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(This list is not a complete bibliography. It includes simply the volumes that have been quoted or referred to in this dissertation.)
Adam, James. The Religious Teachers of Greece. Edinburgh, 1909.
d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henry. Les premiers habitants de l'Europe d'après les écrivains de l'antiquité et les travaux des linguistes2. 2 volumes. Paris, 1889‑94.
Aust, Emil. Die Religion der Römer. Münster, 1899.
Babelon, Ernest. Monnaies de la république romaine. 2 volumes. Paris, 1885‑6.
Becker, Wilhelm A. De Romae veteris muris atque portis. Leipzig, 1842.
Beddoe, John. The Anthropological History of Europe. Paisley, 1912.
Beloch, Julius. Griechische Geschichte2. 2 volumes. Strassburg, 1912‑14.
British Museum. Coins of Thrace. See Poole, R. S.
Buecheler, Franz. Umbrica. Bonn, 1883.
Burrows, Ronald M. The Discoveries in Crete2. London, 1908.
Campbell, Lewis. Religion in Greek Literature. London, New York, and Bombay, 1898.
Carter, Jesse. The Religion of Numa. London and New York, 1906. (Numa)
––––––––––––––. The Religious Life of Ancient Rome. Boston and New York, 1911. (Rel. Rome)
Chadwick, Hector Munro. The Heroic Age. Cambridge, 1912.
Cook, Arthur B. Animal Worship in the Mycenaean Age. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. XIV, 1894.
––––––––––––––. Zeus, a Study in Ancient Religion, vol. I. Cambridge, 1914.
Cotterill, H. B. Ancient Greece. New York, 1913.
Cumont, Franz. The Mysteries of Mithra (translated from the second revised edition of the French by T. J. McCormack). Chicago, 1910.
––––––––––––––. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (authorized translation). Chicago, 1911.
Daremberg, C., et Saglio, E. Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines. 5 volumes in 9 parts. Paris, 1877‑1919.
Deecke, Wilhelm. Die Falisker. Strassburg, 1888.
Deubner, Ludwig. De incubatione. Giessen, 1899.
––––––––––––––. Lupercalia. Archiv für Religionswissenschaft, vol. XIII, 1910. (Arch. f. Rel.)
Diels, Hermann. Sibyllinische Blätter. Berlin, 1890.
Dieterich, Albrecht. De hymnis orphicis. Marburg, 1891. (Hym. orph.)
––––––––––––––. Eine Mithrasliturgie. Leipzig, 1910. (Mithras.)
––––––––––––––. Mutter Erde. Berlin, 1913.
––––––––––––––. Nekyia2. Leipzig, 1913.
Dussaud, R. Les civilisations préhelléniques2. Paris, 1914.
Evans, Sir Arthur. Minoan and Mycenaean Element in Hellenic Life. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. XXXII, 1912. (J. H. S., xxxii)
p99 ––––––––––––––. Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. XXI, 1901. (J. H. S., xxi)
––––––––––––––. New Archaeological Lights on the Origins of Civilization in Europe. Annual Report of Smithsonian Institute, 1916. (Smith. Inst., 1916)
––––––––––––––. Scripta Minoa. Oxford, 1909 —. (Scr. Min.)
Farnell, Lewis R. Greece and Babylon. Edinburgh, 1911. (Gr. Bab.)
––––––––––––––. Inaugural Lecture of the Wilde Lecturer in Natural and Comparative Religion. Oxford, 1909. (N. C. R.)
––––––––––––––. Greek Mythology and Religion. The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1908.
––––––––––––––. Sacrificial Communion. Hibbert Journal, vol. III, 1904. (Hibbert Jour., III)
––––––––––––––. The Cults of the Greek States. 5 volumes. Oxford, 1896‑1909. (Farnell)
Fick, August. Vorgriechische Ortsnamen. Göttingen, 1905.
Fowler, William Warde. Roman Festivals. New York, 1899. (R. F.)
––––––––––––––. Roman Ideas of Deity. London, 1914. (Rom. Deity)
––––––––––––––. The Religious Experience of the Roman People. London, 1911. (R. E.)
Frazer, James G. The Golden Bough, a Study in Magic and Religion3. 12 volumes. London, 1911‑15.
Freeman, E. A. The History of Sicily from the Earliest Times. 4 volumes. Oxford, 1891‑4.
Friedländer, Ludwig. Herakles. Berlin, 1907.
Gilbert, Otto. Geschichte und Topographie der Stadt Rom im Altertum. 3 volumes. Leipzig, 1883‑90.
Gomme, G. L. Ethnology in Folklore. London, 1892.
Graillot, H. Le culte de Cybèle mère de dieux à Rome et dans l'empire romain. Paris, 1912.
Grant, Madison. The Passing of the Great Race, or The Racial Basis of European History2. New York, 1918.
Gruppe, Otto. Griechische Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte. Müller's Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft2, Bd. V, Abt. 2. München, 1906.
Hall, H. R. Aegean Archaeology. London, 1915. (A. A.)
––––––––––––––. The Ancient History of the Near East. London, 1913. (N. E.)
––––––––––––––. The Oldest Civilization of Greece. London and Philadelphia, 1901. (O. C. G.)
Hampel, J. Neuere Studien über die Kupferzeit. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, vol. II, 1896.
Harrison, Jane E. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion2. Cambridge, 1908.
Hastings, James. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. New York, 1908‑ . Still in course of publication.
Hawes, C. H. and H. B. Crete, the Forerunner of Greece. London and New York, 1911.
Head, Barclay V. Historia Nummorum, a Manual of Greek Numismatics. New Edition. Oxford, 1911.
Henzen, Wilhelm. Acta Fratrum Arvalium. Berlin, 1874.
Hogarth, D. G. Aegean Religion. Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, vol. I. (Aeg. Rel.)
p100 ––––––––––––––. Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane2. London, 1899. (Auth. & Arch.)
––––––––––––––. The Zakro Sealings. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. XXII, 1902. (J. H. S., XXII)
Hunterian Collection. See Macdonald, G.
Huschke, Eduard. Das alte römische Jahr und seine Tage. Breslau, 1869.
Immerwahr, Walter. Die Kulte und Mythen Arkadiens. Leipzig, 1891.
Jevons, Frank B. An Introduction to the History of Religion6. London, 1914.
Jordan, Heinrich. De larum imaginibus. Annali dell' Istituto, vol. XXXIII, 1862. (Lar. im.)
––––––––––––––. Kritische Beitrage zur Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache. Berlin, 1879. (Krit. Beitr.)
Keane, A. H. Man, Past and Present (revised and largely rewritten by A. H. Iniggen and A. C. Haddon). Cambridge, 1920. (M. P. P.)
––––––––––––––. The World's Peoples. New York, 1908. (W. P.)
Keller, Otto. Die antike Tierwelt. Leipzig, 1909. (Ant. Tier.)
––––––––––––––.Thiere des klassischen Altertums. 2 volumes. Innsbruch, 1887. (Thiere Kl. Alt.)
Klausen, R. H. Aeneas und die Penaten. Hamburg, 1839‑40.
Kretschmer, Paul. Einleitung in die Geschichte der griechischen Sprache. Göttingen, 1896.
Lang, Andrew. Homer and his Age. London, 1906. (H. A.)
––––––––––––––. The World of Homer. London and New York, 1910. (W. H.)
Lawson, John C. Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion. Cambridge, 1910.
Leaf, Walter. Homer and History. London, 1915.
Liebrecht, Felix. Zur Volkskunde. Heilbronn, 1879.
Lippert, Julius. Allgemeine Geschichte des Priestertums. 2 volumes. Berlin, 1883‑4.
Lübkers, Friedrich. Reallexikon des klassischen Altertums8. Leipzig und Berlin, 1914.
Macdonald, George. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection. Glasgow, 1899‑1905. (Hunterian Collection)
Mackenzie, Donald A. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria. London, 1915. (Bab.)
––––––––––––––. Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe. London, 1917. (Crete)
Mannhardt, W. Mythologische Forschungen. Strassburg, 1884. (Myth. Forsch.)
––––––––––––––. Antike Wald- und Feldkulte3. Berlin, 1905. (W. F.)
Marquardt, Joachim. Römische Staatsverwaltung2. 3 volumes. Leipzig, 1885.
Merlin, A. L'Aventin dans l'antiquité. Paris, 1906.
Meyer, Eduard. Geschichte des Altertums3. 2 volumes. Stuttgart und Berlin, 1913.
p101 Modestov, Vasilii I. Introduction à l'histoire romaine (translated from the Russian by Michel Delines). Paris, 1907.
Mommsen, Theodor. Römische Forschungen. Berlin, 1864. (Rom. Forsch.)
––––––––––––––. The History of Rome (translated from the German by W. P. Dickson). New Edition. New York, 1903‑5. (H. R.)
Montelius, Oscar. Die vorklassische Chronologie Italiens. 2 volumes. Stockholm, 1912. (Chronologie)
––––––––––––––. La civilisation primitive en Italie depuis l' introduction des métaux. 5 volumes. Stockholm, 1895‑1910. (Montelius)
Mosso, Angelo. The Dawn of Mediterranean Civilization (translated from the Italian by Marian C. Harrison). New York, 1911.
Muller, K. O. Die Etrusker (neue Bearbeitung von Wilhelm Deecke). 2 volumes. Stuttgart, 1877.
Munro, R. Palaeolithic Man and the Terramara Settlements in Europe. Edinburgh, 1912.
Murray, Gilbert. Four Stages of Greek Religion. New York, 1912.
Myres, J. L. A History of the Pelasgian Theory. Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. XXVII, 1907.
––––––––––––––. The Dawn of History. New York and London, 1911. (D. H.)
Nilsson, M. P. Griechische Feste von religiöser Bedeutung mit Ausschluss der attischen. Leipzig, 1906.
Osborn, H. F. Men of the Old Stone Age. New York, 1916.
Pais, Ettore. Ancient Italy (translated from the Italian by C. D. Curtis). Chicago, 1908. (Anc. It.)
––––––––––––––. Ancient Legends of Roman History (translated from the Italian by Mario Cosenza). New York, 1905. (Anc. Leg.)
Pauly-Wissowa. Real-Encyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Stuttgart. 1894‑ . Still in course of publication.
Peet, Thomas Eric. The Stone and Bronze Ages in Italy. Oxford, 1909.
Piganiol, André. Essai sur les origines de Rome. Paris, 1917.
Pinza, Giovanni. Monumenti primitivi di Roma e del Lazio antico. Monumenti antichi della reale accademia dei Lincei, vol. XV, 1905. Milan. (Mon. Ant.)
––––––––––––––. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma, 1900. (Bullettino)
Poole, R. S. British Museum. Catalogue of Greek Coins. The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Mysia, Dacia, Thrace, etc. London, 1877.
Preller, L. Römische Mythologie3 (bearbeitet von H. Jordan). 2 volumes. Berlin, 1881‑3.
Reinach, Salomon. Cultes, Mythes et Religion. 4 volumes. Paris, 1905‑12. (Cultes)
––––––––––––––. Orpheus (translated from the French by Florence Simmons). London and New York, 1909.
––––––––––––––. Une formule orphique. Revue Archéologique, vol. XXXIX, 1901. (Rev. Arch. XXXIX)
Rhys, Sir John. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. London, 1892.
p102 Ripley, William Z. The Races of Europe. New York, 1899; London, 1900.
Rohde, Erwin. Psyche, Seelencult und Unsterblichkeitsglaube der Griechen4. 2 volumes. Tubingen, 1907.
Roscher, Wilhelm H. Apollo und Mars. Leipzig, 1873.
––––––––––––––. Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie. Leipzig, 1884‑ . Still in course of publication. (Roscher)
Samter, Ernst. Die Familienfesten der Griechen und Römer. Berlin, 1901.
de Sanctis, Gaetano. Storia dei Romani. 2 volumes. Milan, 1907.
Schrader, Otto. Prehistoric Antiquities of the Aryan Peoples (translated from the second German edition by F. B. Jevons). London and New York, 1890.
––––––––––––––. Aryan Religion (Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion, vol. I).
––––––––––––––. Die Indogermanen. Leipzig, 1911.
Schulze, Wilhelm. Zur Geschichte lateinischer Eigennamen. Berlin, 1904.
Schwegler, A. Römische Geschichte2. 3 volumes. Tübingen und Freiburg, 1870‑84.
Sergi, Giuseppe. The Mediterranean Race (authorized translation). London, 1901.
Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 volumes. London, 1870. (Dict. Myth.)
––––––––––––––. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 volumes. London, 1870. (Dict. Geogr.)
––––––––––––––. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities3. 2 volumes. London, 1890. (Dict. Ant.)
Smith, W. Robertson. The Religion of the Semites. New Edition. London, 1907. (Semites)
Stengel, Paul. Die Griechischen Kultusaltertümer2. Müller's Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft3, Bd. V, Abt. 3. München, 1898. (Kultusalt.)
––––––––––––––. Opferbräuche der Griechen. Leipzig, 1910.
Taylor, Isaac. The Origin of the Aryans2. London, 1904.
Tomaschek, Wilhelm. Die alten Thraker. Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bd. CXXVIII‑CXXXI. Wien, 1893‑4.
Tsountas, Chrestos, and Manatt, J. Irving. Mycenaean Age. Boston and New York, 1897.
Tylor, E. B. Primitive Culture4. London, 1903.
Unger, G. F. Die Lupercalien. Rheinisches Museum, vol. XXXVI, 1881.
Usener, Hermann. Götternamen. Bonn, 1896.
––––––––––––––. Milch und Honig. Rheinisches Museum, vol. LVII, 1902.
Wace, A. J. B., and Thompson, M. S. Prehistoric Thessaly. Cambridge, 1912.
Walde, Alois. Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch2. Heidelberg, 1910.
Westermarck, Edvard A. The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas2. 2 volumes. London, 1908‑1912.
Wissowa, Georg. Religion und Kultus der Römer. Müller's Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft3, Bd. V, Abt. 2. München, 1912. (R. K.)
Worsaae, J. J. A. The Prehistory of the North (translated by H. F. M. Simpson). London, 1886.
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