Sir Thomas Urquhart (1653) Logopandecteision. The Epilogue.

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The Epilogue.

That I (whilst a prisoner) was able to digest and write this Treatise, is an effect meerly proceeding from the courtesie of my Lord General Cromwel, by whose recommendation to the Councel of State, my Parole being taken for my true imprisonment, I was by their favour enlarged to the extent of the Lines of Londons Communication : for, had I continued as before, coopt up within Walls, or yet been attended still by a Guard, as for a while I was, should the house of my confinement have never been so pleasant, or my Keepers a very Paragon of discretion, and that the conversation of the best Wits in the world, with affluence of all manner of Books, should have been allowed me for the diversion of my minde ; yet such an antipathie I have to any kinde of restraint, wherein my self is not intrusted, that notwithstanding all these advantages, which to some spirits would make a jayl seem more delicious then Freedom without them, it could not in that eclipse of Liberty lie in my power to frame my self to the couching of one sillable, or contriving of a Fancie worthy the labour of putting Pen to Paper, no more then a Nightingale can warble it in a Cage, or Linet in a Dungeon.

Here must I not forget the obligation I owe to that most generous Gentleman Captain Gladmon, for speaking in my favour to my Lord General ; which gallantry in him (upon so small acquaintance) shall assuredly be remembred by me, with a stedfast resolution to embrace all the opportunities wherewith Fortune shall present me, for performance of the best offices I can, in testimony of my thankfulness.

The kindly usage of the Marshal-General Captain Alsop, whilst I was in his custody, I am bound in duty so to acknowledge, that I may without dissimulation avouch, for courtesies conferred on such as were within the Verge of his authority, and fidelity to those by whom he was intrusted with their tuition in that restraint, That never any could by his faithfulness to the one, and loving carriage to the other, bespeak himself more a Gentleman, nor, in the discharge of that Military place, acquit himself with a more universally-deserved applause and commendation.

The enumeration of these aforesaid courtesies, will not permit me to forget my thankfulness to that Reverend Preacher Mr. Roger Williams of Providence in New-England, for the manifold favours wherein I stood obliged to him above a whole month, before either of us had so much as seen other, and that by his frequent and earnest sollicitation in my behalf, of the most especial Members both of the Parliament and Councel of State ; in doing whereof, he appeared so truely generous, that when it was told him how I, having got notice of his so undeserved respect towards me, was desirous to embrace some sudden opportunity whereby to testifie the affection I did owe him, he purposely delayed the occasion of meeting with me, till he had (as he said) performed some acceptable office worthy of my acquaintance : in all which (both before and after we had conversed with one another) and by those many worthy Books set forth by him, to the advancement of piety and good order (with some whereof, he was pleased to present me) he did approve himself a man of such discretion and inimitably-sanctified parts, that an Arch-Angel from heaven could not have shewn more goodness with less ostentation.


To the Reader.

Sweet and judicious Reader,

Although you have been detained all along this little Tractate, upon the particulars of a private family, and that the Author, at the first sight,, doth thereby seem to mind rather his owne profit, then your instruction : yet so much confidence is reposed in your ingenuity, that it is credibly thought, you will not expect great apologies from him, whose best endeavours, you know already, have been much devoted to your service ; especially for that your interest in the future establishment of his fortune (all things being well considered) appeareth every whit as great as his owne : for albeit in the eyes of the vulgar, most of the benefit of an estate seemeth to accrue to him that enjoyeth it ; yet if the fruition thereof in his person, be but a mean to a further end, communicable by many thousands, unto each of whom is of it exposed as plenary a possession as to himself, his share must needs, by that account, in regard of theirs of so great a number, be but very little : herein therefore is it evident, that the Reader in the Authors settlement is as much concerned as himself ; for who desireth any thing, is also desirous of the means whereby it is to be attained unto. Thus there being non possibility of the Authors publication of excellent Treatises, unless he be reseated in the estate of his predecessors, the Reader, of whatever condition, with whom literature is in any estimation, should concur with, assist, and help him forwards to the prosecuting of those his just demands, if not for any love to the Author, yet his owne sake at least, and that for the knowledge which thereby may redound to himself, which (to value things aright) must needs be of more importance, then any interest the Author can have in the means of his progenitors ; for what can the Author and his posterity suffer of damage by the want of his estate, comparable to the prejudice sustainable by the many Readers and their successors, through lack of his writings ? unless one would think that the goods of Fortune are more highly to be prized then those of the Minde ; the contrary whereof hath been very clearly evidenced, in many several passages of the fore-going Tractate.

Vade Liber, totumque refer mea damna per orbem,
   Hostibus assigens stigmata nigra meis :
Contingatque mihi Siculi fortuna Poetæ,
   Cui fatale metrum non minus ense fuit ;
Nec posthac demptum dices mihi creditor ensem,
   Si calamo possem te jugulare meo.


Seeing the end of this fore-going Tractate is to perswade the State, out of their wisdom, to condescend to the just demands of the Author ; there can be no number like that of Two and thirty, which by the Rabbies of old was ascribed to wisdom, and by Pythagoras to justice, be pitched upon, so apposite for terminating he sum of these subsequent Proquiritations, according to the tenour of this Algebraical Hexastick.

Of Postulata's a sursolid, whose
Content doth twice that
Square of Squares enclose,
Which is the double of the
Cube of two,
Is here display'd, for th'
Author's sake, to shew
   How that
Square dealing will him best become,
   Whereby he gets his owne
in solidum.


That he, whose good name is to be eternized in the grave, should not in his life-time be neglected by the State of an immortal fame, is the hope of



That to the overthrow of Equity in the person of the Author, the State suffer not any Law of theirs to become the executioner of the spleen and covetousness of his implacable adversaries, is the humble desire of



That they who look meerly to the present time, without any regard of the future, be not permitted by the State to deprive him of his means, who, for the weal of after-ages, spends his time most vertuously, is the desire of



That outlandish Nations, with whom the Author hath much acquaintance, may, for the States favour to him, when they shall restore him to his own, after the above-written manner, offer up a most cordial sacrifice to their Authority, is the most humble desire of

Ai. Bs.


That seeing the most of Scotland is subdued, those that had long before that enslaved themselves to the most abominable vice of oppressing others, be not permitted by the Conqueror to meddle with the estate of him that never injured any, is the earnest suit of


6. Seeing the Authors Treatises are conducible to posterity, for the weal whereof the now-established Authority hath undergone so many difficulties, that for its respect to them, and hopes of their retribution of praises, he may be better rewarded, then if he were a present time-server, without consideration of the future, is the desire of

Ei. Z.


Seeing from the creation of the world, it hath pleased the Author to deduce his extraction, without balking since the dayes of Adam, so much as one of his progenitors on the paternal side, That the State vouchsafe to put him in a consistence of protracting his posterity through as many hereditary successors in a linear descent, according to the contents of the preceding Tractate, is the desire of



Seeing the most innocent of the Scotish Nation is no more blameless, then he, that his sequestration should be taken off, and a considerable acknowledgment allowed him, for the great loss he sustained by the rigour of the subsequestrator, is the desire of

U. Fs.


Seeing the Author hath been still faithful to his trust, never culpable of Parole-breaking, but always true in every word and action, That the generosity of the State will not suffer him to be exposed to the inhumane dealing of those Country-men of his, who for their owne ends, make no bones of being guilty of greater breaches, is the desire of

Wh. Y.


Seeing he is born to the profit of a few, who thinketh onely on the people of his age, and to that of fewer, whose thoughts exceed not the reach of his own proper interest, That the illustrious State shall consider of the difference betwixt the Authors competitors of dark and narrow projects, and his owne splendid and ample endeavours, comprehensive by appearance of the whole latitude of time, is the humble desire of

X. Ya.


The Authors family being of the greatest antiquity in Scotland, and by an especial providence till this time preserved from that utter subversion intended by the iniquity of his covetous and dissembled enemies, should in my opinion obtain a larger measure of protection from the State, then any other race in that land, and himself favoured with the grant of all that in this foregoing Treatise is demanded by him, (which that it be so) is the humble desire of

Gh. Eu.


That the shire of Cromarty, which ever from the beginning hath been the receptacle of the most harmless inhabitants, be not bestowed on any other then the Author, whose predecessors, for uprightness and integrity of carriage, had not their equals in that Nation, is the desire of

Yo. Bn.


That the noblest State in the world, will not permit that to be exposed to sale, which never hitherto was made vendible in any preceding age, and that the Lands and shire of Cromarty, (which by none that ever breathed were either bought or sold) should be a grant from the State, be in the heritable possession of the Author, as nearest in line to the aborginary owner, is the earnest desire of

T. Wi.


That the Author being but as a clear spark, from whence gleameth the most of the pure light that is to be seen of any learned invention in that Country of Scotland, it be not quenched and quite extinguished, by the foul and black water of an usurious puddle drunk up there, by the natives almost of all sorts, is the humble request of

Bu. Ts.


The Authors education having been more abroad then at home, whereof england may duely claim no small share ; that by the State of that Nation, he should be singled out to suffer more then the disaffecters of both their rule and country-men, is not the expectation of

Wo. Kn.


That the Authors unwillingness to acknowledg an Ecclesiastical soveraigntie above the supream established Civil authority, be not a motive to deal more rigorously with him, then with any of those other his compatriots, that turn tail to every government, without affection to any, is the desire of

V. Ye.


There being scarce any other Gentleman in Scotland, who to the press so freely adventureth his name as himself, that the Author's thus favouring this Isle with elucubrations beyond the reach of most of his compatriots, may not for his service to the publick by the attolerance of the State suffer any detriment by his owne country-men in his private fortune, is the desire of



That the reasons deduced by the Author in the above-written Treatise, why he should not be made lyable to any other debt then that of his own contracting, may be so relished by the supream authority of the Land, as that thereby he may be exonered of any other burthen, is the humble desire of



There being none in Scotland less covetous then he, nor averse from the excessive love of money, that it may please the State to protect him, as that he be not made a prey to the most avaritious men of any, and such as respect Silver and Gold beyond whatever else is most precious in the world, is the humble desire of

L. Ch.


Seeing the Authors unwillingness to pin his faith implicitely to the sleeve of the Ministry, would at Sterling have debarred him (although otherwaies he had been willing) from being admitted to any charge in the Scotish army against the English ; and that therefore his going to Worcester would by all appearances seem rather to have proceeded from his desire to shun old adversaries at home, then to acquire new ones abroad, that he should be looked upon with a more amicable eye from the State, is the humble opinion of

M. Gs.


That the exemplary civility of the Author, for being apt to have influence on the mindes of the rudest of his kinred and neighbours, even unto the remotest hills of Scotland, may perswade the State, whose endeavour it is to bring them into as neer a conformity as may be, in Manners and Language with the natives of England, to settle him, without incumbrance, in the inheritance of his predecessors, is the desire of

Du. Th.


Seeing the States adversaries had kept some three yeers ago a Garison in the Authors house for twelve months together, and that for these many yeers past, by several exactions, tolerated plunderings, and other such-like unmerciful dealings, without any just occasion given, his rents have bene made almost totally unserviceable, that he may now, for his greater peace in the future, be exonered of the English Garison that is in his house ; and after its removal, have himself fully setled in his own, with all manner of ease and tranquility, is the humble desire of

N. Wa.


Seeing the grant of what is demanded in this Treatise, can no ways introduce a preparative of any dangerous consequence, as hath been evidently shewn in the above-written Introduction, That the State may be pleased, without any suspicion of being troubled upon the like grounds by any other of his Compatriots, condescend to his desires therein, is the hearty wish of

P. Oi.


That sublime Natural and Moral Philosophy, Mathematicks, Poesie, and many other kindes of good Literature should not be any longer supprest by the injustice of devouring and insatiable seekers ignorant of ever thing that is not lucrative for the bag, is the desire of

Au. Ps.


Seeing many in Scotland live at ease who enjoy more of their neighbours unlawfully-acquired goods then formerly was their own. That the Author who never yet could for the importunity of waspish seekers, and terrour of a rigorous Law, most often in the mouthes of partial men, get applied, in the most fertile yeer that was, for his own use the tenth part of his rent, should now, by the magnificence of the State, reap the fruits of his own, without the hazard of such terrible soakers, is the earnest desire of

Gu. Dn.


As the overthrow of Vice should be the establishment of Vertue, That the conquest of his opposers reseat the Author in his own inheritance, and that the State of England do it, which professeth the subdument of irregular spirits, is both the expectation and desire of

Tm. Ou.


Seeing the Authors designe hath been these many yeers the same, in matter of furthering Manufacture, Commerce, with all manner of Trading and Negotiation with the most industrious of the English now inhabiting Scotland, That the State will not, in favour of those that have obstructed the performance of so worthy enterprises, denude him of his just inheritance, is the desire of

Yi. Pn.


As love to the English Nation more then to their money, deserveth from that government the larger influence of grace ; so, that the Authors affection to the equitable Customs, & innate Civility of that Nation, being of more generous temper then that of others, who laboured their introduction for pecunial interests, may be regarded with an eye of greater favour, is the humble desire of

Gn. We.


Seeing there are many heritors in Scotland, who though for being actually in charge against the English, as pretended opposers of Presbytery, they did either inrich themselves, or by their levies and quarterings received great profits, to the no small damage of the Country, do nevertheless enjoy their means at time (whose good fortune notwithstanding thereby, I wish no man to envie) with as much tranquility as before ; That the Author, who never yet had any benefit to the prejudice of another, be placed rather in a better then worse condition then any of those, is the desire of

Tu. J.


That the vexation uncessantly for these ten yeers past sustained by the Author, from men of unsatisfiable appetites, in matter of worldly means, may not,as formerly, to the great hinderance of divulging Treatises, be any longer an impediment unto him, is the earnest of

R. Yu.


That a plenary grant of the Authors demands, after the manner above specified in the Tractate of his Introduction, will prove a great encouragement to good spirits, in the prosecuting of vertuous endeavours, is the opinion of

Wu. En.


That this is the unanimous desire of all the good persons of either sex, with whom, of any Nation, in whatever Country, whether at home or abroad, the Author hath been formerly acquainted, is testified by

Tu. Vs.


Parva peto : debens minus : & plus spondeo : at istis
Plura dabit genio spero Camæna meo.

Englished thus.

Little I ask : I owe less on the score :
I promise much ; yet hope to perform more.


F I N I S.

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THOUGH in this almost extemporary Treatise, composed amidst most of the disturbances that are incident to one totally destituted of encouragements from without, for undertaking enterprises of the like nature ; and, by the Author himself, in scribled sheets and half sheets, before the Ink oftentimes was well dry, given out to two several Printers, one alone not being fully able to hold his quill a going ; there should have occurred manyer escapes of the Press then there are pages in the Book (considering how the animadversion of the Revises, was altogether recommended to the Compositors at the Case, who were, through the odness of the hand wherein the copie was written, very frequently apt to mistake the sense of both single words, and full members of periods) it needeth not to be thought strange. May the Reader therefore be pleased to excuse all, and with his pen to correct these ensuing Errata, as it is hereafter shewn how they should be amended.

[Here follows a page of errata.]

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