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Thayer's Note: I'm not particularly interested in ancient Greece. My site therefore includes, with few exceptions, only those entries that pertain to Rome. In these index pages, those that pertain exclusively to Greece are indicated in grey; I do not plan to put them onsite, although here and there I may change my mind.
Ecclesia • Eccleti • Ecdicus • Ecdosis • Echinos • Eclogeis • Ecmartyria • Ecphyllophoria • Ecphora
Eculeus: [Equuleus.]
E′dere actio′nem: [Actio.]
Edictum: see separate page.
EDICTUM THEODORICI: see separate page.
Eedna • Eicoste • Eiren • Eisagogeis • Eisangelia
Eisiteria: see separate page.
Elaeothe′sium: [Balneae, p190.]
Elaphebolia: see separate page.
Electrum: see separate page.
Eleusinia: see separate page.
Eleutheria: see separate page.
Ellotia: see separate page.
Emancipatio: see separate page.
Emansor: [Desertor.]
Embas • Embateia • Embates
Emblema: see separate page.
Emissarium: see separate page.
Eme′riti: [Exercitus.]
Emmeni dikae • Emphruri
Emphyteusis: see separate page.
(For the Emporium in Rome, see the article in Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome.)
E′mpti et ve′nditi actio: The seller has an actio venditi, and the buyer has an actio empti, upon the contract of sale and purchase. Both of them are actiones directae, and their object is to obtain the fulfilment of the obligations resulting from the contract. (Dig. 19. tit. 1). [G.L.]
E′MPTIO ET VENDI′TIO: see separate page.
Encaustica: [Pictura, No. 7.]
Enclema • Enctesis • Endeixis
E′ndromis: a thick coarse blanket, manufactured in Gaul, and called "endromis" because those who had been exercising in the stadium (ἐν δρομῶ) threw it over them to obviate the effects of sudden exposure when they were heated. Notwithstanding its coarse and shaggy appearance, it was worn on other occasions as a protection from the cold by rich and fashionable persons at Rome. (Juv. III.103; Mart. IV.19, XIV.126). Ladies also put on an endromis of a finer description (endromidas Tyrias, Juv. VI.246), when they partook, as they sometimes did, of the exercises of the palaestra. Moreover, boots [Cothurnus] were called ἐνδρομίδες on account of the use of them in running. (Callim. Hymn. in Dian. 16, in Delum, 238; Pollux, III.155, VII.93; Brunck, Anal. III.206.) [J.Y.]
Enechyra • Engye • Enguesis • Ennata • Enoikiou Dike • Enomotia
Ensis: [Gladius.]
Entasis: see separate page.
Eora • Epangelia • Epariti • Epaulia • Epeunactae • Ephebeum • Ephebus • Ephegesis
Ephesia: see separate page.
Ephesis • Ephestris • Ephetae
Ephippium: see separate page.
Ephori • Epibatae • Epiblema • Epibole • Epicheirotonia • Epiclerus • Epidauria • Epidicasia • Epidemiurgi • Epidoseis • Epigamia • Epigrapheis • Epimeletae • Epirhedium • Episcepsis • Episcopi • Epistates
Epi′stola: [Constitutio.]
Epistylium: see separate page.
Epita′phium: [Funus.]
Epithala′mium: [Matrimonium.]
Epitimia • Epitrierarchematos Dike • Epitropes graphe • Epitropus • Epobelia • Epomis • Eponia • Eponymus • Epoptae
Epulones: see separate page.
Epulum jovis: [Epulones.]
Equiria: see separate page.
Equites: see separate page.
EQUULEUS or ECULEUS, an instrument of torture, which is supposed to have been so called because it was in the form of a horse. We have no description of its form given by any of the ancient writers, but it appears not to have differed greatly from the crux (Cic. Pro Mil. 21, compared with certa crux, c22). It appears to have been commonly used at Rome in taking the evidence of slaves. (See Sigonius, De Judiciis, III.17; Magius, De Equuleo, in Sallengre's Nov. Thesaur. Ant. Rom. vol. II p1211, &c.)
Thayer's Note: A somewhat fuller article Equuleus may be found in Daremberg & Saglio's Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines (in English translation); and for the constellation, see Allen's Star Names, s.v. Equuleus.
Ergastulum: see separate page.
ERI′CIUS, a military engine full of sharp spikes, which was placed by the gate of the camp to prevent the approach of the enemy (Caes. B. C. III.67; Sallust, apud Non. XVIII.16; Lipsius, Poliorcet. V.4).
Eroga′tio: [Aquaeductus, p115A.]
Erotia: see separate page.
Errhephoria or Ersephoria
Eschara: [Focus.]
Esseda: see separate page.
Esseda′rii: [Esseda.]
Evictio: see separate page.
Eumolpidae: see separate page.
Evocati: see separate page.
Euri′pus: [Amphitheatrum, p88B.]
Eustylos: [Templum.]
Euthyne and euthyni • Exagoges Dike • Exaireseos Dike
Exauctoratio: [Exercitus.]
EXAUGURA′TIO is the act of changing a sacred thing into a profane one, or of taking away from it the sacred character which it had received by inauguratio, consecratio, or dedicatio. That such an act was performed by the augurs, and never without consulting the pleasure of the gods by augurium, is implied in the name itself (Liv. I.55, V.54; Dionys. Hal. Antiq. Rom. III p202, ed. Sylburg; Cato, ap. Fest. s.v. Nequitium). Temples, chapels, and other consecrated places, as p480 well as priests, were considered as belonging to the gods. No consecrated place whatever could be applied for any profane purpose, or dedicated to any other divinity than that to which it originally belonged, without being previously exaugurated; and priests could not give up their sacred functions, or (in case they were obliged to live in celibacy) enter into matrimony, without first undergoing the process of exauguratio (Gellius, VI.7.4; Jul. Capitol. M. Anton. Philos. c4 ) [L.S.]
Excep′tio: [Actio.]
Excu′biae: [Castra, p250.]
EXCUBITO′RES, which properly means watchmen or sentinels of any kind (Caes. Bell. Gall. VII.69), was the name more particularly given to the soldiers of the cohort who guarded the palace of the Roman emperor (Suet. Nero, 8, Oth. 6). Their commanding officer was called tribunus excubitor (Suet. Claud. 42, Ner. 9). When the emperor went to an entertainment at the house of another person, the excubitores appear to have accompanied him, and to have kept guard as in his own palace (Suet. Oth. 4).
Exedra: see separate page.
Exegetae: see separate page.
EXERCITO′RIA ACTIO: see separate page.
Exercitus: see separate page.
Exheres: [Heres.]
EXHIBENDUM, ACTIO AD: see separate page.
Exiteria or Epexodia
Exo′dia: see separate page.
Exomis • Exomosia
Exostra: see separate page.
Exoules Dike
Explorato′res: [Exercitus, p509A.]
Exsequiae: [Funus.]
Exsi′lium: see separate page.
Extispex: [Haruspex.]
Extraordina′rii: [Exercitus. p497B.]
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