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 p1013  Sectio

Article by George Long, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College
on pp1013‑1014 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

SE′CTIO. "Those are called Sectores who buy property publice." (Gaius, IV.146; Festus, s.v. Sectores). Property was said to be sold publice (venire publice), when a man's property was sold by the state in consequence of a condemnatio and for the purpose of repayment to the State of such sums of money as the condemned person had improperly appropriated; or in consequence of a proscriptio (Liv. XXXVIII.60; Cic. in Verr. I.20). Such a sale of all a man's property was a Sectio (Cic. pro Roscio Amer. 36, 43, &c.); and sometimes the things sold were called Sectio (Tacit. Hist. I.90). The sale was effected by the Praetor giving to the Quaestors the Bonorum Possessio, in reference to which the phrase "bona publice possideri" is used. The property was sold sub hasta and the sale transferred Quiritarian owner­ship, to which Gaius probably alludes in a mutilated passage (III.80; cf. Varro, de Re Rust. II.10 s4; Tacit. Hist. I.20). The Sector was intitled to the Interdictum Sectorium for the purpose of obtaining possession of the property (Gaius, IV.146); but he took the property with all its liabilities. An hereditas that had fallen to the Fiscus  p1014 was sold in this way, and the Sector acquired the hereditatis petitio. [Praeda.]

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Page updated: 26 Jan 20
