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PARAGAUDA (παραγῶδης), the border of a tunic [Limbus], enriched with gold thread, worn by ladies, but not allowed to men except as one of the insignia of office. These borders were among the rich presents given by Furius Placidus A.D. 343 when he was made consul (lineae paragaudae, Vopisc. Aurel. 15).a Under the later emperors the manufacture of them was forbidden except in their own gynaecea (Cod. 11 tit. 8 s1, 2). The term paragauda, which is probably of Oriental origin, seems also to have been converted into an adjective, and thus to have become the denomination of the tunic, which was decorated with such borders (Lydus de Mag. I.17, II.4, 13).
a Furius Placidus' paragaudae: Whether any such consul ever existed (see the Loeb edition note to the passage) is of course immaterial. A more detailed and useful passage about paragaudae in the same book of the Historia Augusta should also be cited: Aurel. 46.6.
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