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U′RCEUS, a pitcher, or water-pot, generally made of earthenware (Dig. 33 tit. 7 s18; Hor. Ar. Poët. 22). It was used by the priests at Rome in the sacrifices, and thus appears with other sacrificial emblems on the coins of some of the Roman gentes.a The annexed coin of the Pompeia gens has on the obverse a lituus before the head of Pompeius, the triumvir, and an urceus behind it.
This Etruscan bronze pitcher, probably a funerary object, is in the Museo Emilio Greco at Orvieto. The inscription on the handle can be made out on this enlarged image. |
a The urceus very often appears also on one side of altars, honorary inscriptions and the like, in which case the other side usually bears a patera; see this example at Vicus ad Martis in Umbria, where the stone has been incorporated into the main altar of a Christian church, as not infrequently happens.
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Page updated: 6 Mar 11