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  This webpage reproduces a section of
R. E. Lee: A Biography

by Douglas Southall Freeman

published by Charles Scribner's Sons,
New York and London, 1934

The text, and illustrations except as noted, are in the public domain.


This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.



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Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Abbot, Gen. Henry L., U. S. A.

I, 346

Abbott, Jacob

I, 355, 357


Abyssinian War

I, 602

Acapulco road

Adams, Fort

I, 306

Adams, John Quincy

I, 51, 97

Aide-Mémoire Portatif
à l'Usage des Officiers du Génie
, by Laisne

I, 358

Akin, Walter

I, 578

Alabama (warship)

I, 232

Alamo ruins

I, 204

Alden, Capt. Bradford R.

I, 319

Alexander, Charles, Jr.

I, 19

Alexander, Brig. Gen. E. Porter, C. S. A.

I, 642; II, 75, 91‑2, 282, 411, 464‑5, 499, 513, 537, 555, III, 3, 90, 109, 111, 115‑16, 119‑21, 128‑9, 132, 140, 322, 439, 464, 501; IV, 99, 122‑3, 130, 133, 448

Alexandria, Va.

described, I, 18‑19; attacked by British, I, 29; Gen. Cocke's arrival, I, 496, 505; occupied by Federals, I, 510‑11; visited by Lee, IV, 403‑6

Alexandria Gazette, The

Alger, Horatio

I, 198

Allen, Capt.

I, 247

Allen, Ethan

I, 355

Allen, Judge John J.

I, 465, 479

Allen, Rev. W. L.

II, 201

Alston, Charles

I, 616

American Revolution

I, 355‑6

Ancient History, by Rollin

I, 356

Anderson, Charles

I, 417‑8, 422, 428, 432 and n., 451

Anderson, Gen. George B., C. S. A.

Anderson, Brig. Gen. G. T., C. S. A.

II, 211‑12, 215, 313, 322, 334, 384, 389, 391, 395, III, 99‑100, 103

Anderson, Gen. Joseph R., C. S. A.

Anderson, Gen. Richard H., C. S. A.

II, 91, 134, 180, 182, 186, 246, 248, 273‑4, 281, 283‑4, 288, 306, 328, 332‑4, 362‑3, 382‑3, 386‑7, 389, 391, 393, 400‑401, 414, 448, 511‑14, 516‑18, 523, 525‑6, 535, 537, 539‑41, 544‑8, 551‑4, 556, III, 3, 8‑10, 12, 14‑15, 36, 42, 65‑7, 80‑1, 93, 96, 100‑101, 114, 131, 143, 151, 181, 183, 190, 201‑2, 269‑70, 272, 279, 281‑2, 285, 289‑91, 300‑301, 303, 306‑7, 311, 313, 322, 324, 330, 338, 343‑4, 346‑7, 369, 372, 375‑80, 386, 389, 394, 402, 410, 412‑15, 418‑20, 424, 431, 4334, 437, 465, 479‑80, 482, 494, 500‑502, 510; IV, 16, 25‑6, 29‑31, 33‑5, 37‑8, 41, 43, 48, 53, 62‑3, 69‑72, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90‑3, 111‑12, 156, 174; handling of his division on July 2, 1863, III, 554‑5

Anderson, Col. Robert

I, 248, 419

Anderson, Gen. S. R., C. S. A.

I, 562, 564‑8, 571; II, 36

Antietam Creek

Anton Lizardo, anchorage

I, 223‑4


I, 343, 425, 447, 541, 593; II, 76‑7, 78, 89, 109, 415; bridges, IV, 61‑5, 70, 88, 96‑101; Courthouse, IV, 113, 119, 134‑48, 157‑8, 163, 237, 350, 401, 445, 462, 493, 504; River, III, 36, 236, 247, 421‑2, 424, 448, 454, 457, 467, 472, 505, 515; IV, 5, 22, 24, 26, 30, 33, 37, 42, 47, 50, 52‑4, 56‑7, 59‑65, 79, 82‑4, 87‑8, 93‑4, 96‑102, 107, 111, 120, 129‑30, 134, 149‑50, 338, 462; Station, IV, 107‑9, 140; exchange of notes, April 9, 1865, IV, 513‑15; surrender of Lee, IV, 134‑48

Aquia Creek

I, 481, II, 31, 343‑4, 430, 436

Archer, Brig. Gen. J. J., C. S. A.

II, 148, 191, 325, 401, 461, 467, 539; III, 69, 112, 124, 516

Archer, Dr. Robert

I, 81, 119

Architecture, by London

I, 356

Architecture, by Ranlett

I, 356


II, 518

Argus, The (St. Louis)

I, 154

Arlington, Custis estate

under G. W. P. Custis, I, 130‑1; after his death, I, 379‑94; threatened by war, I, 445‑6; occupied, I, 511, 619‑20; confiscated for taxes, III, 213‑14; IV, 207, 386, 505; war-time destruction, III, 226; IV, 256; slaves, IV, 351, 361, 385, 404; Washington relics confiscated, IV, 382‑5; Lee attempts to recover property, IV, 382‑90; IV, 242, 256, 351, 474, 501

Armies, Confederate
(strength, condition, etc.)

I, 521‑2, 539, 552, 557, 559, 561, 577, 579, 586, 588, 595, 606, 609, 611‑13, 617, 621‑2, 626; II, 2, 8‑12, 19, 23, 25‑9, 32, 36, 43, 61, 64, 83, 116‑7, 135, 154, 192, 212, 215, 240, 265, 344, 372‑3, 378, 381, 410‑20, 477; III, 5, 8‑17, 23, 117‑18, 193, 203, 246‑58, 275, 280, 397, 428, 440, 493, 495‑8, 544‑5; IV, 6‑8, 22‑40, 42‑3, 58, 91, 93, 118‑19, 130, 150, 419

Armies, Federal [Armies, Union]
(strength, condition, etc.)

Armies of Virginia, Federal

arms, I, 495‑500, 509, 522; II, 17; conscription, II, 25‑9; mobilization, II, 492‑3, 524; organization, I, 486‑509, 523‑4; transferred to Confederacy, I, 521, 527; transport, I, 500; volunteers, I, 490‑5, 509. See also under Lee, R. E.

Armistead, Gen. L. A., C. S. A.

Armistead, Mrs. L. A.

I, 362

Army, U. S.

strength before Mexico City, II, 251

Army of Northern Virginia, Confederate
(strength, condition, etc.)

I, 300, 334, 341, 352, 639; II, 77‑9, 94, 103, 105‑37, 224‑6, 230‑50, 256, 265, 267‑8, 289, 298, 300‑301, 319, 344, 354‑5, 372‑3, 381, 383‑6, 389, 391, 398, 402, 406, 408, 410‑20, 422‑3, 430, 436‑7, 440‑2, 452, 468, 471‑3, 476, 483, 499‑500, 502, 506, 517, 523, 525, 538, 545‑6, 560; III, 8‑17, 35, 80‑1, 117‑18, 163, 188, 240, 246‑58, 268, 270‑3, 294, 297, 314, 324, 326, 332, 344, 356‑7, 359, 368, 384‑5, 406, 408‑12, 422, 437, 443‑4, 446, 459, 493, 496‑9, 515‑18, 520; IV, 85, 118‑19, 130, 141, 153, 155‑6, 185

Army of the Potomac, Federal
(strength, condition, etc.)

I, 298; II, 4, 11, 13, 19‑20, 225‑6, 230‑7, 242, 265, 267, 273, 314, 324, 343, 345, 381‑2, 423, 432, 436‑7, 467, 471‑3, 477, 484, 502, 506, 510, 523; III, 3, 36, 240, 265, 267, 272‑3, 280, 297, 324, 371, 396‑8, 419‑20, 423, 428, 438‑9, 443‑4, 446, 519, 523; IV, 13, 78, 195

Army of the Valley, Confederate

II, 10‑11, 83, 102, 240, 247‑8; III, 12

Arrowsmith, Atlas

I, 73

Artillery School, Fort Monroe

I, 123‑4

Ashby, Brig. Gen. Turner, C. S. A.

II, 40; III, 225


I, 242‑4

Atkinson, Navigation

I, 72‑3

Atkinson, Col. E. N., C. S. A.

II, 467‑8

Atlantic coast (southeast)

described, I, 607

Atlas, Mitchell's

I, 357

Atlas and Text, by Kausler

I, 356

Atlas of New York

I, 357


I, 460

Atlee's farm

II, 172

Aulick, Capt. John H.

I, 230, 232


Aztec Club

I, 298

Babcock, Maj. Samuel

I, 94, 96, 100

Bacon, Nathaniel

I, 168

Baldwin, Lieut. Col. Briscoe G., C. S. A.

I, 642; IV, 155

Ball, Armistead

I, 483

Ball's Bluff

II, 1

Baltimore, Lord

I, 105

Baltimore, Port of

Baltimore, Federal Republican, The

I, 14

Bancroft, George

I, 358

Banks, Maj. Gen. N. P., U. S. A.

Barbour, James

I, 41‑2, 61

Barksdale, Gen. William, C. S. A.

II, 212, 215, 392, 443‑4, 447‑8, 552, 554, 556; III, 99‑100, 103, 445

Barnard, Gen. John G.

I, 293, 351

Barnes, James

I, 61, 75, 82, 84, 119

Bartlett, Capt. J. L., C. S. A.

II, 331

Bartlett, Lt. William H. C., C. S. A.

I, 54, 77, 127, 319

Barry, Lt. William

I, 220

Baylor, Col. Robert W.

I, 398

Beaumont, Dr. William

I, 149

Beauregard, Fort

I, 608‑10

Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., C. S. A.

I, 226, 229, 247, 259, 274, 276, 279, 286, 293, 299, 435, 518‑19, 531‑2, 535‑7, 539‑40, 542, 559, 617, 629; II, 30, 41, 65, 504, 560; III, 29, 48‑50, 52, 139, 139, 165, 206, 214, 260, 265, 266, 275, 308, 320, 333, 335, 337, 339, 351, 358‑9, 364, 368‑9, 371‑2, 381, 385, 390, 396‑9, 406, 408‑23, 425, 437‑9, 441‑6, 449, 454, 459, 466‑7, 469, 485‑7, 493, 497, 518‑19, 522; IV, 1‑2, 4‑5, 202, 235, 337, 516‑17; call for reinforcements, June 16, 1864, III, 557‑9

Beaver Dam Creek

Beaver Dam Station

Becky Run

I, 566‑7

Bell, John

I, 413

Bellona Arsenal

I, 112

Bemiss, Dr. S. M.

II, 502

Benjamin, Judah P., Sec'y of War

I, 593, 606; II, 4‑5, 28; IV, 180

Bennett family

I, 166

Benning, Brig. Gen. Henry L.

II, 257; III, 99, 305, 501; IV, 52, 57

Bérard, Claudius

I, 59

Berkeley, Sir William

I, 168


I, 534‑5

Big Bethel, battle

I, 527‑8


I, 357

Blackstone, Sir William

I, 163

Blaine, James G.

I, 469

Blair, Lt.

I, 247

Blair, Francis Preston, Sr.

Blair, Montgomery

Bland family

I, 166

Bland, Mary

Bland, Col. Richard

I, 161

Bland, Theodoric

I, 2

Blessington, Countess of

I, 137

Bliss, Lt. Horace

Bloody Lane, Sharpsburg

II, 384, 393

Boatswain's Swamp

Boggs, William R.

I, 329

Bonham, Gen, M. L., C. S. A.

I, 513‑14; II, 90

Bonnyearth, Algebra

I, 73

Books, Lee's military

I, 357‑8


Boswell, Capt. J. K., C. S. A.

II, 519‑20

Boteler, Col. A. R., C. S. A.

Bottom's Bridge

II, 164, 168

Bounty and Furlough Act

II, 26‑8

Boyce, Capt. Robert, C. S. A.

II, 332, 393

Boylan, William

I, 61, 64

Bracebridge Hall, by Irving

I, 357

Braddock, Gen. Edward

I, 21; IV, 202

Bradford, Capt. James A. J.

I, 369

Bragg, Gen. Braxton, C. S. A.

I, 361; II, 502‑3; III, 15, 18, 20, 50, 52, 164‑9, 206, 211, 214, 253, 254, 2459, 261, 270, 333, 371, 398, 401, 408‑10, 497, 499, 501, 518, 520; IV, 1, 4, 183

Branch, Gen. L. O'B., C. S. A.

Brandy Station

I, 449; battle, III, 31‑2, 167, 173, 189, 205

Branham, Caroline

I, 109

Braxton, Carter

I, 26; IV, 199

Braxton, George

I, 26

Braxton, Mary Carter

I, 26

Brazos de Santiago

I, 217, 289

Brazos River

I, 366‑8

Breathed, Major James, C. S. A.

II, 98

Breckinridge,º Maj. Gen. John C., C. S. A. (Sec'y of War)

I, 413; III, 226, 333‑4, 336, 340, 348, 356, 361, 366, 375, 378, 381‑3, 385‑6, 388, 390, 396‑7, 401, 406, 440, 511, 536; IV, 3, 5, 19, 36, 49, 97, 111, 150, 180

Brewerton, Capt. Henry

Bristoe Station

I, 448; II, 309, 320; III, 162‑88, 192, 203‑5, 231‑2, 240, 272

Broadus, J. M.

I, 469

Broadus, John A.

I, 469

Brockenbrough, Col. John M., C. S. A.

II, 333, 341; III, 112

Brooke, Gen. Geo. M.

I, 175

Brooke, Lt. John M.

I, 640

Broun, Capt. Joseph M., C. S. A.

I, 644‑5

Broun, Maj. Thomas L., C. S. A.

I, 644‑5

Brown, Charles B.

I, 355

Brown, Fort

Brown, John

Brown, Mrs. John

I, 402

Brown, Gov. Joseph E.

I, 607, 611, 624, 626, 630; II, 30

Brown, writer on architecture

I, 356


I, 406


I, 613, 624

"Bryan," (Bernard Lynch), Lee's mess steward

II, 486; III, 348, 527; IV, 459

Bryant, Lt. William

I, 77

Buchanan, President James

I, 370, 395‑7, 402, 416‑7, 422, 431, 502, 580; IV, 253, 360

Buchanan, Rhett

I, 293

Buckingham, Catharinus L.

I, 60, 64, 75, 80

Buena Vista

Buford, Napoleon B.

I, 54

Buist, Dr.

I, 566

Bull Run

I, 542; II, 45, 330, 333, 335‑40, 347; IV, 134

Bull Run Mountains

Bunker Hill, Va.

I, 531; II, 422

Burbank, Sidney

I, 82, 84

Burgoyne, Gen. John

I, 162

Burks, Col. Jesse S., C. S. A.

I, 562, 564

Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., U. S. A.

Burr, Aaron

I, 10‑11

Butler, Gen. William O.

Butler, Maj. Gen. Benjamin F., U. S. A.

I, 527; III, 211, 262, 275, 308, 333, 335, 368‑9, 371‑2, 381, 390, 396‑7, 400, 407‑10, 412‑14, 416, 442‑3, 480; IV, 313, 448

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Page updated: 20 Sep 21
