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 p1071  Stipendiarii

Article by Robert Whiston, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
on p1071 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

STIPENDIA′RII. The Stipendiariae Urbes of the Roman provinces were so denominated, as being subject to the payment of a fixed money tribute, "stipendium," in contradistinction to the vectigales, who paid a certain portion, as a tenth or twentieth of the produce of their lands, their cattle, or customs. The word "stipendium" was used to signify the tribute paid, as it was originally imposed for and afterwards appropriated to the purpose of furnishing the Roman soldiers with pay (stipendium, Liv. IV.60; Tac. Hist. IV.74) The condition of the urbes stipendiariae is generally thought to have been more honourable than that of the vectigales, but the distinction between the two terms was not always observed (Liv. XXXVII.35). The word stipendiarius is also applied to a person who receives a fixed salary or pay, as a "stipendiarius miles" (Hirtius, de Bell. Afric. 43), a phrase which is sometimes used to denote a veteran who has received pay for many years, or served in many campaigns (Veget. de Re Milit. I.18). Some MSS. have stipendiosus in the passage last quoted, which is perhaps a better reading (Göttling, Gesch. der Röm. Staatsverf. p418).

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Page updated: 4 Sep 04
