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For Smith's general article on Roman shoes, see CALCEUS.

 p368  Crepida

Article by James Yates, M.A., F.R.S.,
on p368 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

CRE′PIDA (κρηπίς), a slipper. Slippers were worn with the pallium, not with the toga, and were properly characteristic of the Greeks, though adopted from them by the Romans. Hence Suetonius says of the Emperor Tiberius (c13), Deposito patrio habitu redegit se ad pallium et crepidas. As the cothurnus was assumed by tragedians, because it was adapted to be part of a grand and stately attire, the actors of comedy, on the other hand, wore crepidae and other cheap and common coverings for the feet. [Baxea; Soccus.] Also whereas the ancients had their more finished boots and shoes made right and left, their slippers, on the other hand, were made to fit both feet indifferently (Isid. Orig. XIX.34).º

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Page updated: 28 May 05
