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Bill Thayer

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The entriesº on pp1183‑1222 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

Thayer's Note: Entries in italics are not in Smith's Dictionary at all, but could or should have been, and a resource is onsite which there is no point in omitting.

VAS, (pl. vasa), a general term for any kind of vessel. Thus we read of vas vinarium (Cic. Verr. IV.27), vas argenteum (Cic. l.c.; Hor. Sat. II.7.72), vasa Corinthia et Deliaca (Cic. pro Rosc. Am.  p1184 46), vasa Samia, that is, made of Samian earthenware (Cic. pro Mur. 36), vasa Murrhina (Plin. H. N. XXXVII.2 s7). [Murrhina Vasa.] The word vas was used in a still wider signification, and was applied to any kind of utensil used in the kitchen, agriculture, &c. Thus Plautus says (Aulul. I.3.17):—

"Cultrum, securim, pistillum, mortarium,

Quae utenda vasa semper vicini rogant,

Fures venisse, atque abstulisse dicito."

(Comp. Dig. 33 tit. 7 s8; 34 tit. 2 s20). The utensils of the soldiers were called vasa, and hence vasa colligere and vasa conclamare signify to pack up the baggage, to give the signal for departure (Cic. Verr. IV.19; Liv. XXI.47; XXVII.47; Caes. B. C. I.66, II.37).

Vectiga′lia: see separate page.

VEHES (ὅξημα), a load of hay, manure, or anything which was usually conveyed in a cart. [Plaustrum.] Pliny speaks of "a large load of hay" (vehem foeni large onustam, Plin. H. N. XXXVI.15 s24), which shows that this term did not always denote a fixed quantity. With the Romans, however, as with us, the load was likewise used as a measure, a load of manure being equal to eighty modii, which was about twenty bushels (Col. de Re Rust. II.15, 16, XI.2). The trunk of a tree, when squared, was reckoned a load, the length varying according to the kind of timber, viz. 20 feet of oak, 25 of fir, &c. (Col. l.c.) A load was also called Carpentum. [J.Y.]

Vela′rium: [Velum.]

VELA′TI was a name given to the Accensi in the Roman army, who were only supernumerary soldiers ready to supply any vacancies in the legion. [Accensi.] They were called Velati, because they were only clothed (velati) with the saga, and were not regularly armed (Festus, s.v. Velati, Adscripticii).

Ve′lites: [Exercitus, p503A, 506B.]

Velum: see separate page.

VENA′BULUM a hunting-spear. This may have been distinguished from the spears used in warfare by being barbed; at least it is often so formed in action works of art representing the story of Meleager (Bartoli, Admir. 84) and other hunting scenes. It was seldom, if ever, thrown, but held so as to slant downwards and to receive the attacks of the wild boars and other beasts of chace. (Virg. Aen. IV.131, IX.553; Varr. L. L. VIII.53, ed. Müller; Apul. Met. VIII. pp78, 83, ed. Aldi; Plin. Ep. I.6.)

Venalicia′rii: [Servus, p1040A.]

Vena′tio: see separate page.

Venefi′cium: see separate page.

VER SACRUM: see separate page.

Verbe′na: [Sagmina.]

Verbena′rius: [Fetiales.]

Verna: [Servus, p1038, 1040.]

Verso in rem actio: [Servus, p1038.]

Versu′ra: [Fenus, p527A.]

Veru, veru′tum: [Hasta, p588B.]

Vespae, vespillo′nes: [Funus, p559B.]

Vestales: see separate page.

Vestalia: A festival of Vesta, held over several days in June, usually stated by modern scholars to be June 7 thru 15, although sometimes slightly different dates are given. A women's festival and thus somewhat shadowy in the historical record. See C. Hülsen, The Roman Forum — Its History and Its Monuments, pp185, 188‑189; A. M. Franklin, The Lupercalia, p18, n. 2. Johannes Lydus, a 6c Byzantine antiquarian, gives further details but makes the festival a single day, June 9 (de Mensibus, IV.94 (59)).

Vestibulum: [Domus, p427A, Janua, p627.]

Vesticeps: [Impubes, 631A.]

Vetera′nus: [Exercitus, p499B.]

Vexilla′rii: [Exercitus, p507B.]

Vexillum: [Exercitus, p507B; Signa Militaria.]

Viae: see separate page.

Viaticum: see separate page.

Viator: see separate page.

Vica′rii servii: [Servus, p1037B.]

Vica′rius: [Exercitus, p504A.]

Vice′sima: see separate page.

Vicomagistri: [Vicus.]

Vi′ctima: [Sacrificium.]

Victoria′tus: [Denarius.]

Vicus: see separate page.

VICUS. [Universitas, p1216A.]

Vi′giles: [Exercitus, p510A.]

Vigi′liae: [Castra, p250B.]

Vigintisexviri: see separate page.

Vigintiviri: [Vigintisexviri.]

Villa: see separate page.

Villicus: see separate page.

Vina′lia: see separate page.

Vindemia′lis fe′ria: [Feriae, p530A.]

Vindex: [Actio, p11A, Manus Injectio.]

Vindicatio: see separate page.

Vindi′ciae: [Vindicatio.]

VINDICTA: see separate page; [see also Manumissio; Vindicatio.]

Vinea: see separate page.

Vinum: see separate page.

Vi′rgines vesta′les: [Vestales Virgines.]

Virida′rium: [Hortus.]

Vis: see separate page.

Vis et vis armata: There was an interdict De Vi et Vi Armata, which applied to the case of a man who was forcibly ejected from the possession of a piece of ground or edifice (qui vi dejectus est). The object of the interdict was to restore the party ejected to possession (Dig. 43 tit. 16; Interdictum.) [G.L.]

Viscera′tio: [Funus, p562A.]

Vitellia′ni: [Tabulae, p1092A.]

Vitis: [Exercitus, p499B.]

Vitrum: see separate page.

Vitta: see separate page.

Voca′tio in jus: [Actio, p10B.]

Volo′nes: see separate page.

Volu′men: [Liber.]

Volunta′rii: [Volones.]

Vomito′ria: [Amphitheatrum, p84.]

Vulcana′lia: see separate page.

VULGA′RES [Servus, p1041B.]

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Page updated: 26 Jul 14
