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 p707  Article by Philip Smith, B.A., of the University of London
on p707 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

LIGULA, a Roman measure of fluid capacity, containing one-fourth of the Cyathus (Columella, R. R. XII.21, Plin. H. N. XX.5 s18).

It signifies a spoonful, like cochlear; only the ligula was larger than the cochlear. The spoon which was called ligula, or lingula (dim. of lingua) from its shape, was used for various purposes, especially to clean out small and narrow vessels, and to eat jellies and such things (Cato, R. R. 84; Colum. IX.5; Plin. H. N. XXI.14 s49; Martial, VIII.33.23, 71.9, XIV.120; Becker, Gallus, II. p156). The word is also used for the leather tongue of a shoe (Pollux, II.109, VII.80; Festus, s.v.).

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