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Thayer's Note: I'm not particularly interested in ancient Greece. My site therefore includes, with few exceptions, only those entries that pertain to Rome. In these index pages, those that pertain exclusively to Greece are indicated in grey; I do not plan to put them onsite, although here and there I may change my mind.
Entries in italics are not in Smith's Dictionary at all, but could or should have been, and a resource is onsite which there is no point in omitting.
IATRALIPTA, IATRALIPTA, or IATROALIPTES (ἰατραλειπτής), the name given by the ancients to a physician who paid particular attention to that part of medical science called Iatraliptice. The name is compounded of ἰατρὸς and ἀλείφω, and signifies literally a physician that cures by anointing. According to Pliny (H. N. XXIX.2), they were at first only the slaves of physicians, but afterwards rose to the rank of physicians themselves, and were therefore superior to the aliptae. [Aliptae.] The word occurs in Paulus Aegineta (De Re Med. III.47), Celsus (De Medic. I.1) and other medical writers. [W.A.G.]
IATROSOPHISTA, (ἰατρασοφιστής), an ancient medical title, signifying apparently (according to Du Cange, Glossar. Med. et Inf. Graecit.) one who both taught medicine and also practised it himself; as the ancients made a distinction between διδασκαλική and ἔργατις, the art and the science of medicine, the theory and the practice (Damascius in vita Isidori). Eunapius Sardianus (De Vit. Philosoph. et Sophist. p168, ed. Antwerp. 1568) calls them ἐξησκημένους λέγειν τε καὶ ποιεῖν ἰατρικήν. The word is somewhat varied in different authors. Socrates (Hist. Eccles. VII.13) calls Adamantius ἰατρικῶν λόγων σοφιστής. Stephanus Byzantinus (s.v. Γέα) mentions τῶν ἰατρῶν σοφιστής; Callisthenes (quoted in Du Cange), ἰατρὸς σοφιστής: and Theophanes (ibid.) σοφιστής τῆς ἰατρικῆς ἐπιστήμης. Several ancient physicians are called by this title, e.g. Magnes (Theoph. Protospath. De Urinis), Cassius, the author of "Quaestiones Medicae et Naturales," and others. [W.A.G.]
Idus: [Calendarium, Roman.]
Ignobiles: [Nobiles.]
Ignominia: [Infamia.]
Illustres: see separate page.
Imaginum jus: [Nobiles.]
IMA′GO, the representation or likeness of any object, is derived from the root im or sim, which appears in im-itari and sim-ilis, and likewise in the Greek ὁμ-ος. ("Imago ab imitatione dicta," Festus, s.v.; "Imago dicitur quasi imitago," Porphyr. ad Hor. Carm. I.12.4.) It was especially applied among the Romans to indicate the waxen busts of deceased ancestors, which distinguished Romans kept in the atria of their houses, and of which an account is given in the article Nobiles. The word is also used in general to signify a portrait or statue of a person; on both of which some remarks are made under Pictura, No. XV. and Statuaria, No. II.
Imbrices: [Tegula.]
Immunitas: see separate page.
Impendium: [Fenus, p526B.]
Imperativae feriae: [Feriae.]
Imperator: [Imperium.]
Imperium: see separate page.
Impluvium: [Domus, p427B.]
Impubes: see separate page.
Inauguratio: see separate page.
Inauris: see separate page.
Incensus: [Caput, Census, p263A.]
Incestum: see separate page.
Incitega: see separate page.
Incola: [Domicilium.]
Incorporales res: [Dominium.]
Incunabula: see separate page.
Incus: see separate page.
Index: [Liber.]
Indigitamenta: [Pontifex.]
Indusium: [Tunica.]
Infamia: see separate page.
Infamis: [Infamia.]
Infans: see separate page.
Inferiae: [Funus, p562B.]
Infula: see separate page.
Ingenui: see separate page.
Ingratus: [Patronus.]
Injuria: see separate page.
Injuriarium actio: [Injuria.]
Inofficiosum testamentum: [Testamentum.]
Inquilinus: [Exsilium, p516B.]
Insania: [Curator.]
Insigne: see separate page.
Institor: [Institoria Actio.]
Instita: see separate page.
INSTITORIA ACTIO: see separate page.
Institutiones: see separate page.
Institutoria actio: [Intercessio.]
Insula: [Domus, p430A.]
Integrum restitutio, in: [Restitutio.]
Intentio: [Actio.]
Intercessio: see separate page.
Intercisi dies: [Dies.]
Intercolumnia: [Templum.]
Interdictio aquae et ignis: [Exsilium, p516B.]
Interdictum: see separate page.
Interpres: see separate page.
Interrex: see separate page.
Interula: [Tunica.]
Intesta′bilis: In the Twelve Tables it was declared "qui se sierit testarier libripenve fuerit, in testimonium fariatur, improbus intestabilisque esto." (Dirksen, Uebersicht, &c. p607; compare Gellius, VII.7, XV.13). According to these passages, a person who had been a witness on any solemn occasion, such as the making of a will, and after refused to give his testimony, was "intestabilis," that is, disqualified from ever being a witness on any other occasion. The word afterwards seems to have had its meaning extended, and to have been used to express one who could not make a will, and who laboured under a general civil incapacity (Hor. Sat. II.3.181; Dig. 28 tit. 1, s18, 26; Inst. II. tit. 10). [G.L.]
Intestato, hereditates ab: [Heres, p598A.]
Intestatus: [Heres, p598A.]
INTESTI′NUM OPUS, joiner's work, is referred to in some passages of Vitruvius as used in the interior of buildings; but there is nothing in his allusions to it that requires explanation (Vitruv. II.9, V.2, V.3).
Intusium: [Tunica.]
Inventarium: [Heres, p601B.]
Investis: [Impubes.]
IRPEX, HIRPEX, or URPEX, (Cato, de Re Rust. 10), a harrow, used to clear the fields of weeds and to level and break down the soil (Festus, s.v.; Servius, in Virg. Georg. I.95). The harrow of the ancients, like ours, had iron teeth, and was drawn by oxen (Varr. de Ling. Lat. V.31, ed. Spengel). [J.Y.]
Iselastici ludi: [Athletae.]
Isodomum opus: [Murus.]
Isoteleis • Isthmia
Iter: [Viae.]
Itineris servitus: [Servitutes.]
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Page updated: 26 Jan 20