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 p782  N

The entries on pp782‑816 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.


Thayer's Note: I'm not particularly interested in ancient Greece. My site therefore includes, with few exceptions, only those entries that pertain to Rome. In these index pages, those that pertain exclusively to Greece are indicated in grey; I do not plan to put them onsite, although here and there I may change my mind.

NAENIA. [Funus, p559A.]

Naos: [Templum.]

Natalitii ludi: [Ludi Natalitii.]

Natalibus restitutio: [Ingenui.]

Natatio, natatorium: [Balneae, p189B.]

Natura, naturalis ratio: [Jus.]

 p783  Navarchus • Naucraria • Naucrarus

pp784‑792 NAVIS: see separate page.

Naumachia: see separate page.

Nauta: [Exercitoria Actio.]

Nauticon: [Fenus, p525B.]


 p794  NEBRIS: see separate page.

Necrodeipnon • Necysia

Nefasti dies: [Dies.]

Negativa, negatoria actio: [Confessoria Actio.]

Negligentia: [Culpa.]


Negotiatores: see separate page.

 p795  Nemea

Nenia: [Funus, p559A.]

Neocori: see separate page.


Neptunalia: see separate page.

Neronia: [Quinquennalia.]

Nexi: [Nexum.]

pp796‑798 NEXUM: see separate page.

NOBILES, NOBILITAS: see separate page.

NODUS, in a special sense, was applied to the following parts of dress:—

  1. The knot used in tying on the scarf [Chlamys] or other article constituting the Amictus. This was often effected by the aid of a brooch [Fibula], a ring, or some jewel (Virg. Aen. I.320, VI.301, XI.776; Claud. de Rapt. Pros. II.40); but frequently in the method shown in the woodcut of Diana at p276.

  2. The knot of hair (κόρυμβος, κρωβύλος), either at the top or the back of the head adopted by both sexes in fastening their long hair, which was turned upwards or backwards for the purpose (crine rursus adducto revocare nodo, Seneca, Oedip. II; Virg. Aen. IV.138; Hor. Epod. XI.28). Examples may be seen in the woodcuts at pp 329, 597.º

  3. The knot of leather worn by boys of the poorer classes at Rome instead of the golden Bulla.


pp801‑803 NOMEN: see separate page.

 p803  NOMEN. [Fenus, p527A; Obligationes.]

Nomenclator: [Ambitus, p77A.]

pp804‑806 Nomismatos Diaphoras Graphe • Nomophylaces • Nomos • Nomothetes

 p806  NONAE. [Calendarium.]

Norma: see separate page.

 p807  NOTA: see separate page.

Nota censoria: [Census.]

Notarii: see separate page.

Novale: [Aratrum.]

Thayer's Note: the word novale appears neither under Aratrum (the plow) nor in the massive article Agricultura (which is not yet online).

According to Lewis & Short the word usually means fallow or unplowed land (Plin. H. N. 18.176, Col. 2.2.14) but, perversely, can also mean plowed land (Plin. H. N. 17.39, Dig. 47.21.3) and even the crops themselves (Juv. 14.148). Varro (L. L. 5.39) reasonably derives the word from nov-, new: the central meaning is "new land", accounting for the divergent meanings.

Novatio: [Obligationes.]


Novendiale: see separate page.

Novi homines: [Nobiles.]

Novi operis nuntiatio: [Operis Novi Nuntiatio.]

Noxa: [Noxalis Actio.]

 p808  NOXALIS ACTIO: see separate page.

Nudipedalia: [Calceus.]

Nudus: see separate page.

NUMERUS, the name of a body of troops in the imperial period [Exercitus, p500B.]

Nummula′rii or numula′rii: [Mensarii.]

pp809‑815 NUMMUS: see separate page.

Nuncupa′tio: [Testamentum.]

 p816  NUNDINAE: see separate page.

Nundinum: [Nundinae.]

Nuntiatio: [Operis Novi Nuntiatio.]

Nuptiae: [Matrimonium.]

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Page updated: 3 Jun 14
