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 p116  Aquarii

Article by Philip Smith, B.A., of the University of London
on p116 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

AQUA′RII, were slaves who carried water for bathing, &c. into the female apartments: they were also called aquarioli, and were held in great contempt (Juv. VI.332; Festus, s.v. and Müller's Note; Hieron. Ep. 27; Jul. Paul. III.7). Becker imagines​a that the name was also applied to slaves who had the care of the fountains and ponds in gardens (Gallus, vol. I p288). The aquarii were also public officers who attended to the aqueducts under the aediles, and afterwards under the curatores aquarum (Cic. ad Fam. VIII.6; Zeno, Cod. Just. XI. tit. 42; Aquaeductus.)

Thayer's Note:

a Becker imagines. . .: by the time Philip Smith got around to writing the article on gardens (Hortusq.v.), he found one more authority and seemed to believe it himself.

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Page updated: 1 Oct 06
