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 p1092  Tabularium

Unsigned article on pp1092‑1093 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

TABULA′RIUM, a place where the public records (tabulae publicae) were kept (Cic. pro C. Rabir. 3, pro Arch. 4). These records were of various kinds, as for instance Senatusconsulta, Tabulae  p1093 Censoriae, registers of births, deaths, of the names of those who assumed the toga virilis, &c. (See Abram. ad Cic. Mil. 27). There were various tabularia at Rome, all of which were in temples; we find mention made of tabulariaa in the temples of the Nymphs (Cic. pro Mil. 27), of Lucina, of Juventus, of Libitina, of Ceres, and more especially in that of Saturn,​b which was also the public treasury (Servius, ad Virg. Georg. II.502; Capitol. M. Anton. Phil. 9). [Aerarium.]

Thayer's Notes:

a mention of tabularia: These tabularia are presented in a very logical order, but our author has kept it under wraps for some reason.

b in the temple of Saturn: No. Although the records housed were principally those connected with the aerarium and thus with the temple of Saturn, this Tabularium was a separate building altogether, some 50 to 100 meters from the temple. For good details, see Platner's article, linked below.

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Page updated: 6 Dec 06
