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 p183  B

The entries on pp183‑216 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

Thayer's Note: I'm not particularly interested in ancient Greece. My site therefore includes, with few exceptions, only those entries that pertain to Rome. In these index pages, those that pertain exclusively to Greece are indicated in grey; I do not plan to put them onsite, although here and there I may change my mind.

BACCHANA′LIA: see separate page.


Ba′latro: see separate page.

Balista: [Tormentum.]

pp184‑196 BA′LNEAE: see separate page.

Ba′lteus: see separate page.

Baptiste′rium: [Balneae.]

BARATHRON (βάραθρον), also alled orugma (ὄρυγμα), was a deep pit at Athens, with hooks on the sides, into which criminals were cast. It was situate in the demus Κειριάδαι. It is mentioned as early as the Persian wars, and continued to be employed as a mode of punishment in the time of the orators. The executioner was called ὁ ἐπὶ τῷ ὀρύγματι (Schol. ad Aristoph. Plut. 431; Harpocrat. s.vv.; Herod. VII.133; Xen. Hell. I.7 § 21; Lycurg. c. Leocrat. p221; Deinarch. c. Dem. p49; Wachsmuth, Hellen. Alterthumsk. vol. II p204, 2nd edit.). It comrade to the Spartan Ceadas. [Ceadas.]

 p198  BARBA: see separate page.

Ba′rbitos: [Lyra.]


BASCA′NIA. [Fascinum.]

BASCAUDA, a British basket. This term, which remains with very little variation in the Welsh "basgawd," and the English "basket," was conveyed to Rome together with the articles denoted by it. We find it used by Juvenal (XII.46) and by Martial (XIV.99) in connections which imply that these articles were held in much esteem by the luxurious Romans. [J.Y.]



pp199‑200 BASI′LICA [building]: see separate page.

BASI′LICA [legal text]: see separate page.

BASTERNA, a kind of litter (lectica) in which women were carried in the time of the Roman emperors. It appears to have resembled the lectica [Lectica] very closely; and the only difference apparently was, that the lectica was carried by slaves, and the basterna by two mules. Several etymologies of the word have been proposed. Salmasius proposes it to be derived from the Greek βαστάζω (Salm. ad Lamprid. Heliog. 21). A description of a basterna is given by a poet in the Anth. Lat. III.183.

 p201  BAXA: see separate page.

Bebaioseos Dike

BEMA (βῆμα), the platform from which the orators spoke in the Athenian ἐκκλησία, is described under Ecclesia. It is used by the Greek writers on Roman affairs to indicate the Roman tribunal (see e.g. Plut. Pomp. 41).


Benefi′cium abstinendi: [Heres.]

 p202  BENEFI′CIUM, BENEFICIA′RIUS: see separate page.

Bestia′rii: see separate page.

Bi′basis: [Saltatio.]

Bibliopo′la: [Liber.]

 p203  BIBLIOTHE′CA: see separate page.


Biga: [Currus.]

Biga′tus: [Denarius.]

Bipa′lium: [Pala.]

BIPENNIS. [Securis.]

Biremis: [Navis.]

Birrus: see separate page.

Bise′llium: [Sella.]

Bissextum: [Calendarium.]

 p204  Blabes Dike

Boedromia: see separate page.

 p205  Boeotarches

BOMBYCINUM. [Sericum.]

 p206  BONA: see separate page.

 p207  BONA CADU′CA: see separate page.

BONA FIDES: see separate page.

Bona rapta: [Furtum.]

 p208  BONA VACA′NTIA: see separate page.

BONO′RUM CE′SSIO: see separate page.

BONO′RUM COLLA′TIO: see separate page.

BONO′RUM E′MTIO ET EMTOR: see separate page.

 p209  BONO′RUM POSSE′SSIO: see separate page; also Interdictum.

Bono′rum rapto′rum actio: [Furtum.]

pp210‑213 Boonae • Boreasmi • Boule • Bouleuseos Graphe • Bouleuterion

Bracae: see separate page.

Brasideia: see separate page.

 p214  BRAURONIA: see separate page.

 p215  BREVIA′RIUM: see separate page.

BRUTTIA′NI, slaves whose duty it was to wait upon the Roman magistrates. They are said to have been originally taken from among the Bruttians, because this people continued from first to last faithful to Hannibal (Festus, s.v. Bruttiani; Gell. X.3); but Niebuhr (Hist. of Rome, vol. III note 944) is disposed to think that these servants bore this name long before, since both Strabo (VI. p255) and Diodorus (XVI.15) state that this word signified revolted slaves.

Bu′ccina: see separate page.

 p216  BULLA: see separate page.

Buris: [Aratrum.]

Bustua′rii: [Funus.]

Buxum: see separate page.

Byssus: see separate page.

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Page updated: 19 Jul 14
