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 p952  Praedium

Article by George Long, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College
on p952 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

PRAE′DIUM. This word originally signified according to Varro (L. L. V.40, ed. Müller) any property which was made a security to the State by a Praes: "Praedia dicta, item ut praedes, a praestando, quod ea pignori data publice mancupis fidem praestent." Subsequently the word was limited to signify land generally. In this sense Praedia were divided into Rustica and Urbana, of which the following definition has been given: Rustica are those on which there are no aedes or which are in the country (in agro); and Urbana are those which are in the city and comprise buildings. Those incorporeal things which consisted not in the owner­ship of Praedia, but in certain rights with respect to them, were called Jura Praediorum. As to a difference in the mode of transferring such Jura in the case of Praedia Rustica and Urbana see Gaius (II.29). A Praedium which was liable to a servitus was said "servire," and was a "praedium serviens."º

Provincialia Praedia were either stipendiaria or tributaria: the former were in those provinces which were considered to belong to the Populus Romanus; and the latter in those provinces which were considered to belong to the Caesar (Gaius, II.21).

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Page updated: 26 Jan 20
