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 p106  Apparitores

Unsigned article on p106 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

APPARITO′RES, the general name for the public servants of the magistrates at Rome, namely, the Accensi, Carnifex, Coactores, Interpretes, Lictores, Praecones, Scribae, Stator, Strator, Viatores, of whom an account is given in separate articles. They were called apparitores because they were at hand to execute the commands of the magistrates (quod iis apparebant et praesto erant ad obsequium, Serv. ad Virg. Aen. XII.850; Cic. pro Cluent. 53; Liv. I.8). Their service or attendance was called apparitio (Cic. ad Fam. XIII.54, ad Qu. Fr. I.1 §4). The servants of the military tribunes were also called apparitores. We read that the Emperor Severus forbade the military tribunes to retain the apparitores, whom they were accustomed to have (Lamprid. Sever. 52).

Under the emperors, the apparitores were divided into numerous classes, and enjoyed peculiar privileges, of which an account is given in Just. Cod. 12 tit. 52‑59.


Article by Robert Whiston, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
on p300

COACTOR. This name was applied to collectors of various sorts, e.g. to the servants of the publicani, or farmers of the public taxes, who collected the revenues for them (Cic. Pro. Rab. Post. 11); also to those who collected the money from the purchasers of things sold at a public auction. The father of Horace was a collector of the taxes farmed by the publicani (Hor. Sat. I.6.86; Suet. Vit. Hor. init.). Moreover, the servants of the money-changers were so called, from collecting their debts for them (Cic. Pro Cluent. 64).


Unsigned article on p1058

STATOR, a public servant, who attended on the Roman magistrates in the provinces. The Statores seem to have derived their name from standing by the side of the magistrate, and thus being at hand to execute all his commands; they appear to have been chiefly employed in carrying letters and messages (Cic. ad Fam. II.17, 19, X.21; Dig.4 tit. 6 s10). Alexander Severus forbade the use of statores in the provinces, and commanded that their duties should be discharged by soldiers (Dig.4 tit. 6 s10; Lamprid. Alex. Sev. 52).

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Page updated: 7 Sep 06
