachus, 155; intervenes with Justin in favour of Arians, 156 sq.; death, 158; adoption of Herul king, 299
Theodora, Empress, parentage and early career, h27 sqq.; offspring, 27; marriage, 29; Augusta ib.; portraits of, 29 sq.; political power, 30 sqq.; a monophysite, 31; economic independence ib.; protects women, 32 sq.; procures fall of Priscus, 33; supports Blue p488 Faction, 34; opposes Justinian's ecclesiastical policy, 34; dungeons, 34; love of pomp, 35; enemy of John Capp., 39; procures his fall, 57 sqq.; saves the throne in the Nika revolt, 45; visits to Hêrion, 54; death, 66; letter to Zabergan, 93; connexion with the murder of Amalasuntha, 165 sqq.; Theodahad's letters to, 168; her conversion of the Nobadae, 328 sqq.; monophysitic activities, 376 sqq.; conceals monophysites in palace, 377; procures banishment of Pope Silverius and election of Vigilius, 377 sqq.; intervenes in Alexandria, 380; supports Theodore Ascidas, 384; reconciles Vigilius and Menas, 386; Procopius on, 423, 424
Theodore, general, under Solomon, h143 sq.
Vandals, 96, 99; in Gaul, 186 sqq.; in Spain, 192, 206; invasion of Africa, 244 sqq.; first treaty with the Empire, 249; settlement in Africa, 254; second treaty with Empire, 255; navy, 254, 257; Salvian on, 307; era of, 257; conquered by Belisarius, II Chap. XVII § 1; fate of, 139; see Asding Vandals, Siling Vandals, Gaiseric
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