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The entries on pp984‑996 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.


Thayer's Note: I'm not particularly interested in ancient Greece. My site therefore includes, with few exceptions, only those entries that pertain to Rome. In these index pages, those that pertain exclusively to Greece are indicated in grey; I do not plan to put them onsite, although here and there I may change my mind.


Rapina: [Bona Rapta; Furtum.]

Raster: see separate page.

Rates: [Navis.]

Rationibus distrahendis actio: [Tutela.]

RECEPTA; DE RECEPTO, ACTIO: see separate page.

Recinium: [Ricinium.]

Recuperatores: [Judex.]

REDEMPTOR, the general name for a contractor, who undertook the building and repairing of public works, private houses, &c., and in fact of any kind of work (Festus, s.v.; Hor. Carm. III.1.35, Hor. Ep. II.2.72; Cic. de Div. II.21). The farmers of the public taxes were also called Redemptores (Dig. 19 tit. 2 s60 § 8).

REDHIBITORIA ACTIO: see separate page.

REDIMI′CULUM (καθετήρ), a fillet attached to the Calantica, Diadema, Mitra, or other headdress at the occiput, and passed over the shoulders, so as to hang on each side over the breast (Virg. Aen. IX.616; Ovid, Met. X.265). Redimicula were properly female ornaments (Festus, s.v.; Ovid. Epist. IX.71; Juv. II.10; Prudent. Psychom. 448); and in the statues of Venus they were imitated in gold (Ov. Fast. IV.135‑137). [J.Y.]

Regia lex: [Lex Regia.]

Regifugium: see separate page.

Regula: see separate page.

Rei uxo′riae or dotis actio: [Dos.]

Relatio: [Senatus.]

Relegatio: [Exsilium, p515B.]

Remancipatio: [Emancipatio.]

Remulcum: see separate page.

Remuria: [Lemuria.]

Remus: [Navis, pp787B, 788a.]

Repagula: [Janua, p626B.]


Rescissoria actio: [Intercessio.]

RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM: see separate page.

Restituto′ria actio: [Intercessio.]

Retia′rii: [Gladiatores, p575B.]

Reti′culum: [Coma, p329A.]

RETIS and RETE: see separate page.

Reus: [Actor; Obligationes, p658.]

Rex: see separate page.


Rheda: see separate page.

Rhetor • Rhetorice Graphe • Rhetrae

Rhyton: see separate page.

Rica: [Flamen.]

RICI′NIUM, RECI′NIUM or RECINUS: see separate page.

Robigalia: see separate page.

Robur: [Carcer, p241A.]

Rogatio: [Lex, p682.]

Rogatores: [Diribitores.]

Rogus: [Funus, p559B.]

Romphea: [Hasta, p589A.]

Rora′rii: [Exercitus, pp495, 502b.]

Rostra: see separate page.

Rostra′ta columna: [Columna, p327B.]

Rostra′ta corona: [Corona, p360.]

Rostrum: [Navis, p786B.]

Rota: [Currus, p378.]

RUDENS (κάλως), any rope used to move or fix the mast or sail of a vessel (Juv. VI.102; Ovid, Met. III.616; Achilles Tatius, II.32). The different ropes of an ancient ship are spoken of under Navis, p790.

Ruderatio: [Domus, p431A.]

Rudia′rii: [Gladiatores, p575A.]

Rudis: [Gladiatores, p575A.]

RU′FULI, the name of the tribunes of the soldiers chosen by the consul or other general (Liv. VII.5; Festus, s.v.). For further information see Exercitus, p503A‑504b.

RUNCI′NA (ῥυκάνη), a plane (Tertull. Apol. 12; Brunck, Anal. I.227), is delineated among joiner's tools (Instrum. Fabr. Tignar.) in the woodcut at p806. The square hole in the right side of the stock seems intended for the passage of the shavings (ramenta). The Latin and Greek names for this instrument gave origin to the corresponding transitive verbs runcino and ῥυκανάω, meaning to plane (Min. Felix, 23). They seem to be allied etymologically with ῥύγχος, referring to the operation of those beasts and birds which use their snout or beak to plough up the ground. [J.Y.]

RUTILIA′NA ACTIO was a Praetorian actio introduced by the Praetor Publius Rutilius, by virtue of which the bonorum emptor could sue in the name of the person whose goods he had bought and claim the condemnatio to be made in his own favour and in his own name (Gaius, III.80, 81, IV.35). [G.L.]

Rutrum: see separate page.

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Page updated: 26 Jan 20
